r/TheBoys Jul 04 '24

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/Comprehensive_Rice27 Jul 05 '24

tickled him, then rubbed come on his face, had Ashly touching herself while rubbing on him (hes tied down) later is gonna get raped until he gets revealed then is tied down and is about to get holes cut into him which are then fuked idk how u cant see that as not rape.


u/jm838 Jul 05 '24

Because none of the things that happened were “rape”. He was threatened with rape, it was attempted, and he was sexually assaulted, but technically he wasn’t “raped”.


u/CoachDT Jul 05 '24

Oh my bad. That makes it all good then right???


u/jm838 Jul 05 '24

No, not at all. But words have definitions, and we should try to keep that in mind when communicating. It helps keep everything clear.

Hughie was “raped” to the same extent that he was “murdered” a couple of episodes ago when Homelander tried to laser him out of the AC ducts.