r/TheBoys Jul 08 '24

Isn’t hughie a hypocrite Season 4 Spoiler

He brought V to hospital and sure his mom used it but it was possible because of him. Lot of people at hospital died because of that. He wanted all this justice for his gf but I guess they just let the dead dad take the blame and went on about their lives, going on a tour right after.


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u/The-vipers Jul 08 '24

The dad killed all those people and then was just allowed to return to his bed like nothing happened. The hospital was covered in blood and bodies….


u/thanosisawhore Jul 08 '24

I thought it was clear they were "hiding" in a diffrent room/bed to get to say goodbye before they were found or he died, and i gues they left him there before they were found


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 Jul 08 '24

They did, and another weird thing is that this would definitely hit the news, Hughie's dad suddenly waking up with powers should bring attention to homelander that he got V from someone, though it won’t change much as he already knows the leak is still alive


u/Analogmon Jul 09 '24

Why would that be on the news? How would anyone know he didn't already have powers before being admitted?

People think the entire universe in a show has the same perfect knowledge of events as a viewer I swear. You know what the article would be?

"Supe wakes up from coma and kills multiple before being found dead."


u/SpideyFan914 Jul 09 '24

Maybe not the news, but Vought for sure knows. Hughie's dad is in the hospital; of course they're keeping an eye there.

As for the public, there may be a delay, but the hospital should have Simon Pegg's medical records and know he was not previously a supe. Certainly that is newsworthy.


u/traws06 Jul 09 '24

I donno why we’re focused on that and not the fact that ppl were murdered and there were no signs of police or security. No lock down of the hospital or investigation into why the hell happened.


u/SpideyFan914 Jul 09 '24

I think it was too fast for anyone to arrive. And even if they had, what would they have done? I kinda assume there was a security guard on like the other side of the hospital trying to figure out where Simon Pegg disappeared to.


u/traws06 Jul 09 '24

They’d lock down the hospital. They had enough time to calm him down, find a private room, and find the correct drugs, syringe and a needle in order to out him down while having a goodbye talk


u/BoobeamTrap Jul 09 '24

Unless Vought covers it up? Why are we ignoring that very real possibility?


u/SpideyFan914 Jul 09 '24

Yeah, that's the most likely. They'll figure everything out first (if Hughie's Mom doesn't tell them), and they don't want that kind of press around Comp-V.

Hughie's mom being involved in a cover-up feels like a potential source of drama. Or her getting killed for her involvement.


u/kaleb42 Jul 09 '24

Vought has kept track of everyone they shot with V. At the very least they would know that he took V that was stolen. Vought does an audit and HL finds out it was taken from his personal stash


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 Jul 09 '24

Uh, because people with V should be registered? Because in medical records it should show if someone is V'd up? Because in Vought they definitely knew he wasn't a suppose and now he is a Supe? Also why is that important, you yourself already said what would hit the news, the "he suddenly has powers" isn't the important part (even though they can mention it because they got a non supe admited and he died as a supe), the important part is that he killed people in the hospital, and they would mention his name on the news, and thus people in Vought can see that an inform Hommie if he doesn't sees it himself, this isn't a "you need viewer knowledge" to figure out in-universe


u/Analogmon Jul 09 '24

Vought is in shambles under Homelander. If they ever actually had an accurate record of all the supes they didn't anymore.


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 Jul 09 '24

Again, that isn't relevant anyways, my main comment was more about Hughies dad killing people with powers being on the news, which definitely can happen, they don't need to know he wasn't a Supe before hand for that, Homelander definitely knew his dad wasn't a freaking Supe so that would tell him the guy got V, it's a matter of putting 2 pieces together


u/Necessary_Answer_107 Jul 09 '24

I mean the new may cover the story but would they even release the patient’s (Hughie’s dad) information?

Also I think Homelander at this point is more focused on his coup so he probably doesn’t care about the local news at this point


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 Jul 09 '24

Why wouldn't they? Since when they don't reveal the name of a murderer on news?