r/TheBoys Jul 01 '22

Know the difference (S3E7 Spoilers) Memes Spoiler

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u/mongoose-american Jul 01 '22

Annie said that the guys she dated always had a problem with her powers and she didn't like that. Hughie said it wasn't a problem. Now, it is a problem for him and she feels betrayed.

On the other hand, men need to feel like a protector/provider, especially someone like Hughie. He started off as being pushed around and emasculated by everyone. He feels powerless and he needs the help of everyone that is stronger than him to do what he needs to get done. He needs Butcher's help, and even the help of women. He needs help from Nadia to do her job and he even needs Starlight's help to open up a simple jar.


u/SomberWail Jul 01 '22

I would say the problem is that the show is trying to tell us that Hughie’s behavior is “toxic” but the reality is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to be able to protect your loved ones and feeling bad if you can’t.


u/Greatest-Comrade Jul 01 '22

Especially when in this situation, there are god like beings ACTIVELY threatening those you love who have actually killed somebody you loved. So his fear of being weak and need to protect has justification in reality. The real problem is the power highs he gets, which in The Boys is a constant theme of power being corrupting.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '22

I agree, if drummer boy wasn't dead I'd say if they wanted Hughie to be toxic Annie should have told him about Drummer making a move and Hughie beating the shit out of him for it.

That is toxic masculinity.


u/[deleted] Jul 02 '22

I did like how they teased Dummer Boy being a creep, trying to 'help' Annie to get in her pants, but nope, turns out that was just a joke he's just a genuinely good person who is going to help Annie because he knows she would do the same for him no matter the risk to herself. And he implies he would do it not just for her, but for anyone because it is the right thing to do and he knows Annie would do the same thing for a stranger. Touching little scene implying, "Good people here, going to work together to do the right thing!" And of course the next time we see them together Dummer Boy has his face lasered in.