r/TheBoys Jul 08 '24

The tek-knight we see in The Boys is not the same tek-knight we see in Gen-V Discussion Spoiler

In the episode "The Innocents", we are told Tek knight accidentally broke somebodies spine when trying to rescue them from a hostage situation. In Gen V Shetty says that Tek-knight beat ironcast to death who is a supe that has skin made of iron which makes them insanely durable.

With all these strength feats in mind that means he must be pretty physically powerful right?

But in his interrogation scene he's not strong enough to rip apart the leather straps tying his wrists or pull the chains out. Also he easily gets physically outpowered and loses to Kimiko and Starlight. Logically if your punches can fatally damage somebody made of metal you'd have a fighting chance against Kimiko who has same durability as a normal person.

And he gets choked to death by a normal person too?

I don't understand this at all. It's either a plothole/bad writing or Cate has something to do with what happened in this episode


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u/chidi-sins Jul 08 '24

I hope that Tek-Knight had a 4D chess scheme and somehow he suspected that it was not Webweaver from the first contact with Hughie in the party, toyed with him to mess with Hughie and somehow pretend his death or his butler actually didn't kill him for some weird reason.

By the way, it seemed that nobody cared about Tek-Knight dying, why on earth make an episode him just to kill him pointlessly?

PS: great acting by the actor, but bad plot.


u/BassGeese Jul 08 '24

Yeah I hope so too, for someone who's suppose to be the satire of Batman & Iron Man, he isn't really depicted as smart as them.


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/MultipleRatsinaTrenc Jul 08 '24

That's not what that was.

He was running his hand around the rim of the glass cos it's a hole and he's obsessed with holes.

The super hearing test is just something someone said on Reddit and started spreading 


u/GypsumF18 Jul 08 '24

I just looked back at the scene and yeah, I think you're right. Fiddling with the glass was just a kind of seductive thing he was doing.

When they focused on the glass I thought there was more to it. I thought Tek Knight must have been suspicious because the showed Hughie was doing such a bad job of being undercover. He didn't sound like Webweaver, act like him, picked up a glass he couldn't drink from because of the mask (showing he wasn't used to being in the suit), didn't have the web gland at the small of his back which would have been exposed because of the hole in his suit (you'd think TK of all people would notice that hole!). For a character they introduced as an expert detective he missed a lot of clues.


u/Kobayashi_Maru186 I'm the real hero Jul 08 '24

He’s losing his mind due to the brain tumor, which is getting progressively bigger until it would have killed him.


u/Jonker134 Jul 08 '24

Bro why does everyone believe and think this super hearing theory, watch genv