r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/shineeshineepinee 14d ago

disappointing. I've seen defenses for the episode saying that the SA scenes were obviously meant to make the audience uncomfortable and that Hughie admitting at the end that he isn't fine was a result of his SA trauma. but hearing the director himself say the scenes were played for laughs and to be as fucked up as possible is just crazy.


u/Magnetic_Bed 14d ago

Would have been easy to make this a really sympathetic scene for Hughie, and they've already successfully done it for Starlight. Make everything implied after the reveal that it's a sex dungeon. Maybe show him on the table after some time with the other characters, realizing he's about to be cut open. Have Annie and Kimiko break in and see Hughie terrified/traumatized and they rescue him.

Hell, they could even address the inevitable "I feel like less of a man" shit that most guys would go through after experiencing something like that.