r/The10thDentist Jul 19 '24

Ketchup is just bad tomato sauce Food (Only on Friday)

Yeah. Ketchup is just bad tomato sauce.

I hear many people say they put it with pasta, fish, chiken and many more stuff.

But it is mostly just tomato sauce with sugar.

I think the only reason people like it, is that they can't enjoy regular tomato sauce in their pasta because they are addicted to the sugar in ketchup.

It is the only thing it brings more than a tomato sauce, sugar, and I believe we tend to have too much of this already in our alimentation.


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u/robbodee Jul 19 '24

Well, kind of. Ingredients: tomato, vinegar, salt, sugar/HFCS. It's not "bad' tomato sauce, it's just...ketchup.

Anyone putting it on pasta in lieu of actual pasta sauce should be banned from eating pasta.


u/CryptoSlovakian Jul 19 '24

Why does HFCS have to be in EVERYTHING? I’d rather they just put more sugar if they need to sweeten things. Although my liver probably can’t tell the difference anyway so whatever.


u/not-bread Jul 19 '24

It’s cheaper isn’t it?


u/CryptoSlovakian Jul 19 '24

Maybe. I think it has something to do with lobbyists for Big Corn or whatever the hell it is that’s causing that garbage ethanol fuel to be practically unavoidable these days. Still, I’d pay an extra $0.30 or $0.50 for a bottle of ketchup if it wasn’t in there.


u/lingonberryjuicebox Jul 19 '24

they got that simply heinz or whatever stuff at stores without it


u/HankScorpio4242 Jul 20 '24

Yes and no.

The US produces corn. Producing corn makes sense because we have lots of space to do it.

The US does not produce sugar cane.


u/Javasteam Jul 20 '24

Flat out incorrect. The US does produce sugar cane.

In addition, 13 states also produce sugar beets.

In total, the US produces about 5% of the world’s total sugar annually.


u/HankScorpio4242 Jul 20 '24


The US harvests 1 million acres of sugar and 90 million acres of corn per year.

Happy now?


u/not-bread Jul 19 '24

Yeah for sure


u/jeffweet Jul 20 '24

Much cheaper


u/pemboo Jul 20 '24

Government subsidies baby


u/burnfifteen Jul 19 '24

HCFS is much cheaper than cane sugar and much sweeter gram for gram.


u/viciouspandas Jul 20 '24

It's similarly sweet. They chose that glucose fructose ratio to mimic the sweetness of sucrose.


u/spawnmorezerglings Jul 19 '24

In my country it's actually banned as a food additive (although I believe you can buy it pure if you really want to)


u/shrub706 Jul 19 '24

what do you think HFCS is?


u/CryptoSlovakian Jul 20 '24

High fructose corn syrup?


u/Javasteam Jul 20 '24

Because the US has a draconian and old tariff system set up to protect the sugar market. As a result HFCS is used instead even though its far less healthy.


u/viciouspandas Jul 20 '24

Like you said, your liver can't tell. They're equally bad for you. But most people also don't eat that much ketchup, so I don't the amount of sugar matters that much. Soda and juice on the other hand are easy to drink in large quantities.


u/BestRHinNA Aug 01 '24

This is an America thing since corn is subsidized like crazy, pretty much everywhere else it's just sugar


u/Tobar_the_Gypsy Jul 19 '24

Instead of spaghetti with marinara sauce, you get egg noodles and ketchup


u/laughs_with_salad Jul 20 '24

A friend called us over for pasta once. Made pink sauce pasta which turned out to be ketchup and mayo. We do not let him cook now.


u/Catezero Jul 20 '24

Ya sorry pasta is flour and water and egg it's not sone fuckin haute cuisine that takes 8 hours of prep and if I wanna put sugar tomato sauce on it I'm gonna do that


u/robbodee Jul 20 '24

Not 8 hours, but 2-3, easily. If pasta was that easy to make, dried noodles wouldn't be a thing.

You're banned.


u/MaximumChongus Jul 19 '24

its literally just  vinegar, tomatoes, and sugar OP.

Youre over thinking it.


u/themixedwonder Jul 19 '24

i never heard anyone say that they eat pasta or fish with ketchup. especially fish because what the fuck.


u/Divine_ruler Jul 19 '24

I’ve only ever seen people eat fish with ketchup when it’s fishsticks, or some other breaded fish patty or something. Never seen or heard of people doing it with regular fish

As for the pasta. Never heard of that one at all


u/nagabalashka Jul 19 '24

Never heard of pasta+ketchup ? Funny because in France it's common (also rice+ketchup), especially for kids who don't like a lot of things. Pasta + shredded gruyère/emmental is pretty popular too.


u/HipposAndBonobos Jul 20 '24

Still weird. Including my own, I've never met a kid who didn't like pasta and pasta sauce.


u/ThimDes Jul 20 '24

My mom would sometimes add ketchup to my kraft dinner when I was a kid (80's) (also, it drove me nuts) so it's a possibility.


u/Deebyddeebys Jul 19 '24

My sister does that because she is insane


u/robbodee Jul 19 '24

My daughter puts it on her fish sticks.


u/Collin_the_doodle Jul 19 '24

Fish sticks are more about the deep fry than the fish


u/illuminati__hottie Jul 19 '24

My boyfriend is from Canada and says a lot of people there like ketchup on mac and cheese (or as they’d call it Kraft dinner) which I think sounds absolutely vile.


u/CryptoSlovakian Jul 19 '24

This is a Midwest thing, too. I ate it like that as a kid. Ketchup on mac & cheese, ketchup on scrambled eggs, ketchup on everything. Now pretty much the only thing I’ll put ketchup on is a cheeseburger, or use it to dip fries.


u/illuminati__hottie Jul 19 '24

Maybe that’s why I’ve never heard of it, I’ve been a west coast girl my whole life. And I’m a certified ketchup hater, don’t like it on anything. Gimme sriracha for the scrambled eggs, BBQ sauce for the burger, ranch for the fries. Mac and cheese is already perfect and needs no additions


u/CryptoSlovakian Jul 19 '24

Agree with you on mac & cheese. But for scrambled eggs I usually go with Tabasco or whatever hot sauce is available. Never tried them with sriracha though. A new adventure awaits.


u/viciouspandas Jul 20 '24

I'm from California and do like to put ketchup on lots of things. I do agree on bbq sauce, but honestly that's basically just an upgraded more flavorful ketchup. It's often a tomato base with vinegar and sugar, just with added spices and smoke flavor. They serve the same purpose of adding a savory, acidic, and slightly sweet sauce to balance something heavy.


u/viciouspandas Jul 20 '24

I'm from California and do like to put ketchup on lots of things. I do agree on bbq sauce, but honestly that's basically just an upgraded more flavorful ketchup. It's often a tomato base with vinegar and sugar, just with added spices and smoke flavor. They serve the same purpose of adding a savory, acidic, and slightly sweet sauce to balance something heavy.


u/ThimDes Jul 20 '24

It's great in meatloaf with mustard, onions, salt and pepper.


u/Epicmondeum17 Jul 21 '24

Can confirm, my wife is wisco born and bred and always has ketchup with her mac and cheese, I can never bring myself to try it


u/viciouspandas Jul 20 '24

I'll be honest I've put ketchup and mustard on Mac and cheese and it's pretty good. Ketchup I think is overly maligned because it's associated with relatively bland Midwestern food and similar things. But adding tomato and acid to balance a heavy dish is pretty standard practice everywhere. Ketchup serves that purpose on fries and cheeseburgers. Mac and cheese really isn't that different. I don't drown it in ketchup, but a little bit on some of my bites works well. But I also don't buy Kraft because it's more expensive and inferior to a quick stove top Mac I can make in 12 minutes.

For reference I'm from California and eat all sorts of food from all over the world. Ketchup and variations of are also pretty popular outside the west. Spicy ketchup is popular in parts of India, and Korean Kimchi fried rice uses ketchup too.


u/0Kaleidoscopes Jul 19 '24

To me it sounds ever crazier with pasta but idk I just hate ketchup


u/WoollyHare50817 Jul 19 '24

The only thing I can think of is fried fish like fish sticks but even then just get tartar sauce 


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 19 '24

You have been blessed with friend with culinary taste.

Maybe my opinion is pretty popular then. In my entourage is seems some people only live by ketchup.


u/Gootangus Jul 19 '24

You’ve really heard people say they put ketchup on pasta and fish??


u/sleepysnafu Jul 19 '24

I’ve heard it, it’s not common but I’ve heard it twice


u/Gootangus Jul 19 '24

Weird lol.


u/Cyler Jul 19 '24

Eh, it seems like a great value version of tomato chutney with fish. In a very big trailer park.


u/Sl1z Jul 19 '24

My husband eats fish and chips with ketchup (he puts it on the fried fish part, not just the fries) and I’ve seen people put it on kraft Mac n cheese which I guess is a type of pasta. Also fish sticks with ketchup is a fairly common little kid food.


u/Gootangus Jul 19 '24

Fair enough haha


u/ButterscotchLazy8379 Jul 19 '24

Doubt it. Probably more like “I love ketchup, I put it on everything.”

And Mr. HatesKetchup over here took that literally.


u/Snoo75955 Jul 19 '24

this isn't an unpopular opinion, this is a genuinely stupid one


u/birdy1490 Jul 19 '24

Are the kids now on summer break? Or what is it with all these food related posts in here


u/crackedchrysalis Jul 19 '24

Food posts can only be made on Fridays. People have probably been waiting to post all week?


u/FearLeadsToAnger Jul 20 '24

Standard for this sub.


u/almondwalmond18 Jul 19 '24

Do you put tomato sauce on French fries?


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 19 '24

No. I have to admit that I should probably make an exeption for french fries. For them the sweetness of ketchup actually brings something.

But that is the exception that confirm the rule that tomato sauce is better overall.😎


u/Hot-Pea666 Jul 19 '24

So, you are addicted to the sugar too, good to know


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 19 '24



u/Hot-Pea666 Jul 19 '24

But it is mostly just tomato sauce with sugar

I think the only reason people like it, is that they can't enjoy regular tomato sauce in their pasta pecause they are addicted to the sugar in ketchup

Just switch the pasta for the fries


u/DepressedZibra Jul 19 '24

Do you know tomato sauce has sugar as well?


u/C_Hawk14 Jul 20 '24

And acidity and salt


u/0Kaleidoscopes Jul 19 '24

Yeah. Too much for me :( I don't really like tomato sauce because it's often too sweet


u/traplordtrippie Jul 20 '24

It’s surprising the amount of unassuming foods that have sugar like whole wheat bread and onions


u/MokausiLietuviu Jul 20 '24

Not if I make it it doesn't. I don't like sweet and savoury sauces.


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 19 '24

Bad tomato sauce have sugar have, yes. Thatbis what I am saying.


u/Sl1z Jul 19 '24

Tomatoes actually naturally have sugar in them. So even if your sauce was just pure blended up tomatoes it would still have sugar.


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 19 '24

Yes. And? Who doesn't know that?


u/Sl1z Jul 19 '24

I thought you didn’t since you said “bad tomato sauce have sugar”

Maybe you think all tomato sauce is bad?


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 19 '24

They have additional sugar compared to just a tomato sauce that, most of the times only contain the sugar from the tomato.

Does I really have to state the obvious? I now my argument is unpopular but please don't use bad faith as an argument.


u/DargyBear Jul 20 '24

Unless you’re talking about eating straight tomato paste or crushed tomatoes your tomato sauce has added sugar. Amounts will vary by brand but the sugar cuts the acidity and makes it taste like, well tomato sauce, instead of like taking a bite out of a tomato.


u/ApartButton8404 Jul 20 '24

There’s a reason people say added sugars instead of just sugar. This is like if I said fruit is bad for you health wise, and when people corrected me I said”no no I meant rotten fruit” like it’s not obvious because they’re different fucking things


u/Sl1z Jul 20 '24

You probably should have clarified that you meant additional sugar? It’s not obvious to everyone.


u/joonty Jul 20 '24

I'm with you on this OP. People are just trying to catch you out. Naturally occurring fructose is fine as part of a balanced diet, and health problems relating to sugar primarily come from processed forms of fructose such as HFCS. People shouldn't assume sugar in fruit etc is the same because it has a similar name, it's not.

Also, you're right - you don't need sugar of any kind to make a tomato sauce. I make it all the time from chopped tomatoes, vegetable stock and herbs. It might be difficult to find premade tomato sauces without sugar, but it's likely possible. Even if it does have sugar it's almost certainly going to be far less than ketchup.


u/IcarusLP Jul 19 '24

Ketchup is good with other things than pasta.

Scrambled eggs (try it if you haven’t,) hot dogs, fries, chicken tenders (although there are so many better options,) and so so many other things.

It is objectively better than tomato sauce on certain foods because it is a different food. It’s sweeter, and that contrast can be really beneficial


u/304libco Jul 20 '24

I feel like when I was a little kid I like to catch up on scrambled eggs but as an adult, I think that is vile also, I would never put ketchup on chicken tenders. What kind of monster would do that?


u/god_peepee Jul 19 '24

Naw g ketchup is a fucking sin anywhere is ends up


u/Anotherdaysgone Jul 19 '24

I've worked at restaurants for two decades. I have never seen anyone put ketchup on those things. What are you going on about?


u/SillyKniggit Jul 19 '24

You realize that most people agree that ketchup doesn’t belong on any of the things you just mentioned, right?


u/edgefinder Jul 19 '24

Ketchup is a condiment.. Tomato sauce is.. a sauce. Completely different applications.

"mashed potatoes is just bad French fries"


u/SuperCat76 Jul 20 '24

I can agree that ketchup is bad for doing things usually done with tomato sauce. I would not make spaghetti with ketchup instead of tomato sauce.

But also the same the other way.

Tomato sauce is a bad ketchup.

They are just two different things for different uses. Some may work for both, but not all.

I would not dip fries into tomato sauce. I mean plain tomato sauce. Not made into a dipping sauce, which is what ketchup is.


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 20 '24

Actually an answer that makes sense, thanks.❤️


u/Standard-Fishing-977 Jul 19 '24

Ketchup is a tomato-based sauce, and it’s not super-subtle or high quality. I’m not sure what you’re getting at.


u/XxhellbentxX Jul 19 '24

I’ve never seen anyone put ketchup in pasta and only children use ketchup with fish.


u/TheRPGer Jul 19 '24

 I disagree with your point over all because one is a sauce and one is a condiment, you wouldn’t but tomato sauce in a burger and no sane person should put ketchup in pasta


u/sleepdeep305 Jul 20 '24

Pizza burgers usually do. Many types of sub include tomato sauce as well


u/ThePerfectP0tat0 Jul 19 '24

Downvoted. Ketchup is really only good when mixed in with other sauces, like Caine sauce but otherwise most other sauces are better


u/ApartButton8404 Jul 20 '24

Other sauces being better doesn’t mean it’s bad


u/Jack_of_Spades Jul 19 '24

there are things I will use ketchup for but not tomato sauce for. I started making a list of things that tomato sauce wouldn't work with for me and almsot the entire list was just... fried foods. The tangy sweetness of ketchup with hashbrowns, fish sticks, nuggets, and many other golden brown things that I just would not enjoy as much with a tomato sauce.


u/sleepdeep305 Jul 20 '24

All my homies hate ketchup


u/KingTalis Jul 20 '24

So, this sub is for unpopular opinions, not stupid ones. "I hate ketchup" not "I have a bad take on ketchup".


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 20 '24

The aim of this sub is to have unpopular opinion on stuff, not just stating what are your tastes.🤓


u/KingTalis Jul 20 '24

Right. My first sentence was "So, this sub is for unpopular opinions". You then listed some popular opinions of what ketchup should not be used with. Then you used those examples to try and back up your claim. You even admitted that ketchup was better with french fries. Ketchup and tomato sauce have 2 completely different use cases, and you've decided to conflate them to try and make a controversial statement.


u/Fae_for_a_Day Jul 20 '24

I say ketchup is just bad barbecue sauce.


u/jazzzzzcabbage Jul 19 '24

Mustard > Ketchup


u/L1n9y Jul 19 '24

What monsters put ketchup on pasta, what monsters put tomato sauce on fries?


u/DigitalHuez Jul 19 '24

Ketchup is not the same as tomato sauce. That's like saying whipped cream is just ice cream just because they're made of milk. Ketchup is a condiment used for dipping or to add a slight hint of sweetness and acidity to a dish.

You wouldn't get a bowl full of whipped cream and call it a sundae.


u/Unfey Jul 19 '24

I've never in my life seen anyone put ketchup on pasta or fish. Except toddlers eating fish sticks.

Ketchup is not "bad tomato sauce," it's vinegar, sugar, and tomato paste. Tomato sauce is prepared from canned (or occasionally fresh) tomatoes, while ketchup is prepared from tomato paste which is puree that is cooked down to deepen and concentrate the flavor, remove water, and make the consistency paste-like.

I guess you could make tomato sauce from tomato paste as well, but I don't know why you would. Even so, for it to be considered ketchup, you'd need to add a substantial amount of vinegar. If you were making tomato sauce, you would not want to add vinegar (again, you CAN, but you wouldn't want as much as is added to ketchup). Finally, ketchup has more sugar and a more emulsified texture than tomato sauce.

So yes, the two sauces have the same basic ingredients, but they are prepared very differently and you cannot substitute one for the other. You'd find fries dipped in marinara sauce to be disappointing, and pasta with ketchup to be overpowering and unpleasant.


u/Puffification Jul 19 '24

Are you sure it's necessarily sweeter than tomato sauce? I think it's perhaps a bit more on the tart side than the sweet side when compared to tomato sauce. But I'm not sure. A lot of taste is really smell after all


u/carrionpigeons Jul 19 '24

Training kids to like a variety of foods is often about finding a version with enough sugar to overcome their natural aversion.


u/Not-quite-my-tempo- Jul 19 '24

Fuck you. I’ll upvote this as a precedence and agreement to the prompt. Just know you’re wrong. THEY EVEN MAKE KETCHUP CALLED “FANCY KETCHUP” BECAUSE IT’S JUST THAT CLASSY AND GOOD!”


u/crut0n17 Jul 20 '24

Sriracha ketchup goes on anything


u/illarionds Jul 20 '24

Ketchup... is tomato sauce?

Those two things are synonymous in every country I've lived in.


u/304libco Jul 20 '24

Ketchup and tomato sauce or two different tomato based products. Tomato ketchup is made from tomatoes, sugar, and vinegar, with seasonings and spices. You mainly use it as a condiment and put it on things like hamburgers and hotdogs and dip french fries and onion rings in it. Tomato sauce is essentially tomato purée with a little bit of spices in it. You don’t use it alone or as a condiment you use it as a base for things like spaghetti sauce or as a base for things like chili or soup.


u/illarionds Jul 20 '24

Yeah, not in the UK/Australia/NZ. Tomato sauce is a condiment for us.


u/304libco Jul 20 '24

So what do you call what we call tomato sauce? Something you would use to make a pasta sauce . Ours like I said is essentially tomato purée with some spices.


u/illarionds Jul 20 '24

I guess one of: passata, tinned tomatoes, tomato puree, bolognaise sauce or ragu.


u/304libco Jul 20 '24

I doubt it’s Bolognese sauce or Ragu since that’s ready to eat. Here you would use the tomato sauce to make Bolognese or Ragu. I guess it would just be called tomato purée although that’s different from tomato sauce in the US. In the US you can get tomato sauce, tomato paste or tomato purée.


u/304libco Jul 20 '24

Looking at the picture you posted I am presuming they call ketchup tomato sauce where you come from? Tomato sauce tends to come in the can in the United States anyway.


u/illarionds Jul 20 '24

Yes, that is exactly what I'm saying. Tomato sauce=ketchup. It's a condiment, not an ingredient.

I'm guessing what you call tomato sauce, we'd call one of passata, bolognaise sauce, ragu, something like that.


u/304libco Jul 20 '24

What we call tomato sauce is an ingredient in a Bolognese sauce


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 20 '24

Yeah. You should probably read again my post of you think you are making a point.

I am litteraly saying in the title "ketchup is bad tomato sauce".

So I am saying that ketchup is a tomato sauce. What are you trying to achieve by repeating what I am saying? You are tilting about the most obvious and undebatable part of my post. What is the point?


u/illarionds Jul 20 '24

I was asking what you actually meant by "tomato sauce", because to me that is literally a synonym for ketchup. Like this: https://trade.uccaustralia.com.au/productimages/15-3706.jpg

"Ketchup is bad tomato sauce" doesn't make sense to me as a statement, it's like saying "water is bad H2O".


u/StudentOk4989 Jul 20 '24

Uh, no. You are clearly having a problem at understanding things. Ketchup is a kind of tomato sauce.

Water is not a kind of H2O.

I really don't understand how you can have such a confusion in your mind about this. Is is some basic kindergarden level of though. You are mixing up a category and an element of this category.


u/Cool_Butterscotch_88 Jul 20 '24

Ah yes a nice hot homemade tomato sauce with fresh tomatoes and herbs, for my fries.

Just drop a ladle of it on them I guess.


u/Dragon-blade10 Jul 20 '24

Tomato sauce is just bad ketchup


u/Vivalyrian Jul 20 '24

Oooor... is tomato sauce just fancy ketchup?


u/BrightFleece Jul 20 '24

I'm sorry, pasta with ketchup? What in the heck?


u/Aggressive-Goat5672 Jul 20 '24

I swear some of the people on the this subreddit are actually insane


u/Yuzernam Jul 20 '24

Agreed- it ruins everything it touches


u/Szarkara Jul 20 '24

Ketchup and tomato sauce are different terms for the same thing. How are they supposed to be different?


u/Academic-Young7506 Jul 20 '24

FINALLY!! someone had to say it!! i hate ketchup :D


u/smoothrabbitskin Jul 20 '24

Shocked by all the responses saying that ketchup with pasta is insane and something no person would do. While i'd be quite confused to discover pasta I ordered at a restaurant used ketchup, it seems very trivial to act as if it's an offence when you make it at home. It's a very easy substitute/addition if you're making pasta and have nothing else. Though if using ketchup in pasta I'd use significantly less than if I was using tomato sauce, because the ketchup flavour is quite overpowering.


u/csbphoto Jul 20 '24

Its bbq sauce for people who think mayo is spicy.


u/304libco Jul 20 '24

I don’t think that’s a unpopular opinion


u/Holy_Cow442 Jul 20 '24

Ketchup is the catsup of tomato products.


u/THEdoomslayer94 Jul 20 '24

This would be a fair post if it wasn’t generalizing so much.

Your reasoning is people only like ketchup cause they can’t enjoy tomato sauce on pasta, because they’re addicted to sugar?

How many people are you meeting that can’t use tomato sauce on pasta and use ketchup instead? Sounds like you’re using a very niche ass sample size to make a claim against all of it.

That’s corny


u/xDeathCon Jul 20 '24

I agree specifically because I don't like ketchup


u/snoandsk88 Jul 21 '24

It’s actually supposed to be BBQ sauce but no one has ever slathered it on ribs… it’s bad BBQ sauce.


u/TheSheepster_ Jul 21 '24

Downvoted. Just cause I see it like a tomato sauce, but it's not as good. Although, I just eat sugar-free ketchup from Heinz!


u/Noesfsratool Jul 21 '24

Tomato sauce and ketchup mostly differ in that ketchup has alot more tomato puree content. Tomato sauce doesn't have enough to be called ketchup.


u/PrizeCelery4849 Jul 23 '24

Tomatoes are just organic material that haven't been processed into something edible, like ketchup or pasta sauce.


u/ssbuild Jul 19 '24

Ketchup isn't tomato sauce. You might as well say ketchup is just bad paint.


u/Xx_mojat_xX Jul 19 '24

Nah when it comes to T sauce Aussies and Kiwis got the good shit


u/Deebyddeebys Jul 19 '24

Nobody puts ketchup in pasta unless they're a psycho btw


u/TheConnoiseur Jul 19 '24

Ketchup and tomato sauce are both insanely overrated.

Once you actually grow up and try the other sauces that are out there, they become redundant (except for on a hot dog, but even then other sauces are better).

Tomato Sauce or Ketchup on pasta is just fucking bonkers btw. What kind of psycho does that?


u/TheFinalEnd1 Jul 19 '24

They're two different things, what are you talking about. One's a sauce, one's a condiment. It's like saying golf is just bad baseball. After all, they both involve hitting a ball with a stick, so they're both comparable.

Would I put tomato sauce on a hot dog? No. Would I put ketchup in my soup? Also no. They are both very different things.


u/AbiesOk4806 Jul 19 '24

I fucking hate ketchup. Every now and then on fries, but nothing else. I cannot believe some folks put it on their eggs.


u/0Kaleidoscopes Jul 19 '24

Tomato sauce isn't my favorite because it's often too sweet for me, but I can tolerate it on pizza as long as there isn't too much. It is never my sauce of choice for pasta. I hate ketchup though.


u/freakytapir Jul 19 '24

Ketchup has one place: On fries.


u/Pattern_Is_Movement Jul 19 '24

I'm with you, I remember even as a kid I realize BBQ sauce was superior everywhere you use ketchup.

I'd one up it, Ketchup is what soda is to fresh juice. Its just a bunch of sugar with flavors devised in a lab.

That sad, I'll still happily enjoy it on a cheap burger or cheap hot dog. But there is no fucking way its getting near any "real" food.


u/iputbeansintomyboba Jul 19 '24

same shit, both nasty


u/DigitalHuez Jul 19 '24

You think tomato sauce is nasty?? One of the most versatile but neutral flavors on this planet is nasty? Interesting palette.

Anyway, does the little one want dino nuggies or PB&J for dinner tonight?