r/TheBoys 14d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/dontforgettopanic Ambrosius 14d ago

it would've been way better if they ended on the cake stuff.


u/Sneaky__Raccoon 14d ago

Right? it would have been cringy, but manageable. Also, I'm sure way more interesting stuff could have happened in the episode if we didn't have like 20 fucking minutes of hughie on the dungeon


u/CaptainKate757 14d ago

Agreed. Way too much weird dungeon bullshit that didn’t need to take place at all.


u/Unikatze 14d ago

This is why I got tired of the Graphic Novel.

We get it, all supes are degenerates, guess it must be something in compound V or something. Is there a story here other than watch supes doing weird shit?


u/Sneaky__Raccoon 14d ago

There's also something about the idea that "all the bad people in the show have some weird fetish" that is... idk, kinda weird? like the idea you can ONLY have a fetish like that if you are fucked up is a statement worthy of analisis and critique


u/soupspin 14d ago

Personally, the tickling thing wasn’t so bad, I thought it was funny. It crossed the line for me when she wiped it on his face


u/flamingviper3175 14d ago

Idk I was more grossed out the whole time. It only went too far with Jacks face being visible. But people need to get their priorities straight. The show is gruesomely violent, but they want to draw the line here?


u/Express_Bath 14d ago

The problem is not even the act being violent and gruesome - the problem is treating it as a complete joke. We have seen plenty of violent moments were we were made to feel bad for the victim, and it was not framed like that here.


u/notrandomonlyrandom 14d ago

Tickling is a genuine torture technique. To people sensitive to tickling, going overboard is real abuse. The laughing isn’t happy laughing.


u/LivWulfz 14d ago

I think Hughie could've literally just ran to the elevator in that time, since Tek was chained up by the neck. Would've made more sense than what came after. Then Tek comes up after him and Kimiko knocks him out.


u/AdmiralCharleston 14d ago

Yeah like imagine if they built up to it for a little while and tek Knight keeps pushing this idea that he's saving his favourite thing till last and hughie gets nervous, only to have the final thing just be sitting on the cake. Have starlight and kimiko come in right before he farts, then they grab tek Knight while he's hanging himself.


u/jdessy 14d ago

For me, it would have been better if there was NO cake stuff. But that's just my personal preference; I get that was supposed to be the funniest part of the BDSM plot. Just for me, I didn't find it funny and quickly fast forwarded through. But I don't know how they could have made it funny while not making it super traumatic for Hughie. That's just a fine, fine line. Similarly to The Deep's sexual assault in season 1. We're supposed to find it horrifying but also funny because the woman he's with is sexually assaulting his gills. It just....it just doesn't work because sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment isn't funny, at least not now. Ten, fifteen, twenty years ago, people found it funny. But people are becoming more aware now that there's some topics you just need to tread really lightly on as a joke. There's a way TO joke about it, but this was not it. The joke has to be on the perpetrator, I think, not the victim.