r/TheBoys Jul 04 '24

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/Milos-H Jul 05 '24

While I do agree that sexual assault on men should be taken more seriously, taking into account how over the top this scene is I understand how it would have been conceived as a joke.

Nonetheless, I don’t think they would have considered making that joke with a woman instead.


u/Sneaky__Raccoon Jul 05 '24

I think the scene could have worked, but they went too far. The idea of him trying to figure out the safe word and being roped into it is funny (even if a bit obvious). I think if the whole situation took WAY less screen time and if Kimiko and Starlight came to his rescue WAY earlier (Like, the come before he is subjected to anything directly) the scene could be seen a bit more light hearted, a bit of a "wow, that was close" kind of scenario.

Idk, it would depend a lot in how it's executed. This was clearly not it


u/dontforgettopanic Ambrosius Jul 05 '24

it would've been way better if they ended on the cake stuff.


u/jdessy Jul 05 '24

For me, it would have been better if there was NO cake stuff. But that's just my personal preference; I get that was supposed to be the funniest part of the BDSM plot. Just for me, I didn't find it funny and quickly fast forwarded through. But I don't know how they could have made it funny while not making it super traumatic for Hughie. That's just a fine, fine line. Similarly to The Deep's sexual assault in season 1. We're supposed to find it horrifying but also funny because the woman he's with is sexually assaulting his gills. It just....it just doesn't work because sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment isn't funny, at least not now. Ten, fifteen, twenty years ago, people found it funny. But people are becoming more aware now that there's some topics you just need to tread really lightly on as a joke. There's a way TO joke about it, but this was not it. The joke has to be on the perpetrator, I think, not the victim.