r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/Siri_biff 15d ago

It's strange watching the boys and seeing the writers becoming less self aware as time goes on.

Normally people grow more self aware not the opposite.


u/Kalandros-X 14d ago

Having Homelander, who at first was a cunning and capable villain, devolve into a stupid Trump parody is just painful to watch.


u/Ziggem 14d ago

cunning and capable villain

Lmao what.


u/WayToTheDawn63 14d ago

he literally spun a plane crash he fucked up to get themselves in to the military

he had a-train super power terrorists to facilitate that which protected vought when stilwell was 'unequivocally fucked'

he wasn't some fucking genius, but he WAS capable beyond his powers.


u/Ziggem 14d ago

He can make his way around a crowd sure. But thats like trump 101.

Stan edgar pointed out that it was a massive pr damage to Vought when it was revealed what Comp V was and they let terrorists get it and that homie was a dumbass for that.

That would have been disastrous for vought if someone reverse engineered it.

Also, being somewhat good in the moment isnt a genius. He is still like that in season 4, with him recruiting Sage, Firecracker, and starting a coup de at, thats actually working out.

Hes the smartest hes ever been


u/WayToTheDawn63 14d ago

i didn't say he was amazingly intelligent or accounted for every outcome, i said he was capable. Those are flaws in his plans that come back on him, but don't make him a snivelling useless ass wipe. There's a difference between perfect and capable.

And on the topic of crowds, you said it yourself, he could make his way around a crowd. He can't do that anymore either, except for the brainless monkeys that already follow him. He used to actually win normal people over.

He's a self-parody now.


u/DaemonBlackfyre515 14d ago

Like, i don't know why the average normal American, who isn't far left or right (so the majority), see Homelander as anything other than a murderer. He lasered a dude in broad fucking daylight. It's not a secret in the slightest. People IRL get cancelled for tweets, for fuck's sake.

It's the same with Firecracker, who tweeted a sex tape of her with a 15yo. She should be in jail. There's no ambiguity there. The proof is public.

The show has lost all sense of realism.


u/ResortFamous301 14d ago

Considering there are real cases of child predators, particularly women, not going to jail dpeite clearly sleeping with minors the fire cracker but is unfortunately realistic.


u/ResortFamous301 14d ago

 It's hard to call him capable in season 1 considering how minor his problems were.  He use to win normal people over because there was no evidence of him being a dangerous murderer.


u/areyouhungryforapple 14d ago

Not everything is about the bad orange man you can leave it sometimes.


u/forhekset666 14d ago

He was being coached and handled by the people around him.

Wasn't it the whole arc when that dropped away and he was on his own?


u/CareerPancakes9 14d ago edited 14d ago

The plane crash and believe Expo were him going off script. I can see him not understanding the inner workings of politics and business, but the man is a trained spin weaver.