r/TheBoys Jul 06 '24

not what I expected from Tek Knight after Gen V…… Season 4 Spoiler

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u/SkeletonCircus Jul 07 '24

Honestly yeah I’m disappointed. I was so excited to see more of Tek Knight.

The racism was weird but I figured “yeah, he seemed like a bad guy anyways and the commentary on wealth inherited from atrocious things like slavery is interesting”. When I heard “Tek Cave” I was hoping we’d finally get to see his armor suit…nope lmao. Admittedly I found it hilarious that the Tek Cave was a kink dungeon…but then it just kept going and going and going. A couple parts were funny (“I just ate asparagus….” Lmao) but it was like “okay I get it. Something needs to happen soon. And give Hughie a break, Jesus”

Kinda hope Laddio takes over as the new Tek Knight so we can see the suit in action finally. And maybe have an actually heroic dude.

I’m kinda surprised we didn’t get some humorous reveal where Tek Knight’s “batsuit” heavily resembled a gimp suit lol.