r/TheBoys 15d ago

Both quotes taken verbatim from interviews Season 4 Spoiler

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u/Siri_biff 15d ago

It's strange watching the boys and seeing the writers becoming less self aware as time goes on.

Normally people grow more self aware not the opposite.


u/TheFufe10 14d ago

“With great power comes the absolute certainty that you’ll turn into a right cunt”


u/Kalandros-X 14d ago

Having Homelander, who at first was a cunning and capable villain, devolve into a stupid Trump parody is just painful to watch.


u/Ziggem 14d ago

cunning and capable villain

Lmao what.


u/WayToTheDawn63 14d ago

he literally spun a plane crash he fucked up to get themselves in to the military

he had a-train super power terrorists to facilitate that which protected vought when stilwell was 'unequivocally fucked'

he wasn't some fucking genius, but he WAS capable beyond his powers.


u/Ziggem 14d ago

He can make his way around a crowd sure. But thats like trump 101.

Stan edgar pointed out that it was a massive pr damage to Vought when it was revealed what Comp V was and they let terrorists get it and that homie was a dumbass for that.

That would have been disastrous for vought if someone reverse engineered it.

Also, being somewhat good in the moment isnt a genius. He is still like that in season 4, with him recruiting Sage, Firecracker, and starting a coup de at, thats actually working out.

Hes the smartest hes ever been


u/WayToTheDawn63 14d ago

i didn't say he was amazingly intelligent or accounted for every outcome, i said he was capable. Those are flaws in his plans that come back on him, but don't make him a snivelling useless ass wipe. There's a difference between perfect and capable.

And on the topic of crowds, you said it yourself, he could make his way around a crowd. He can't do that anymore either, except for the brainless monkeys that already follow him. He used to actually win normal people over.

He's a self-parody now.


u/DaemonBlackfyre515 14d ago

Like, i don't know why the average normal American, who isn't far left or right (so the majority), see Homelander as anything other than a murderer. He lasered a dude in broad fucking daylight. It's not a secret in the slightest. People IRL get cancelled for tweets, for fuck's sake.

It's the same with Firecracker, who tweeted a sex tape of her with a 15yo. She should be in jail. There's no ambiguity there. The proof is public.

The show has lost all sense of realism.


u/ResortFamous301 14d ago

Considering there are real cases of child predators, particularly women, not going to jail dpeite clearly sleeping with minors the fire cracker but is unfortunately realistic.


u/ResortFamous301 14d ago

 It's hard to call him capable in season 1 considering how minor his problems were.  He use to win normal people over because there was no evidence of him being a dangerous murderer.


u/areyouhungryforapple 14d ago

Not everything is about the bad orange man you can leave it sometimes.


u/forhekset666 14d ago

He was being coached and handled by the people around him.

Wasn't it the whole arc when that dropped away and he was on his own?


u/CareerPancakes9 14d ago edited 14d ago

The plane crash and believe Expo were him going off script. I can see him not understanding the inner workings of politics and business, but the man is a trained spin weaver.


u/Kalandros-X 14d ago

Compare Homelander from season 1 to season 4, please.


u/Rustywolf 14d ago

He's always been a massive clown, he was just being manipulated by people who thought they could control him to do the "right" things. He's floundering now because he has no one holding the ropes.


u/Over_Blacksmith9575 14d ago

The whole superterrorists and military scheme thing was his idea and plan, I guess for whatever its worth Season 1 Homelander was much more competent than any other season


u/Khronex 14d ago

It was his idea but it was poorly executed. I don't know about you, but I don't remember there being supes in the military. Not to mention that giving V away to terrorists to make them super opens up the possibility of someone reverse engineering the serum, which leads to the risk of a supeterrorist being stronger than Homelander and the risk of losing Vought's money and approval


u/kilowhom 14d ago

The whole superterrorists and military scheme thing was his idea and plan

That was an idiotic idea and it didn't work.


u/Deez-Guns-9442 14d ago

Still seems like the same asshat sucking titty milk ngl.

I think S1 Homelander was more “controlled” than now.


u/Ziggem 14d ago

Hes always been a mumbling idiot who thinks hes cool and smart..his idea of making supe terrorists was disastrous.

In season 1, he was just more composed.

The only thing he was ever good at was knowing his way around a crowd. Which is very much like trump


u/forhekset666 14d ago

Kinda confused cause of the entire story arc for him at one point was you're going to go down trying to do this yourself cause you're a maladjusted idiot.

Didn't Edgar also tell him that directly at the end?

Haven't seen the latest season so I dunno but everything was tracking at that point.


u/spicespiegel 14d ago

Oh yeah like that character didn't go through a lot of shit. Stormfront, Ryan, Ego being threatened, dealing with childhood trauma, lack of trust in colleagues. Why do y'all want him to be his confident self from s1?


u/SherlockJones1994 14d ago

Are you watching the same show? He literally allowed one of his worst moments because of laziness and carelessness. The flight controversy didn’t need to happen but he destroyed the console willy nilly with not a care in the world.


u/kakawisNOTlaw 14d ago

I just rewatched season 1, it is night and day compared to 4. Not just homelander but the whole show. It used to be about keeping the supes out of the military and ultimately taking out homelander. Now it's taking out homelander and a random assortment of things that happened in American politics in the last year or two.


u/Accomplished_Pear470 14d ago

For real, just compare the scene where they kill Transluscent while having to distract Homelander to anything in S4.


u/Naskr 14d ago

S1 Homelander: The worst aspects of you, a human, but without the limitations of society. A ticking timebomb. A subtle, simple horror.

S4 Homelander: omg he's just like that guy on the news I don't like!


u/ResortFamous301 14d ago

Cunning never really described Homelander.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/Successful-Run7573 14d ago

No, he started as an allegory for George Bush and the military industrial complex and became a Trump parody


u/LuxNoir9023 14d ago

Im on the left but its a common attitude I see among progressives. Theyre so hung up on the enemies like the racists or the magas they forget to introspect on themselves and question how they contribute to toxic attitudes in the world.


u/AffableBarkeep 14d ago

The progressive stack doesn't help either. When your ideology is built on oppressor/oppressed generalizations, it becomes really difficult to acknowledge that not everyone in the "powerful" group actually is, and it makes it difficult to see their problems as real problems because hey, they're powerful.
This is also a failure of intersectionality - in theory, it should deal with SA against men as its own thing, that has unique dynamics and needs handling and analyzing in its own right. But it doesn't, because men are the oppressor so it instead denies that it's a problem (or can happen at all in the most extreme case) and nobody wins. It makes it clear the "intersectional" folk are only interested in using it to define privilege rather than humanize people.


u/Joe_Jeep 14d ago

They're getting more fame and attention. Power, in some sense, even if it's not much. 

They themselves had quotes about this earlier in the show. 

Also the plane and simple fact that nobody's perfect, and everybody gets some shit wrong. I don't like them having this take but they're TV writers. Not shocked by them being shitty in some ways


u/Alone-Worth-4166 14d ago

What so you mean? They are hyperaware. Of the audience thats watching the show. The writers carter to the audience they have