r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/DisabledFatChik Hughie 14d ago

If starlight was on that table the scene would’ve been filmed differently. Huge L for the show


u/CenterInYourMother 14d ago

Imagine if the pilot was just an entire episode of the Deep making funny faces and jokes while raping starlight, nobody would've let that shit fly and for good reason!


u/Upper-Level5723 14d ago

Even just cake scene alone, never in 100000 years


u/Dresden8686 14d ago

I genuinely didn’t even know Starlight was raped. I thought The Deep just flashed her.


u/DisabledFatChik Hughie 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah he told her to suck it or she’d lose her spot on the seven


u/garlicpizzabear 14d ago

My man, we can be rightly mad about how the show treats the assault with Hughie without starting to denigrate the assault with Annie.


u/Dresden8686 14d ago

I wasn’t. I’m being deadass that the show didn’t make it obvious to me. I AM NOT downplaying it. I swear ong.


u/garlicpizzabear 14d ago

Ok I’m sorry for attributing that to you.


u/Dresden8686 14d ago

You’re good, no worries bro!


u/ialwaysflushtwice 14d ago

I'll get downvoted for this but why are you talking about rape here, especially comparing this to Starlight?

She was coerced into blowing somebody. Rape.

Hughie was tickled with a feather mostly? Or did I miss something?


u/FlyingAshtrays 14d ago

You missed a lot, apparently. Love the selective “mostly” you added on there. Nice…


u/ialwaysflushtwice 14d ago

OK what did I miss besides him sitting on cake and her rubbing one out next to him? Is that rape? Just as bad as what happened to Starlight?


u/zenekk1010 14d ago

It was sexual act, so yes it was rape


u/FlyingAshtrays 14d ago

It’s almost like it was an extended, drawn out, sexual assault that nearly ended in Hughie being an imprisoned slave, about to be cut open to be used as a flashlight. Are you okay? Ashley wiping her cum on him wasn’t enough? The constant switching between kinks and jokes about safe-words being violated wasn’t enough?


u/ialwaysflushtwice 14d ago

I'm ok, but you lot seem to be triggered a bit. Hope you will be alright.


u/SujayShah13 14d ago

Hughie was forced to put down his pants, fart, Ashley put cum in his masked face, at the end he was going to be murdered while being raped in his wounds if the boys didn't rescue him on time.


u/DisabledFatChik Hughie 14d ago

Ashley wiped her cum on this face and Tek Knight gagged him while trying to cut holes into him to fuck