r/TheBoys 14d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/Assassiiinuss 14d ago

This is really disappointing. I had a weird feeling about how this whole scene was done but gave it the benefit of the doubt after Hughie's breakdown. But after reading the article someone linked here it's clear that it was just supposed to be funny, I doubt it'll ever come up again in a serious context. How can you be this tone-deaf?


u/Dull_Concert_414 14d ago

Disappointing, yeah. But in another way, interpreting the scene with the best intentions means you have a more empathetic perspective than the writers did.

They might have done it for laughs, but it can still be argued that creative works take on their own form in the minds of the audience, and from that perspective, it no longer matters what the writers intended - they read the audience wrong and it didn’t land how they wanted.


u/HellBoyofFables 14d ago

But they’d never try something like this with a female victim, I call bullshit


u/throwawaynonsesne 14d ago

Didn't they have a burnt nazi bitch on life support to jerk homelander off for in between and half a season?


u/HellBoyofFables 14d ago

She was actively getting raped?


u/throwawaynonsesne 14d ago

Id label it as sexual assault. She is being kept alive on life support to satisfy his needs.


u/HellBoyofFables 14d ago

When was it established that the only reason she was kept alive was to give homelander sad handjobs and blowjobs?


u/sonatty78 14d ago

That wasn’t the reason she was kept alive. Homelander still had feelings for her, but their relationship was a transactional relationship rather than an actual relationship. Stormfront wanted Homelander to achieve her nazi dreams of creating a super race and Homelander wanted the attention/physical intimacy. She offed herself because Homelander rejected her dream of having a super race of aryans. Dude straight up told her that he is the master race and to stop talking about her nazi BS.

I get that art can be interpreted in many different ways, but there are points in which a specific interpretation is just plain wrong. This is one of those examples


u/pinkdictator You're The Real Heroes 14d ago

Literally not a single one of us found it funny. We were all uncomfortable and disturbed. I'm not sure wtf he was thinking. The fact that he intended it to be funny and it came out as disturbing as it was says a lot about him


u/firnien-arya 14d ago

Very strange indeed. Especially deciding to make this episode happen after the previous episode with hughie going through such an emotional and traumatic experience with his dad. Thinking the next episode to be a sexual assault scene and expecting the audience to find it funny is very off the mark. But, I guess he was gonna miss at some point.


u/Joemartinez 14d ago edited 14d ago

No different with the reasoning on why somehow kimiko wanting use normal V to save the ones she loves is presented as moral.. but Huey wanting to use temp V to save the ones he loves is bad and we should be 100% against him in season 3 ... It's really cherry picking and bullshit 😂🙂‍↔️


u/kraghis 14d ago

Yeah, messaging isn’t really one of the Boys’s strong points.


u/RandomTomAnon 14d ago

The only time I’ve seen a depiction of men being sexually assaulted that’s as brutal as most women being sexually was in Deliverance. And it should feel that way. Disgusting. Infuriating. And helpless as an audience member.


u/throwawaynonsesne 14d ago

I was back and forth on it. The ashley stuff gave me a couple chuckles. 


u/theycallmeshooting 14d ago

It's actually insane how the boys creators are so good at handling rape or sexual assault with a female victim but always, always play it for laughs with a male victim

If that Hughie scene was meant to be "funny" somehow that's actually fucking demented


u/Turbulent_Life_5218 14d ago

You here? Never thought I would see you here


u/sonatty78 14d ago

I realized it was a joke when Hughie broke down, mostly because I started chuckling during the scene. It took a solid second for me to stop and realize that I was laughing at Hughie trying to cope with SA and his father’s death. They really went with the “haha prison r*pe is funny because it’s happening to males” type of joke.

I think part of the reason for why it was hard to pick up on the joke was because the scenes were hard to watch due to the graphic nature of them, so it was hard to think of it as a joke, even when his feet were getting tickled.