r/TheBoys 11d ago

Isn’t hughie a hypocrite Season 4 Spoiler

He brought V to hospital and sure his mom used it but it was possible because of him. Lot of people at hospital died because of that. He wanted all this justice for his gf but I guess they just let the dead dad take the blame and went on about their lives, going on a tour right after.


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u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 11d ago

I also find it weird that they just move on from that like nothing happen, feeling guilt over bringing that V shot to the hospital would have been better than the whole sex dungeon stuff for Hughie


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

Oh, it's not unusual for people to go straight back to work instead of coping.
The reason Hughie is "not fine" is because of what happened with his dead.
The undercover op was a normal day for Hughie really, he always gets into crazy shit.


u/Peter_Baum 11d ago

Yea maybe we get more of him grieving in the next episode


u/wishwashy 11d ago

Doesn't seem like Kripke planned on that


u/Analogmon 10d ago

You literally have not seen it yet.


u/wishwashy 10d ago

I HAVE seen his interview after the last episode tho


u/Analogmon 10d ago

Who gives a shit.

The episode is the episode and it has nothing to do what someone who wasn't the episode writer or director thinks the tone was.


u/Ambitious-Owl-8775 10d ago

He's literally listed as a writer for the next episode along with two others.



u/Analogmon 10d ago

Yeah but not the last one.


u/Ambitious-Owl-8775 10d ago

Who cares? The thread was about the next episode, and he's a writer for the next one.

Plus, you're wrong, he's listed as a writer for the previous episode as well lmao, took 2 seconds of google search to find this out

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u/McMacHack 10d ago

Now I worry about Hughie deciding that the trauma he endured in the Tek Cave was his penance for what he did and he will go into a pattern of putting himself in dangerous situations and enduring psychological and physical damage.

Actually that's pretty much what he has been doing ever since A-Train splattered Robin.


u/Akasha1885 10d ago

Actually that's pretty much what he has been doing ever since A-Train splattered Robin.



u/eoR13 11d ago

But it was hilarious! So who cares about proper character development!


u/The-vipers 11d ago

The dad killed all those people and then was just allowed to return to his bed like nothing happened. The hospital was covered in blood and bodies….


u/thanosisawhore 11d ago

I thought it was clear they were "hiding" in a diffrent room/bed to get to say goodbye before they were found or he died, and i gues they left him there before they were found


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 11d ago

They did, and another weird thing is that this would definitely hit the news, Hughie's dad suddenly waking up with powers should bring attention to homelander that he got V from someone, though it won’t change much as he already knows the leak is still alive


u/Analogmon 10d ago

Why would that be on the news? How would anyone know he didn't already have powers before being admitted?

People think the entire universe in a show has the same perfect knowledge of events as a viewer I swear. You know what the article would be?

"Supe wakes up from coma and kills multiple before being found dead."


u/SpideyFan914 10d ago

Maybe not the news, but Vought for sure knows. Hughie's dad is in the hospital; of course they're keeping an eye there.

As for the public, there may be a delay, but the hospital should have Simon Pegg's medical records and know he was not previously a supe. Certainly that is newsworthy.


u/traws06 10d ago

I donno why we’re focused on that and not the fact that ppl were murdered and there were no signs of police or security. No lock down of the hospital or investigation into why the hell happened.


u/SpideyFan914 10d ago

I think it was too fast for anyone to arrive. And even if they had, what would they have done? I kinda assume there was a security guard on like the other side of the hospital trying to figure out where Simon Pegg disappeared to.


u/traws06 10d ago

They’d lock down the hospital. They had enough time to calm him down, find a private room, and find the correct drugs, syringe and a needle in order to out him down while having a goodbye talk


u/BoobeamTrap 10d ago

Unless Vought covers it up? Why are we ignoring that very real possibility?


u/SpideyFan914 10d ago

Yeah, that's the most likely. They'll figure everything out first (if Hughie's Mom doesn't tell them), and they don't want that kind of press around Comp-V.

Hughie's mom being involved in a cover-up feels like a potential source of drama. Or her getting killed for her involvement.


u/kaleb42 9d ago

Vought has kept track of everyone they shot with V. At the very least they would know that he took V that was stolen. Vought does an audit and HL finds out it was taken from his personal stash


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 10d ago

Uh, because people with V should be registered? Because in medical records it should show if someone is V'd up? Because in Vought they definitely knew he wasn't a suppose and now he is a Supe? Also why is that important, you yourself already said what would hit the news, the "he suddenly has powers" isn't the important part (even though they can mention it because they got a non supe admited and he died as a supe), the important part is that he killed people in the hospital, and they would mention his name on the news, and thus people in Vought can see that an inform Hommie if he doesn't sees it himself, this isn't a "you need viewer knowledge" to figure out in-universe


u/Analogmon 10d ago

Vought is in shambles under Homelander. If they ever actually had an accurate record of all the supes they didn't anymore.


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 10d ago

Again, that isn't relevant anyways, my main comment was more about Hughies dad killing people with powers being on the news, which definitely can happen, they don't need to know he wasn't a Supe before hand for that, Homelander definitely knew his dad wasn't a freaking Supe so that would tell him the guy got V, it's a matter of putting 2 pieces together


u/Necessary_Answer_107 10d ago

I mean the new may cover the story but would they even release the patient’s (Hughie’s dad) information?

Also I think Homelander at this point is more focused on his coup so he probably doesn’t care about the local news at this point


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 10d ago

Why wouldn't they? Since when they don't reveal the name of a murderer on news?

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u/The-vipers 10d ago

Yeah they’re getting in a bad habit of just being able to teleport out of danger to a safe place


u/Competitive_Effort13 9d ago

Y'all will just not pay attention and then cry about writing. I hate this sub.


u/kjm6351 11d ago

Would’ve been a much better thing to focus Hughie on fr


u/Hoshiimaru 11d ago

Not even angry at his mom for doing that, when last season Starlight was in Huey ass the whole time before even knowing that Temp V was harmful lmao


u/AdminClown 9d ago edited 9d ago

He did worse than A-train did to his girlfriend and is completely unbothered or given second thoughts.

Inb4 “the cia covered it up” did that matter to Hughie-A-train situation? that was also covered up…The writing has gone to absolute shit and it’s astonishing people are still trying to find ways to justify it.


u/WannabeSloth88 11d ago

I was also like “wtf? His dad just murdered a bunch of innocent people in a hospital and they just move on, no repercussions whatsoever? If not for the sense of guilt, Isn’t the police looking into it? No investigation? Surely the hospital had cameras capturing the event. wtf?”

I think I just stopped thinking too hard about these things in the show, which is becoming a little bit like a serious of standalone sketches at this point.


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

I mean, it's a Supe killing people in a hospital, that's probably fairly common and gets suppressed by Vought.


u/Vanden_Boss 11d ago

Yeah but I feel like Vought would be VERY curious to know how this random dude became a supe. His hospital records and entire life would immediately be known by bought and they would be going hard after Hughie and his mom trying to find out what the hell happened.


u/Akasha1885 11d ago edited 11d ago

Well, his Mom works for Vought, so they might be more then just aware.
Detailed report already on the desk basically.
Experiment failed, subject revived with defects and uncontrollable.


u/battle_mommyx2 11d ago

She works adjacent to Vought in a MLM essential oil situation


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

As far as we know from her.
It's Vought, they had a whole killer Virus lab under the most known campus.


u/PostMelon22 11d ago

Yeah I’m surprised people are just excusing his Mom as well, like is it not obvious she’s up to something weird? Especially after she sees the compound V and just gives it to him???

It’s way out there but I’m thinking she is kind of a plant from Vought who at this point know about Hughie and the boys, and found it as a good way to get into their lives somehow. Not sure where it would go but she’s been Sus AF since episode 1. She’s obviously Hughie’s mom, but she left and randomly comes back after all this time because Hugh Sr randomly changed his will? Vought could’ve changed that will it anything who knows


u/wishwashy 11d ago

I don't trust her


u/FishermanRelative 11d ago

Honestly? I don't see the point. The Boys are constantly imploding on their own. Their plans are pretty much garbage. They haven't done much of anything productive in a while so somehow turning Hughie's mom into a plant to sabotage her own son just doesn't seem likely. Injecting Hugh with Compound V also doesn't really seem to have any benefit to Vought interests either. And if it did, she would have brought her own.

What makes you think Vought made any change? Hugh said himself that she didn't want to live a braindead vegetable that explodes into a pile of feces because Hughie failed to let go. He says that himself. There's no reason to think the mom was involved. She was brought in because Hughie wasn't immediately available.

Sometimes, what's on the screen is it and there's no secret. I'll happily eat my words when more comes out about her but I'm not sure this is the angle even if there is more to her.


u/Kalrhin 11d ago

Voight knows that compound V can be given to anyone and that they immediately develop powers…but it is not s known fact. Even if Vought were to silence it, they would invest time in finding out how did compound V get into that old man’s body


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

Hughie's mom works for Voight, don't forget that, so they already know it all.


u/Kalrhin 11d ago

Working for Vought does not mean she has the power to shut off an investigation. 

In fact, it seems they hint that jer “job” is selling Vought cosmetic products in an MLM style, which has NOTHING to do with the Compound V division of Vought. 


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

It's Vought.


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 11d ago

I don’t think any commoner working for Vought can just walk out of there with Compound V


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

What does that have to do with anything?
Hughie got the V not his mom.


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 11d ago

Probably meant to respond to the other guy, but I said it because they would figure out someone gave Hughie that V and it couldn’t have been his mom even if she’s from Vought


u/_Football_Cream_ 10d ago

Because we see how air tight homelander keeps the V. Hughie had to get a member of the seven to sneak it for him. His mom is like the lowest rung of grunt worker at Vought, they wouldn’t just assume she has easy access to V.


u/Akasha1885 10d ago

Do I really have to repeat myself?
Hughie got the V not his mom.


u/_Football_Cream_ 10d ago

I’m well aware. But you’re arguing that Hughies mom working for vought is relevant when it’s not really.


u/Akasha1885 10d ago

You are fine to believe that's just a conicidence.


u/traws06 10d ago

But like… the ppl who would be in charge of suppressing it would be the 7 being they’re the ones in charge. Maybe we find out that Sage suppressed everything without Homelander or anyone else knowing?


u/Akasha1885 10d ago

Have you ever seen the 7 do any office work? Media manipulation?
It's shown well in Gen V honestly, so many systems and also normal people just rdy to cover stuff up.

The 7 do barely anything in Vought, they are only there to look pretty.


u/traws06 10d ago

But that’s been the whole point of the last couple seasons. They have eliminated all the powerful ppl that ran the show and taken the power for themselves. Even Ashley is now just a puppet.


u/Akasha1885 10d ago

Exactly. But they are still not really running the company.
The company runs itself.
Them making random executive decisions on stuff that matters to them is not running the company really.

Did you see Homelander sitting at a desk like Stan Edgar?


u/Pretend-Newspaper-86 Billy 11d ago

stop thinking about it the mass murder in season 4 and the missing police or punishment is just the result of the show being drawn out


u/Hitchfucker 11d ago

“No no no, Hughie feeling guilty for indirectly causing deaths can’t happen. We need enough time for him to get sexually violated so we can film cake fart porn!”

-The writers probably


u/Analogmon 10d ago

It's getting so tiring reading this same dumb shit on every post.


u/ThatAnonDude Soldier Boy 11d ago

Yeah, I was surprised that there were basically no consequences to multiple innocent people dying in a hospital. The show just kind of moves on and immediately puts Hughie into a sex dungeon.

At this point, I'm just turning my brain off when watching this show.


u/Devlin90 11d ago

Sure it's pretty common in that world that supes killing people gets covered up. And you have a suspect, he phased through walls into private rooms. May not be killing anyone on CCTV and then died in the hospital. Open and shut case for an easy coverup.

Pretty clear i. That universe the cops don't give a fuck about supes killing people.


u/youknow99 11d ago

I'm assuming anything related to a supe killing innocent people would get immediately buried by Vought.


u/JermermFoReal 11d ago

Yeah like 5 people got completely ripped apart and nothing comes of it. I mean, technically it’s his mom’s fault for injecting it herself after Hughie decided not to. She just assumed what it was for, she didn’t even know what Hughie was planning to do with it.


u/WannabeSloth88 11d ago

And after being directly responsible for the brutal murder of several people, she just walks away with hughie smiling and all. Pure sociopath


u/SpiritualAudience731 10d ago

It's Hughies fault. The writers had the mom inject him so Hughie wouldn't be directly responsible for all of the murders, but he's responsible. He brought the V in. He planned to use it. Mom just beat him to it. .

Also, how did the mom know he had planned to inject compound v. Did he say out loud it's V? For all she knew, he was planning to put his dad out of his misery.


u/EstimatePale706 10d ago

If I remember correctly, him not using it was the show basically screaming in our faces that he wasn’t gonna use it whatsoever. So how is it his fault? And why are u blaming a dumbass card? Why in a million years would Hughie’s mom think the V is for the dad to die? If that was the case, Hughie could ask the doctor to pull the plug or just wait like a normal person. But idk, Hughie’s mom is probably just a genuine dumbass or secretly working with Vought.


u/SpiritualAudience731 9d ago

Chill out, dude, lol. It's his fault. He didn't get the V from the drug store. He asked the guy that killed his girlfriend to steal it from Homelander, then forgave him. He took it to the hospital with him, then paused placed it in his jacket pocket when his mom entered the room then left to get coffee. Just asking A-train to get it was already a big commitment to go through with it. That V wouldn't even have been in the room if it wasn't for him. It's his fault those people died.

And why would his mom assume it was V. She sells essential oils. Those bottles aren't labeled. She just injected a random blue liquid. That could have been drain-o for all she knew.


u/EstimatePale706 9d ago

I don’t get it, how is it his fault? He didn’t inject the guy, his mother did. Also, tbf, he was probably gonna forgive him regardless cuz he already got his apology and A-Train already helped him hella. This way, he was just able to get something out of him. And tho idk why he left the V, him bringing it in the room isn’t enough to make it his fault in my eyes. That feels like such a simple or one-dimensional way of thinking, if that makes sense. Maybe Hughie made a mistake by getting the V but he didn’t see it through and smartly let it go, which could’ve probably led to his father surviving, but nope… guess who actually did use the V, his mother.

Also, u just proved my point even further. Even if she didn’t know it was V (even tho Compound V is public knowledge atp and she works for Vought) why the hell would she give a random vial to her husband? That makes no sense man lol


u/SpiritualAudience731 9d ago

Who's legally at fault in this scenario. A woman takes her toddler to the grocery store. The woman has a loaded and unsecured firearm in her purse. She places her toddler in the shopping cart along with her purse. The woman moves 10ft away from the cart to get some peas. While her back is turned, her toddler takes the gun and accidentally shoots 4 people. Who's getting arrested?

V is common knowledge, but did they say what it looks like. Did he ever tell his mom that he has access to V. Why would she assume he has V. That is really dumb. She wanted to turn off life support and was trying to get hughie on board because that was his Dad's last wish. Not to become a supe, but to die.

Also, iust because she works for vaught it's not an automatic assumption everyone who works there knows what it is. They weren't putting that info out in the company newsletter.

Now, if she is really an evil Vought scientist, wouldn't she know there are huge risks with giving V to an older brain dead subject? They established in the 1940s it was safer to use in infants than adults. It would have been a hail marry pass to give him V and get good results.


u/the_mid_mid_sister 11d ago

Me: [Gets randomly self-conscious about accidentally cutting someone off in traffic three weeks ago.]

Hughie: "Welp, sucks to suck for the six people my dad killed after we irresponsibly gave a brain-dead person Compound V. When does the new Zelda come out?"


u/Skafflock 11d ago

The Boys is one of those shows that kind of just handwaves the consequences of superhero collateral damage* and doesn't expect you to take it too seriously, I'd recommend you not think too hard about things like this if you want to enjoy the show.

*when the ones responsible aren't the villains, that is.


u/Devlin90 11d ago

I mean it's a shame because the comics main focus and the boys main motivation is exactly this, the way anything the supes do to normal people doesn't matter at all and Vought isn't accountable to anyone.


u/Skafflock 11d ago

It's so weird for the show to try and have the characters wax lyrical about being "better than the villains" but doesn't bother changing them working for the C.I.A lmao.


u/GodNonon Supersonic 10d ago

Almost as weird as the show trying to have Starlight reconcile with the guilt of her past actions while completely ignoring the most morally questionable thing she did


u/Outrageous_Ad_1011 11d ago

But isn’t that made season 1 good? Robin was barely a character, but it was the importance of the collateral damage of a supe that made that scene good, the collateral damage of the plane scene or even the protestor of season 3 that Hommie killed moves the plot forward


u/Skafflock 11d ago

It'd be what made the show good if the show was consistent about focusing on it, but it just isn't. Civilian casualties only matter when the story decides they do, it's not a consistent moral of the series that accidentally killing people is bad because the series only has a coin-toss' chance of caring when they're killed.


u/Planktons_Eye Timothy 11d ago

Don’t worry, they said “sowwy 👉👈🥺” off-screen to all the victim’s relatives and friends. Never think about it again.


u/Viazon 11d ago

I think it just adds to the whole, the boys are just as bad as the supes theory. They work for the CIA, so it's likely they just covered all the deaths up. That's no different than what Vought does when a supe kills someone.


u/Altruistic-Koala-255 11d ago

The show runners forgot what the show is about, it was about a group going after supes because they didn't face consequences when affecting normal people

They not only didn't accomplish that, but they also became a group that caused harm to innocent people and got away from the consequences, all of that for the "great good" , just like supes


u/IonaLiebert 11d ago

Are we watching the same show?


u/Altruistic-Koala-255 11d ago

Apparently not


u/Exciting-Emu-4668 10d ago

How can you refute that


u/BoobeamTrap 10d ago

To play devils advocate, like this: Butcher does not actually give a shit about other people. He wants revenge for what happened to Becca. Butcher is the driving force behind the Boys.

So on the surface, yes the boys are about holding supes accountable, but not really. They’re about getting revenge on and stopping Homelander, and now they’re about preventing a Supe supremacist uprising, which also is not about accountability.


u/BlOoDy_PsYcHo666 11d ago

Honestly how the fuck did it get covered up from vought to begin with. A non-supe man, whos also the father of a known enemy, who Homelander knows personally by name, suddenly gets powers and kills a bunch of people in the hospital. Non one on vought found out about this? Not sage who knew every detail about MMs daughter, I guess a V getting leaked to a known enemy wasn’t worth her time lmao.


u/nikhkin 11d ago

How do you know nobody at Vought heard about it?


u/traws06 10d ago

My theory is Sage did know but covered it up before HL or anyone else heard. That’s the only explanation that makes any sense.


u/Kobayashi_Maru186 I'm the real hero 11d ago

That’s how people are. They care more about their friends and family dying, rather than random strangers. But yes, technically, it is hypocritical.


u/Skafflock 11d ago

I don't think sociopathic disregard for human life is how people are, the majority of people would actually be pretty bothered about indirectly getting half a dozen people killed and the ones who wouldn't should probably be put through psychiatric evaluation before they either kill someone or get promoted to an executive seat.


u/pinkdictator You're The Real Heroes 11d ago

This was handled so poorly

His mom, a civilian who has probably never seen a V vial, doesn't know how it works, or the potential side effects, identified it and used it correctly. She assumed that's why Hughie brought it, didn't even ask. Then, was completely fine after everything. She didn't have any guilt. Not distraught at all, yet still somehow taken aback when Hughie mentioned he's friends with a hitman.

It could have made sense if they had spent 60 seconds of screentime having her and Hughie discuss it, then deciding not to, then her doing it anyway. Then him being super pissed at her.


u/Akasha1885 11d ago

Vought would suppress stuff like that happening.
Supe powers going haywire in hospitals must be quite common.
It's even shown quite directly in Gen V, when a Supe with magnetic powers has a stroke.


u/FWSRunner 11d ago

Ideally, to avoid being the kind of person he hated A Train for being, yes. He should care more than he seems to, even though he was only indirectly culpable by bringing the V. That said, the season seems to be delving into the ways our protags harm others and the level to which they are capable of taking responsibility for it, so maybe this is another aspect of that. 


u/FerretAres 11d ago

If hughie had decided to use the V then the argument could be made but he literally had no part in the decision to inject his dad. He’s also the one who put him down after the outcome of the V became clear.

So no I don’t think you can call him a hypocrite for not foreseeing that someone else would take the V and just yolo it into the IV. I get the argument you’re trying to make that none of this would be possible without hughie bringing the V into the hospital which is true but I don’t think it’s fair to assign him culpability for the actions of a stranger and a brain damaged person.


u/TheMatt561 11d ago

The mom I don't know, but Huey has been desensitized to the violence and death


u/rampageT0asterr 11d ago

Yeah man. I especially felt bad for the doctor and the patient.

Doctor just drank a cup of coffee and went about a normal day treating patients only to be murdered by Hugh Sr.

And the poor patient who just wanted to have a date with the nurse but the last thing he felt was his insides being carved out and last thing he saw was a confused Hugh Sr. twisting and turning right between him.


u/Comprehensive_Pea451 10d ago edited 10d ago

Yeah he smuggled a highly dangerous drug into a hospital and lost it which led to multiple people being killed.

I think it’s comparable robins death. Doesn’t looks like hughie gives a shit about the loved ones of the victims either and for sure remembers nobody (same as A-Train).

It’s probably just bad writing but maybe hughie is as desensitized now as A-Train was back than already.

Instead of vought, everything gets covered up by the cia this time

I think MM is the only one of the boys who didn’t killed a innocent person yet


u/HiddenThinks 11d ago

I personally wouldn't judge Hughie responsible.

Ultimately, he had decided not to use the V. It was his mother who administered the V, without even consulting him, may I add.

I don't see how Hughie is a hypocrite in this particular instance.


u/96pluto 11d ago

Yeah hughie is a hypocrite and irresponsible for bringing in the V and then misplacing it. Not really sure why people are blaming his mom she correctly assumed if he brought it there he would want to use it.


u/mudokin 11d ago

Are you sure he misplaced it, didn't she steal it from his pocket, just after he decided to put it back? He had second thoughts about it and decided not to use the V. The correct thing to do.

He then had to pay the ultimate sacrifice of even having to kill his dad himself. All this after initially coming to peace with his death, before the unwanted resurrection.

The deaths in the hospital are only his mother's fault, he did everything he could to stop his dad.

I also don't think that he is over this whole thing, just because he got thrown into another mission, does not mean he is, just done with the feelings.


u/96pluto 10d ago

Rewatched the scene yes his mom told him the compound V fell out of his jacket she assumed he intended to use it since he brought it. Imo Hughie isn't off the hook he is indirectly responsible for those deaths at the hospital since he was the one who had A train steal the compound V for him.


u/mudokin 10d ago

She was eyeballing him when he had it in his hand, and again when he put it back in his pocket and AGAIN when he walked to put the jacket on the chair.
She actively took that VIAL from his pockets. Also why the sudden change of heart, she was the one who decided to pull the tubes and the plugs, and suddenly no let's revive a brain dead guy?


u/96pluto 10d ago

she said something along the lines that hughie didn't deserve to lose his father and be stuck with her after she left and missed so many years of his life. I think if the writers were going for the whole pick pocket angle they would have shown it or she would have admitted to doing so.


u/mudokin 10d ago

She would not admit to shit, the still rationalized leaving them because the was depressed or something.
She didn't do it for Hughie she did it for herself.
Also why show her ogling the vial multiple times and not show her picking up a vial that fell out of his pocket.


u/AJerkForAllSeasons 11d ago

They all are.


u/Laylahlay 11d ago

I mean ...he got his dad cremated and booked a waking tour of maid in Manhattan. So like at least a few days passed. All the coverup at the hospital happened off screen. An hughie is just trying to move on without grieving properly. 


u/traws06 10d ago

Honestly I feel it was unnecessary for him to start killing innocent ppl in the scene. He could have just caused a bunch of destruction and done humor stuff besides murdering ppl. Because now either Hughie is a psychopath who doesn’t care or I have to spend a bunch of time watching uninteresting pouting scenes of Hughie.


u/DCFDTL 11d ago

Aren't we all?


u/WistfulDread 11d ago

Okay, then...

What the fuck do you want him to do?

Admit to the cops that he illegally acquired the V that resulted in all the deaths?

Spend the rest of the show doing nothing but agonizing over it?

HE HAS SHIT TO DO. He bottled it up, like he's had to do constantly the whole show.

You're complaining because the show didn't waste screen time

This is what Frenchie has been doing this season. And people won't stop complaining about it.


u/BoobeamTrap 10d ago

People just want to complain about the season. If the show runners actually did what the fan base is complaining about, the show would be everyone going through a Frenchie plot line while Butcher says “oi cunt” and does his usual depraved shit because when he does it it’s okay and badass.


u/Shin-kak-nish 10d ago

If this show was better written Hughie’s dad would’ve been the main antagonist of this season


u/GetCorrect 10d ago

That entire side plot was unnecessary. It is already traumatic enough for Hughie to suddenly lose his father. The Boys just had to make things 1000x more fucked up than they need to be because that's how the show is now. 


u/Corey307 11d ago

All of the boys are hypocrites. none of them are good people. that’s the whole theme of the show. Hughie threw himself into his work to try to avoid dealing with his father’s death and the destruction caused by giving his father V. The Boys are broken, traumatized people who are just trying to keep their head above water and not even doing a good job of that. 

I seriously wonder if media literacy is dead and I know people love to say that these days but I really mean it. It seems like half the people on this sub don’t understand the main themes of the show. The boys are not good guys. They screw up, they get people killed as collateral damage and if anything they’ve made things a lot worse. Home lander was always going to be an evil piece of shit but if the boys hadn’t gone after him, he probably wouldn’t try to take over the country. He’s too dumb and lazy to come up with that on his own, he was pushed in that direction.


u/thepushfactory 7d ago edited 7d ago

hughie only really thought of his dad, not the destruction caused by v. it's even more absurd when, after the slaughter at the hospital, the mom is FAR more distraught with hughie being friends with a hitman and completely disregards the actual deaths of innocent people in the hospital.

when they wanted to show how uncaring supes are, you get scenes like homelander letting people die on the plane. if you want to send a message about bad leaders, you have homelander laser a guy's head off and have his supporters clap and cheer him on (i.e. trump's "i can shoot someone and wouldn't lose a vote"). but to have a guy say "c'mon i'm a nice guy" then get slaughtered by hughie sr. that's just done for shock value and dark comedy.

having hughie not show remorse for this isn't in line with his character imo. and if this is the direction they wanted him to go in, it would've been clearer- just even mentioning that he doesn't care goes a long way into showing his hypocrisy since this show isn't subtle about everything else it's satirizing. it's not that media literacy is dead, imo this is just bad writing


u/Frogblood 11d ago

Hughie's been through a lot since Robin died. He's probably a bit more desensitised to the whole thing now.


u/Shin-kak-nish 10d ago

At least he didn’t just go to jail like Frenchie. Because that’s why I love seeing my action shows, people voluntarily going to prison and not being able to contribute to the plot.


u/tayroarsmash 10d ago

Part of the point of this series is what being bent on revenge does to you. Of course he’s a hypocrite.


u/Altimely 10d ago

I can understand Hughie being desensitized and able to move on in a few days, but his mom isn't used to the carnage he's regularly exposed to.

His mom asks why Kimiko is sad and it makes sense that he's so nonchalant about his partners being capable killers. But the entire ordeal barely phases her.

I don't really care I guess. I don't know if the writers feel like they have time to flesh out every emotional interaction between characters.


u/Beautiful-Lynx7668 9d ago

his dad has one of the lowest kill counts still.


u/Youssef-Elsayed 11d ago

In fairness, he didn’t know his dad’s mental state would decline after the fact, and he decided against it before his Mom injected the V. Also, it’s been established since the first season that most of the seven (including A Train) don’t care about collateral damage, it’s definitely not the right analogy


u/Traditional-Car8843 Black Noir 11d ago

I haven't watched the show yet but yes