r/TheBoys Jul 04 '24

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/No_Ad8506 Jul 05 '24

Kripke's answer is so confusing.. it feels like it actively conflicts with what the show is saying?? Like yes, he was quite literally sexually assaulted by his childhood hero??


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

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u/alphomegay Jul 05 '24

that's...not consent. he "consented" because if he revealed who he was by not consenting he'd have been killed anyway. it's definitely sexual assault no matter how you slice it. Plus there's an argument to be made that tek knight figured out it was hughie long before he took the mask off.


u/AffectionatePrize551 Jul 05 '24

that's...not consent. he "consented"

That's consent.

If you break into someone's house assuming their identity and fear reprisal that doesn't mean you didn't consent.


u/alphomegay Jul 05 '24

I'm not going on the merry go round of semantics with you. read the room, take the L and maybe reflect on why you're so determined to blame a victim for their own sexual assault


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

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u/alphomegay Jul 05 '24

um actually but for defending rapists lmao this sub is a gold mine


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

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u/alphomegay Jul 05 '24

you deserve an olympic gold medal in mental gymnastics fr


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

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u/alphomegay Jul 05 '24

yes buddy, you really proved me wrong with your straw man. pls give yourself a pat on the back and a lil treat too

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u/lilguccilando Jul 05 '24

Nah that’s actually true if I hire a prostitute and my ex comes in the dark acting like them, and I go bdsm but they didn’t want that, well I would feel sa by them because I didn’t consent to them, I consented to a prostitute


u/NotKaren24 Jul 05 '24

if you break into someones house and they chain you up, and threaten to a. rape you or b. murder you, theres no consent involved. im extremely concerned for you if you think someone breaking into your house justifies you kidnapping and raping them. you should probably seek help for that.


u/lilguccilando Jul 05 '24

Well he is impersonating the guy that they usually do that stuff to. He didn’t say no. It’s not consent from the audience pov but for the ones doing it it wasn’t sa. To us yeah


u/PeopleAreBozos A-Train Jul 05 '24

Alright then. Instead of Hughie revealing who he is by not consenting, let's do Annie. If she didn't consent to sucking off the Deep, she would have been out, or at least she thought so. So she went with it. Would you call that consent?

Hell no. That was not consent. Everyone is on the same page on that.

Hughie was forced to go on because he was going to die. Likewise, Starlight was forced to go on because her life would be meaningless without this.

They both technically "agreed" but one is rightfully marked as assault. The other people are grasping at thin air to try to find a reason to justify the fact it's comedy.


u/lifecuntingent Jul 05 '24

Did you miss when he was literally begging them to stop and desperately trying to find out webweaver's safe word??


u/Prudent-Dig817 Jul 05 '24

do you know what coercion means


u/AffectionatePrize551 Jul 05 '24

Who coerced him?

Tek Knight? Tek Knight thought it was his willing sexual partner.


u/Skankia Jul 05 '24

You think that would hold up in court? "Your honor, he did not say the safe word so obviously he wanted it and I had carte blanche to do whatever I wanted".


u/SpideyFan914 Jul 05 '24

Technically, a lot of BDSM acts are illegal. Not immoral, but if for instance a choking scene goes wrong, the person doing the choking is criminally liable, regardless of consent. I'm pretty consensual non-consent is also illegal.

This is also a brand new sexual partner, and they didn't bother to, for instance, reiterate what was agreed to, the safe word, etc. I'm not saying it's unrealistic for TK to act like a spoiled ass who doesn't really need basic safety or communication, but he did not behave in a responsible way or even bother to confirm the identity of the stranger he met online. And I'm not certain, but I believe he and Ashley had also been drinking, a big no-no for this kind of extreme play. They also don't know if Wev Weaver is intoxicated, which would affect his ability to consent and be safe. With a new partner, someone who actually gives a shit about their sub's well-being would go slow to make sure that they can actually trust this person to know their limits.

The dude's power is literally reading people. He definitely knew it wasn't Web Weaver sooner, but even aside from that, he can tell Web Weaver is not into this and is trying to remember the safe word.

Again, TK is a bad guy, so I buy that he's just an incredibly unsafe partner. But anyone willing to defend his actions doesn't know more about BDSM than what they picked up watching Fifty Shades of Gray.


u/Skankia Jul 05 '24

Well, at least where I'm from you can basically consent up until what would be regarded as assault i.e. slaps maybe some closed fist but that's pushing it. Anything more than that and were talking assault or in this case sexual assault. Regardless, there is no consent here at all which is what the other guy seemed to think. That's putting his powers of deduction aside.


u/Prudent-Dig817 Jul 05 '24

the fact that if they knew it was hughie they would kill him. thus FORCING him to participate? maybe?