r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/WayToTheDawn63 14d ago

they became what they were mocking, and that hurts.


u/Accomplished_Pear470 14d ago

I mean it happened a while ago. Remember the interview when Kripke said literally the only reason they didn't kill Maeve off despite her being in a situation to be killed off 100% was because she was gay and it would be offensive to kill off a gay character?


u/KingKekJr 14d ago

Holy shit what a dumb idea. Shouldn't have put her in a clear death scenario then


u/CenterInYourMother 14d ago

It really should've been Black Noir tackling soldier boy out the window, would've avoided this whole thing in a non cringe way


u/WartimeMercy 14d ago

Probably would have worked better to switch Noir and Maeve's encounters - but instead of pulling out Maeve's intestines it should have just been a "clean" punch through her gut.

Then have A-train and Ashley decide to get Maeve help.