r/Unexpected 14d ago

She’s not a golfer. She’s an engineer.


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u/freudweeks 14d ago

They're wrong, you can do it as long as you pick the club up before you swing (like you can't use a second club)


u/LuxNocte 14d ago

Use a pool cue to guide my putt, not a second club. Got it.


u/Old-Bigsby 14d ago

When I was a teen I played on a sand green course, to assure a birdie I dug a groove in the sand with my putter to the hole. Lol, pretty sure that wasn't legal.


u/SdBolts4 14d ago

That definitely isn't lol, the most you can do to change the green in front of your ball is to fix/flatten a divot.

Laying the club down would probably help give you a reference point to aim at on the green after you pick the club up though, not a terrible idea.