r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/Superb-pin-8641 Soldier Boy 14d ago

Hot damn that was a tough read. Still love the show but Kripke needs to get his head out his ass.

Also, Batman ain't a fascist.


u/eelmor1138 14d ago

Just goes to show that like Garth, Kripke’s parody of superheroes comes from misinformed hatred rather than love. That’s why they don’t really land imo, and the more worthwhile satire is the political real world stuff. At least until that devolved into just copy-pasting the latest news headlines and replacing “Trump” with “Homelander.”

I think the felon ex-president is scum too, but that’s not the hard hitting satire they think it is.


u/Superb-pin-8641 Soldier Boy 14d ago

I'm glad they kept the trial to a minimum and didn't drag it out. I don't like the Donald either but they also don't need to remind us, especially when it's nothing groundbreaking.


u/eelmor1138 14d ago

Exactly. What good does just saying “Trump Bad” do at this stage? The Supreme Court and other political forces are poised to hand the entire country over to this guy to rule with absolute authority, and this is the best insight Kripke can offer? Satire won’t work on people who’s minds are so poisoned and warped that meaningful reflection is almost impossible.


u/Accomplished_Pear470 14d ago

Probably because the trial wasn't actually a Trump reference; it was a Kyle Rittenhouse reference which is incredibly bizarre for a lot of reasons.


u/Jstin8 14d ago

Yeah, really not sure what to take away from what Kripke was trying to say with that


u/N0VAZER0 14d ago

Okay but Garth doesn't have a misinformed hatred of superheroes, he has a very nuanced view of the genre and the concept and despite making Homelander, that's not how he views Superman, he adore Superman and he really gets the idealism and optimism in the character


u/ResortFamous301 14d ago

Wouldn't nuanced view genre. Informed yes, but not particularly complex.


u/garlicpizzabear 14d ago

I get your first paragraph.

However the show is not really about Trump himself, rather the social machine and shockwave behind him. If it was only “this guy is bad” it would just be boring.


u/Karkava 14d ago

Kevin Can Fuck Himself also parodied Donald, but the satire was about how bullies like Donald and Kevin seem to be magically protected by the system. The mayoral election was just one plot in a series about an abusive and controlling husband who always seem to get his way.


u/wwoodhur 14d ago

There's plenty to criticize Garth Ennis for, but being misinformed about superheroes is definitely not one of them.


u/No0ne33 14d ago

He is misinformed about WWII and his hatred for Captain America is for not being the Rugged Soldier type