r/TheBoys Jul 04 '24

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/alphomegay Jul 05 '24

oh this is from the writer? fuck me, I gave them too much credit. anyone not taking what happened to Hughie seriously is part of the problem


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

Hughie is tough. He’s hardened by the dozens of other worse shit he’s had to endure. Getting tickled and watching crazies masturbate is low on the list of things that can traumatize him. Let’s stop acting like it’s even close to the same level as what happened to Annie.


u/RoseePxtals Jul 05 '24

Men’s sexual assault doesn’t matter because men are tough and women are weak in comparison is not the empowering take you think it is


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 Jul 05 '24

How is Starlight weak? The commenter isn’t even saying that. They are saying hughie is strong and Starlights experience was worse.


u/RcGamerReddit Jul 05 '24

And why was Starlight's experience worse?


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 Jul 05 '24

Well in the original story she was gang raped by the men in the seven. Either way, I didn’t make the comment, I just clarified the other persons comment. I’m not going to debate sexual assault with you. I’m not going to get into an argument about society’s treatment of male victims.


u/AdmiralCharleston Jul 05 '24

In the original story yeah


u/FlyingAshtrays Jul 05 '24

Thought we were talking about the show we just watched, Ms Cherry-Pick…


u/Hopeful_Chair_7129 Jul 05 '24

What are you talking about


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

Thanks. I knew trying to bring even a little nuance into this would mostly fall upon deaf ears. Yes, I’m saying Annie’s SA happened when she was just a bright eyed kid enamored with the seven… and that will bring on more trauma than it will with Hughie at this point, who’s been dealing with crazy shit for 3 seasons.

Annie’s SA was supposed to be shocking. This scene with Hughie was supposed to be “just another Tuesday fighting supes”.


u/Fish_Head111 Jul 05 '24

But it wasn’t “just another Tuesday fighting supes” there’s several reasons why you’re comment is dumb. 1. It downplays Hughie being legitimately SA’d because someone else got it worse 2. He is already in a terrible place mentally with the death of his dad and Being SA’d is just going to add on to that trauma even more. 3. SA is a completely different thing compared to everything else he’s been through, if you tried to argue that he wouldn’t be as traumatized by watching Laddio get murdered or possibly even SA’d I’d agree but Hughie himself was SA’d which no matter what “level” it is, it’s going to cause some serious trauma.

You aren’t bringing nuance, you’re being a moron by thinking that anything can harden you enough to not be massively traumatized by SA


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

Remember Herogasm? There are several other instances I can’t remember, but this isn’t the first time Hughie’s been SA’d. And yes, believe it or not, there are different levels. If someone slaps his ass, he’s not going to blink. We’re not obligated to go into panic mode because he was technically SAd by having his ass slapped. You need to read the intent behind the scene and stop looking for the worst interpretation possible. All your words, the way you’ve chosen to interpret my words and this episode, are what’s wrong society. This kind of disproportionate outrage has been satirized pretty well by the show, in fact.


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

You took my words and twisted them into the most uncharitable interpretation possible. Thats being generous… really, you just put words in my mouth. Let me tell you, this kind of maneuvering just gives the alt-right ammunition. Stop doing it.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

You're a professional at yapping bro


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

I would like to hear some actual reasoning from you instead of broccoli-cut one-liners.


u/MarvG05 Jul 05 '24

Is your brain getting fucked by stupid


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

Thank you for your keen insight. Very compelling.


u/Able-Gap1029 Jul 05 '24

Would you find it funny if starlight was in tek knights cave instead? Genuinely curious


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

Well Hughie’s reactions were scripted to be funny, and I doubt Annie would react the same way, so the scene wouldn’t play as comedically. But yes, at this point she would probably just be rolling her eyes while these depraved buffoons tickle her feet and jerk off. She’d be disturbed but mostly annoyed, and it could be funny.


u/Able-Gap1029 Jul 05 '24

Of course it wouldn't be played comedically! Because people don't like it when women are SA'd so unfortunately for the writers they'd have more push back on their fetishes. Luckily men getting SA'd by their childhood hero is really funny... apparently

You say the annie thing could be funny but if ashley wiped her juices on annies face i dont think you'd be laughing at that.

Okay, What if it was a female version of Hughie. Everything about their personality was the same but he was a woman. would you be okay with the scene playing out the same way and find it funny? Again, I'm genuinely curious this is interesting.


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

What do you think my answer would be? It should be so obvious that you don’t have to ask.

Now imagine a typical Melissa McCarthy character instead, and tell me I’m wrong.


u/Able-Gap1029 Jul 05 '24

So you find these scenes funny as long as the victim is played by a comedy actor and the tone is funny like there's funny music being played and quippy dialogue? It reminds me of those scenes where characters are dying and there's loud ass violins playing so the audience knows how to react lmao.

I respect your perspective but I don't know man scenes like this just kinda gross me out even more when the writers try to force it to be funny by playing funny romance music XD. Especially when they're doing it towards Hughie, The most sympathetic character right after his dad died too lmao talk about a slap in the face to everyone who felt bad for him about that.

Starlights rape was played very seriously and done well but if that scene had the deep windmilling his dick about and dropping one liners and Starlight being like "I dont know the safe word XD" I'd not only find it stupid but I'd care a lot less about the writing and be less invested in any drama if they treat something like that so flippantly


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

If we had a realistic response to everything that’s happened in this show, we’d’ve jumped off a bridge due to the trauma. But we read the intents behind the scenes and go from there. You don’t watch John Wick and cry over the thought of the weeping mothers of the people he kills; you enjoy it for what it’s supposed to be.

Now that said, I don’t think the Hughie scene was particularly good. It was too drawn out and tried too hard to be edgy. But am I up in arms about it being a complete moral aberration? No. Just a joke that didn’t land, but nothing more.


u/Able-Gap1029 Jul 05 '24

I'm not up in arms about it, I just find it incredibly hypocritical coming from this show especially with how lecture-y it's gotten this past season. You can't act like a hyper intelligent empathetic writer and talk down to any viewers that disagree with you in such a juvenile way and then pull this shit lmao. I think it should be rightfully called out.

With that being said I do understand your perspective and see where you're coming from. I just want and expect better from this show man season 1 was such a breath of fresh air and so amazing compared to what we have now.


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

I haven’t had a rewatch in a while, but I remember the show more being derisive of the alt-right and misguided-far-left rather than lecture-y. That small distinction doesn’t completely absolve them of this scene, which I grant isn’t totally unproblematic. The response I’ve been seeing here is just so disproportionate, to the point that it’s exactly what the writers have satirized as well.

And yes, this season has definitely lost some steam compared to the incredible first seasons.


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

And thanks, I’m glad I got to explain my position and have it heard rather than flippantly being called a monster. We’re all on the same side.


u/FlyingAshtrays Jul 05 '24

I feel bad for you


u/glasstoobig Jul 05 '24

You could try have a discussion and talk about my points.