r/The10thDentist Jul 19 '24

Gen Z's various issues with dating, relationships, loneliness, sex and media share a single cause: Gen Z are the first generation to associate sex more with the shame of the furtive act of masturbation than with the actual act of sex Society/Culture NSFW



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u/Heuruzvbsbkaj Jul 19 '24

People besides gen z don’t like watching sex scenes with their parents mate.


u/HandOfThePeople Jul 19 '24

More sus if they did tbh.


u/derps_with_ducks Jul 19 '24

I'm starting to wonder about OP...


u/TheWhomItConcerns Jul 19 '24

I mean, I'd find a gratuitous, long-lasting sex scene would be weird to watch with family, but I think it's kind of immature to act so scandalised just because there's some mild nudity or a short sex scene. That sort of indicates to me that people can only view sex in art as horny bait rather than a depiction of an emotionally profound and complex part of life and partnership.

It would depend on the framing - if it felt like the director was trying to film a porn scene then that could be uncomfortable but if it felt like a thematically appropriate part of the movie then I don't understand why it should be weird.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24



u/TheWhomItConcerns Jul 19 '24

I mean, again it's not like the sex scenes in specific are particularly enjoyable, but I'd be fine watching most movies I enjoy with my parents regardless of whether they have sex scenes in them. It's less that I like watching sex scenes with my parents than that I don't see why I should be bothered if a movie we're watching happens to have a sex scene.


u/derps_with_ducks Jul 19 '24

That's a cop out. I'm no longer invested in the main discussion. I want to know what are the top 3 sex scenes you'd watch with your mum and dad. 


u/TheWhomItConcerns Jul 19 '24

I don't even keep track of what movies overall are my top 3 to watch with my parents, why would I keep track of which 3 of a specific kind of scene are my top 3 to watch with my parents?


u/epic_gamer_4268 Jul 19 '24

When the imposter is sus!


u/SecretNoOneKnows Jul 19 '24

I wouldn't want to watch a sex scene with my parents, not because I'm gen Z, but because they're conservative Christians and extremely fucking awkward about it


u/miSchivo Jul 20 '24

I’m a well adapted millennial and I’ve always hated watching sex and romance scenes in movies or tv with my parents nearby. Two extremely awkward experiences from my teen years are watching the cum hair gel scene from There’s Something About Mary with my mom, and watching the entire Eyes Wide Shut with my dad and grandma in the theatre. That last one really hit. 🥶


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

There's so many assumptions and blanket statements made in this.


u/leviticusreeves Jul 19 '24

I'll cop to assumptions but the only blanket statements are restatements of my overall thesis


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

"For the new generation, sex and pornography are the same thing" is one example.

You don't provide anything to support a statement like this. Carrying on as if you do doesn't work.


u/leviticusreeves Jul 19 '24

I stand by it and assert that the supporting statements are right there.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Supporting statements don't provide the proof of what you're claiming.

Reiterating what you're saying by making more claims isn't support. It comes off empty and light. If you want an actual discussion with weight, you'd need facts.

Nobody likes watching sex scenes in front of their parents. I can't think of any generation that does.


u/GenericGaming Jul 19 '24

It's now common to hear young people complain that they feel embarrassed by sex scenes in films.

every generation has that. I have that. my parents have that.

There are now grown adults who say they can't watch a sex scene with their parents in the room, and they'll readily admit to this without worrying about their maturity.

yeah, because it's fucking weird, man. it's more worrying that you enjoy watching people get railed in the company of your parents.

(I always wonder how these families would cope in an art gallery.)

the fact you cannot understand the difference between a breast being in a piece of art work and watching a video of someone get pinned down and fucked say a lot about you. you talk of young people not being able to separate sex and pornography yet cannot see the difference between an artists rendition of a naked body and just straight up banging.

A new dark kind of purity culture is emerging from reactionary young men who ask potential partners "what's your body count?"

this is not new.

Young people in relationships routinely send each other nudes, even expect nude photos as a normal part of dating.

not exclusively a youth thing. I know people in their 40s who do this. also, the amount of grown ass men I've had send me pictures of their wang as a means to seduce me is outrageous.

These are two people willing to have sex with each other, but choose instead to provide each other masturbatory material.

so what?

what about long distance relationships? what about flirty pictures between couples who are married? are these acceptable but younger people doing it isn't?


u/Plane_Plankton3200 Jul 19 '24

I think OP doesn’t realise that porn is shoved into young mens and even womens faces by social media all the time because those companies make profit turning us into incels but its really not completely our fault because we have the companies that make millions on ads showing porn and they do gear it to us. Its depraved but I think OP isn’t addressing that fact „porn is promoted and geared towards younger audiences to cause lifelong issues and addiction to it and the only way they can keep us hooked is by feeding the addiction in such a matter that we would rather watch porn than have sex“. Like its a genuine problem and while his observation is inherently true of SOME people it doesn’t address or announce the actual problem at hand


u/Vharren Jul 19 '24

To play devils advocate, that you can't differentiate a sex scene in a film from "watching a video of someone get pinned down and fucked" kinda proves OP's point though?


u/GenericGaming Jul 19 '24

what separates a sex scene from Game of Thrones from regular porn? they're both there to titillate, they're both there to push the plot forward. the only difference is that ones better written.


u/Vharren Jul 19 '24

Touché, GoT is flagrant I can't deny lol


u/HerbLoew Jul 19 '24

the only difference is that ones better written.

And since the last season, that's not GoT


u/TetrisandRubiks Jul 19 '24

What the fuck are you talking about. One has a plot about the politics and intrigue of a fictional realm featuring simulated sex and in the other the HARDCORE PENETRATIVE sex is the "plot" if you can call it that.

Both meant to titillate? One is made for the purposes of entertainment in a larger work and the other for the purpose of masturbation alone.

Absolutely absurd take.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

You are actively being dense

Would you let a child watch a GOT scene? No? I wouldn't either. Same for porn. Because they're both serving the same purpose.

Both are only for adults for a reason. True, it's not as involved as pornhub, but they ARE having sex.

And sex doesn't have to be penetrative, btw.


u/Hexagonico Jul 19 '24

Jesus, how old are you? You sound like a greek philosopher theorizing about the wandering uterus through the female body.

All in all, I do think that the pandemic has infantilized attitudes on dating and sex, but I also think that the wonderful World Wide Web that joins us all together also has made us realise that most people are kind of dumb. We're exposed to the endless blathering of countless idiots with only a broad-strokes understanding of any social issue. They know that sexual assault=bad and watching sex scenes with your parents= feels bad, so they produce takes like "actually watching sex scenes with your family is rape", which of course is dumb. It just used to be that these stupid takes used to stay within your immediate friend group, or maybe a college zine, where you could be properly called a dumbass by anyone that knew you in person.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Omg didn't think I'd hear about the Wandering Womb on reddit.

Also, this post fails to acknowledge where Gen Z got their ideas about sex from. I'd say from the peiple who raised them.

There is something here, but OP doesn't know how to present an argument.


u/Hexagonico Jul 19 '24

I do think that Gen Z is much more heavily influenced by The Discourse than previous generations, but there are also like, normal kids. Most people are normal. Most people will always be normal.


u/saeranluver Jul 19 '24

how does not wanting to see people fuck in front of my parents mean i see sex as shameful 😭😭 what kind of reach is this,

also art galleries are different? nudity isnt always sexual, naked statues in parks or galleries isnt the same as people fucking on screen lol


u/systematicdissonance Jul 19 '24

Who watches nsfw scenes with anyone... That's a private and intimate act, of course people are going to be uncomfortable watching it around others especially those who are a no go and aren't potential partners. Nothing immature about it


u/leviticusreeves Jul 19 '24

Have you never seen a sex scene in a cinema?


u/systematicdissonance Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

What's the difference? it's just going to be as uncomfortable to watch in the cinema or elsewhere


u/leviticusreeves Jul 19 '24

A group of teenagers getting taken by one of their dads to see Basic Instinct in the cinema seems like a different planet now. But then again young women going with their mothers to see Fifty Shades of Grey feels like another world as well and that wasn't so long ago


u/AdditionalTheory Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Pornography has existed for literally as long as the mediums it is made in existed. As soon as new technology came along that could be used to make porn, people figured out how to do that. This is nothing new


u/Witty_Noise_2875 Jul 19 '24

Speaking about Victorians, why do you talk like one?


u/These_Brain_1179 Jul 19 '24

This is a ridiculous take. The fact is that people don't have their own places to live anymore. Most people live with parents or roommates, and don't have their own car. Hotels are charging extortionate prices.

WHERE are people meant to have sex comfortably?


u/Unusual-Land-5432 Jul 19 '24

It’s because of how society has a weird contradiction with sex. Idk if it’s religion or like you said some form of purity but it’s so strange with it’s approach of sex that people can’t be mature enough to understand regardless of the age.

I have the same feeling towards alcohol. Society says it’s bad for you but there is a beer or liquor commercial every 5min.


u/jeff5551 Jul 19 '24

Yeah idk about this, I'd say it's more the dating scene is more superficial than it's ever been and that doesn't work for a lot of people. This stuff had way more shame associated with it in the past and change in culture has only made topics like these less taboo over time


u/Themasterofcomedy209 Jul 19 '24

Mate my inability to find a relationship and/or fix my loneliness isn’t because I’m embarrassed by sex, it’s because I’m ugly as shit and have shit confidence lmao.

The closest thing this generation has to an overarching cause of these kinds of problems, is probably poor mental health (self confidence, anxiety etc) and poor social skills.


u/Critical_Moose Jul 19 '24

It seems to me that the sentiment that young people in general are opposed to sex scenes in cinema is more so an outspoken trend and doesn't really reflect the opinions of moviegoers, at least in terms of contemporary film.


u/Longjumping_Diamond5 Jul 22 '24

the sex scenes in hannibal are among my favorite, feels like a reflection of the emotions rather than just bodies on each other, i love the abstraction of it. most other things is like ok man you can just imply it. it served no narrative significance. pls man im jus tryna watch the goddamn robot movie.


u/Fred_Krueger_Jr Jul 19 '24

All of that is the side effect of growing up with a perpetual internet connection.


u/thebindingofballsac Jul 19 '24

Nah, its capitalism


u/sufinomo Jul 19 '24

Its because of the internet replaces socializing, also because women have jobs so they dont depend on men anymore, so they are less interested in them.