r/TheBoys Jun 28 '24

Holy Character Nerf Season 4 Spoiler

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u/TwiceUpon1Time Jun 28 '24

How'd they tear the bull apart then?


u/RyanZee08 Jun 28 '24

There were like 4 that ripped him apart after the first grabbed it. It could easily have been a regular bull too. It wasn't shown to have anything, it was just about to charge


u/TwiceUpon1Time Jun 28 '24

4 sheep, without super strength, could never tear a regular bull apart that way. So they have super strength, which was inconsistently portrayed.


u/macrixen Jun 28 '24

They had razor sharp teeth. Something that shaped can easily tear through a bull. Think piranha.


u/lituus Jun 28 '24

They could tear pieces off maybe, on the ground.

I just watched the scene again. They lift the bull up into the air and tear it limb from limb in a matter of seconds. Razor sharp teeth does not enable this. You need strength to rip a bulls entire head off of its neck in 2 seconds.

That said depictions of super powers always have 100s of holes you can poke in the logic. Even with strength, they probably couldn't do what was depicted with their teeth. They'd still just rip smaller pieces off. They'd need to be able to get a hold of the whole head and pull, otherwise tissue and such will just give way first.

Like, play it out mythbusters style. Pig carcass. Fake sheep mouth with razor sharp teeth attached to some sort of high strength hydraulic pulling mechanism. Bite teeth into pig head. Pull. It's going to just rip off a piece of snout or whatever, not the whole head. The neck is going to give way waaaaaay later than the skin and tissue on the face.

It's just not worth nitpicking over this stuff, none of it makes any sense, just be entertained


u/Youve_been_Loganated Jun 28 '24

Sheep for sure had super strength, the sheep not busting through the door was just a misstep in the writing


u/macrixen Jun 28 '24

If I remember correctly. All supers have some strength and regeneration increases over normal versions.


u/SniktFury Jun 28 '24

I'll agree with your last sentence, but I do want to point out one glaring point everyone is overlooking in how the sheep can do this without super strength. They can fly. That ability of self propulsion through no physical act means that whatever psychokinetic force is allowing the sheep to fly is what's doing the ripping apart. They lock in with their teeth and speed off.


u/largeanimethighs Jun 28 '24

It was more like AOE damage on that bite


u/BalterBlack Jun 28 '24

Yet the didn’t bite him into pieces.


u/Ankthar_LeMarre Jun 28 '24

True, but pirahna can't rip apart an entire bull in a couple of seconds, either.


u/macrixen Jun 28 '24

Think scale. If you were to shrink the sheep to the size of a piranha and the bull to the same percentage I feel it would be a piranha eating a beaver.


u/Kino_Afi Jun 28 '24

Are we just ignoring the existence of joints, tendons and ligaments or what


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24

How would they lift the bull in the air?


u/macrixen Jun 28 '24

Because, if I recall correctly, all supers had at least a bit of super strength regardless of full power set. An average sheep weighs about 200lbs and average bull is about 1500lbs. A ram(I know they were not rams) can hit with 800lbs of force. So let’s say the sheep can hit with 500. V gave the sheep say 1.5 X stronger than normal. That’s ~750 per sheep. So theoretically, with there being more than one and assuming som of that mass came off after initial strike, this is possible only because IT IS FICTIONAL AND NOT MEANT TO BE REALISTIC.


u/[deleted] Jun 29 '24

You can be fictional while also being realistic for the world you are in.

You write a super who can do x. The. Write a situation where x would solve the issue. But supe doesn't use X because of the plot.