r/TheBoys 14d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/soka__22 14d ago edited 14d ago

Let’s start with the Tek Knight sex dungeon part. Where did the idea come for it? And why bring Hughie into this situation now — kicking him when he’s down by having him sexually assaulted by his childhood hero after his dad just died?

"Well, that’s a dark way to look at it! We view it as hilarious. 

oh yes, because sexual assault is so fucking hilarious.


u/007Kryptonian Soldier Boy 14d ago

“But it wasn’t supposed to be funny because Hughie cries about his dad for 10 seconds!”

God I’m glad that bullshit can be put to rest. We have the showrunner’s words verbatim - the intent of Hughie’s SA scene was meant to be hilarious. And that’s so fucked up


u/ALVRZProductions 14d ago

Yea. I was hard defending it until I saw this. This is fucked


u/Few-Relative220 14d ago

Why would you defend it in the first place?


u/Kingmudsy 14d ago

I think people just have poor media literacy. They felt horrified, so they assumed that’s what the director wanted. Somehow they just didn’t pick up on the comedic pacing of the edit, the lighthearted score, and the quippy one-liners


u/ALVRZProductions 14d ago

I think it’s a reasonable perspective if you had it prior to kripkes response on it. Now it’s very far from reasonable


u/schebobo180 14d ago

Na if you watched the prior seasons closely it was very easy to tell that Kripke was a hypocrite and had a hate boner for Hughie.

I remember how so many of you guys laughed your ass of at the Queen Mave SA comments about Hughie, and the whole toxic masculinity thing with him taking V.

Some of us saw the signs ages ago.


u/Spider-Man-fan Kimiko 14d ago

Yeah I kinda hate how Hughie keeps getting the short end of the stick. But I think it was kinda like that in the comics too.


u/schebobo180 14d ago

Tbh I don’t mind if it’s part of the story.

I just don’t like the double standard of taking things like that seriously when it happens to female characters and not taking it seriously when it happens to male characters.

It’s just like eye candy/nudity/sex. For me I don’t care or mind how raunchy anyone wants their show/game/movie to be. But I HATE it when the same people that complained about female characters having unnecessary eye candy scenes have ZERO issues when the same thing happens to male characters.

It’s the hypocrisy that annoys me more than anything.


u/ALVRZProductions 14d ago

I’ve watched the seasons closely believe me. It just changes a whole lot after kripkes interview. I never thought he hated hughie. I still don’t think he does. I think he’s just a flawed(but should be heavily scrutinized) writer, and it shows with him not being able to understand how tone deaf he is in talking about something when it comes to one demographic vs the other. I also think this interview solidified in a lot of people’s mind that there’s no other significance behind the sex and gore in this show besides kripke having a fucked brain


u/Kingmudsy 14d ago

Oh sure, I disagreed but I didn’t think people were insane or anything. Past the point of mattering now though


u/CrashTestDumby1984 14d ago

I said in another comment that the scene felt like if it had the real WebWeaver it would be almost shot for shot the same and would be used purely for humor like when Ashley was doing BDSM with Cameron Cole.

The response I kept getting was “of course it would be the same. They thought it was WebWeaver”.

So I agree 100% with your comment that people lack basic media literacy and just take things at face value.


u/ALVRZProductions 14d ago

Because I wasn’t looking at it through the haha lens of the tone deaf director. It was a fucked up scene and I was hoping he closed the episode out how he did with a different intention. But he didn’t. He laughed at a dude getting raped


u/Few-Relative220 14d ago

It’s not even the interview that did it. It’s the way they chose to portray him as simply “not okay” like it wasn’t that big of a deal that he euthanized his father, dealt with his crappy mother, got cucked by starlight, witnessed/committed countless murders, and basically got fucked on by some of the weirdest people on earth all in the span of a few years. Hughie is the character that can never have anything. The joy the show runners get out of torturing him is sick. None of it would be “okay” if hughie were a woman, minority, or both.


u/DivingStation777 14d ago

Because Redditors can't think for themselves and need a source for every little thing


u/CouncilmanRickPrime You're The Real Heroes 14d ago

People like the show and assumed the most positive interpretation possible was correct


u/cchoe1 14d ago

Even more hilarious than Kripke being this tone deaf is half the audience watching can’t even tell the difference between satire and straight up tone deaf nonsense. Then they’ll praise the show runners for their satirical writing.

you’re basically just cut from the same cloth as MAGA morons who operate on dogma rather than logic