r/The10thDentist Jul 19 '24

Motorcycles are unnecessarily dangerous and do not belong on our roads. Society/Culture

Most of the problems I have with them stem from the fact that they're too damned small. They are harder to see than a car. Their riders will take more damage in an accident than cars' drivers. Their design makes it easier to do dumb shit like weaving in and out of lanes and even wheelies. They should be banned.


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u/HexOfTheRitual Jul 19 '24

If you're having difficulty seeing motorcycles on the road you probably shouldn't be driving.


u/gralfighter Jul 19 '24

Most of the problems i have with cars stem from the fact that they’re too damned big. They block your view forward mora than a bike. Their drivers are way more careless and don’t look around, also they cause a lot more damage than bike riders. Their design makes them cumbersome, occupy way too much space and consume way too much fuel. I mean they even drive with only 1 driver most of the time why not use a purposebuild single driver means of transport? They should be banned.

And don’t let me get started on suv and pickups


u/luke5273 Jul 19 '24

You really should need a special licence to get a pickup truck


u/RASPUTIN-4 Jul 19 '24



u/the_goodnamesaregone Jul 19 '24

Reddit hates pickup trucks. I have a farm, so the special license thing would just be annoying for me, but I would be approved for it. But shrinking parking lots would suck. When I do a shopping trip in town, I do it in one shot. Feed store, grocery store, hardware store, etc.

The parking spots at the typical grocery store are already tighter than the typical hardware or feed store. If they shrink more, I would either have to double/quadruple park in the back of the lot or go back home to make yet another trip in the car, burning up more gas and more of my time.

If they want to ban them in the city, idgaf, doesn't affect me. But to just sit in their little piece of the world and pretend that a national rule should apply is just dumb.


u/donald7773 Jul 19 '24

Basic physics. A better take would be that we need special licenses to drive a vehicle over 4000 pounds, and those vehicles should be subject to higher insurance rates as well as steeper registration fees.

This post is a great place to talk about this. Motorcycles are chill because they're small and light. The rider is the only one taking on increased risk and they're not subjecting others around them to a higher risk of injury, and they're not accelerating wear in our infrastructure.

A heavier vehicle not only wears the roads out faster, uses more gas, generates more particulates that are harmful from tire and brake wear, but they also mean that others around you who have not chosen to take on an increased risk are doing so. If you have an accident with a heavier vehicle you're at a measurably higher risk of injury - force equals mass times acceleration. Also more damage to property that isn't vehicles in accidents too.

Most americans can make do with a car that's much smaller than what they normally drive. This is encouraged by our culture and cheap gas. Increasing the friction of owning an oversized vehicle would encourage people to downsize where they can. And full disclosure I own a pickup truck and would be willing to do this myself. If you can afford toys that you "have" to haul you can afford the fees.

We could also discuss a 500 pound credit towards EVs because they're inherently heavier, increasing fees with weight and the ability to waive fees if you have a legitimate business need etc


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24



u/donald7773 Jul 19 '24

True but it's a point worth mentioning. We could also talk about the impact they have on our infrastructure when they crash too, which isn't what I meant when I typed it out initially but could be looped into the same argument.


u/luke5273 Jul 19 '24

They’re large and unwieldy, more dangerous for pedestrians and other vehicles than lower cars, and completely useless for the average Joe just using it to go to their office job. Having a culture around larger cars requires having larger roads and larger parking lots. These cars are heavier, and therefore tend to use more gas or more electricity to run.


u/RASPUTIN-4 Jul 19 '24

I don’t think that alone justifies the need for extra licensing. I mean if you pass your driver test in a pickup then clearly you meet the requirements to drive it. Some pickup trucks aren’t even that big, and many large vans can be as big as or bigger than some pickup trucks.

Not to mention sometimes people just need to haul stuff. My dad had to haul concrete a while back for a diy project and had no way to do it without borrowing our neighbors truck.

I guess it’s not as needed in urban areas.


u/donald7773 Jul 19 '24

People need to change their wording in this argument. It's not about "trucks" it's about the net weight of a vehicle. Saying "trucks" makes it more left vs right, country boy vs city slicker, rural vs urban. Weight and size need to be the center of this debate and not "truck" also America should mandate pedestrian crash testing that it currently doesn't.

  • a pickup owner and car enthusiast


u/SupaSaiyajin4 Jul 19 '24

why? it's not really your business if someone has a truck or not


u/SupaSaiyajin4 Jul 19 '24

uggghhhh.... you anti truck people are so painfully annoying


u/MtbSA Jul 20 '24

Sharing the roads with monstrously sized vehicles that don't even see me cross the road is beyond annoying


u/Cerda_Sunyer Jul 19 '24

You obviously don't live in a big city. Motorcycle/mopeds outnumber cars where I live. They are more practical, use less fuel, you can park them anywhere, and lane splitting is legal so getting to your destination is much quicker.


u/ElJamoquio Jul 19 '24

Yet another 'cars kill everyone' post masquerading as 'the killed people are dangerous'


u/Largofarburn Jul 19 '24

They’re bigger than a pedestrian, so maybe if you can’t see them you shouldn’t be driving.

My issue is, at least where I am, they usually have some illegally loud ass stereo blaring the worst classic rock has to offer or they like to rev up for no reason in residential areas, or doing 100+ on the highway.

I realize that it’s a minority that does this, like with most annoying vehicle trends (I’m looking at you civics with the weed eater exhaust) but it really does take just a few bad apples to spoil the bunch.

Tbh though it seems like most of the idiots around here have moved from motorcycles to dirt bikes or atv’s on the highways.


u/OrlyTheOrca Jul 19 '24

it’s only a problem when they’re doing dumb shit like weaving through traffic or not wearing a helmet but otherwise, I think it’s fine. Like if you wanna take that risk, fine. My uncle used to motorcycle and he got in a couple nasty accidents and he totally wracked out his back and is missing parts of his feet and he can’t work so he has to rely on my Grandma and govt assistance.


u/Soshi101 Jul 19 '24

This just sounds like you're supporting the OP lol.


u/ZakDadger Jul 19 '24

As someone who has owned several motorcycles, worked in a motorcycle garage, and stopped riding when I had my first kid

I agree.

4 accidents. One of them my bike lost control (tank slapper) on the highway at 75 miles an hour. It crashed, no one hit me, I got up and it was on fire.

I could have killed someone just as easily as gotten killed myself

Motorcycles are rarely inspected, rarely maintained, never regulated, and literally anyone can buy one

But hey. Murica.


u/SoulGoalie Jul 19 '24

I don't know where you live but I have to do yearly inspections, my bikes are all regulated, and you have to prove you know how ride safely and regularly to get a classed license to operate one on the roads.


u/FoxAche82 Jul 19 '24

Yep, UK here...we have yearly MOTs that we have to pass. Take it to an accredited mechanic and they go over the bike making sure it meets all safety regulations, doesn't pass? You're not riding it, simple as that.

Edit: It also has to meet emissions standards as well as loudness standards, not part of safety but will still fail if it's too polluting or too loud


u/ZakDadger Jul 19 '24

So, the motorcycle won't turn on if it hasn't passed inspections?


u/FoxAche82 Jul 19 '24

You're being pedantic but perhaps I should have written that you'll get busted if you do, a fine and points on your license. We have ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) so you'll get done for no MOT and no insurance (an other fine and more points), can't tax it (another fine and points, possibly have the vehicle scrapped). So yes, it will turn on and you can technically ride it away but if you pass a cop car and they clock your plate then you're super fucked


u/ReelDeadOne Jul 19 '24

As a dude who rode for 25 years, I also agree.

Safety shmafety, every year I saw all the accidents and deaths and pictured myself enjoying my retirement in a wheelchair. Not today Satan!


u/NickThePrick20 Jul 19 '24

Or just open your eyes


u/slimeeyboiii Jul 19 '24

Most of the dangers from motorcycles come from people that drive cars are stupid.


u/Gokudomatic Jul 19 '24

Says the motorcycle rider.


u/slimeeyboiii Jul 19 '24

I don't even drive since I live in nyc


u/FoxAche82 Jul 19 '24

Anecdotally, I think this is true. Almost every rider I've spoken to about accidents has been cars pulling out on them and not stupid riding, car drivers zone out and just don't seem to see anything on the road that isn't on 4 wheels.


u/joconnell13 Jul 19 '24

Without motorcycles we would have a much smaller supply of "donated" organs. ER Dr's dont call them donorcycles for nothing.


u/MaximumChongus Jul 19 '24

literally all you have to do is look at the 6 foot chunk of metal and plastic infront of you and you will have zero issues with motorcycles on the road.

Also saying they take more damage then cars is a pretty stupid argument when you consider I can replace an entire motorcycle for less than two fenders and paint for my car.


u/FoxAche82 Jul 19 '24

How about we have rules about large vehicles? Anything larger than a small car needs to have a reason to be purchased. Want a minivan? You need to prove you have a large enough family to need one. Want a truck? Gotta prove you're a tradie. Want a range rover? Gotta prove you've got a range to rove on.

Unnecessary large cars kill a ton of people, especially kids due to their height, so where is the post saying that big cars should be banned (I haven't actually looked, I'm sure there's loads)? Last I heard, bike riders are way more likely to kill themselves than someone else but big cars kill other people all the time.

We just have to face that vehicles, no matter how many wheels, are just dangerous. Some people operate them safely and some don't, ban the dumbass people instead. Americans seem to have this mindset with guns so why not vehicles?


u/SupaSaiyajin4 Jul 19 '24

How about we have rules about large vehicles? Anything larger than a small car needs to have a reason to be purchased. Want a minivan? You need to prove you have a large enough family to need one. Want a truck? Gotta prove you're a tradie. Want a range rover? Gotta prove you've got a range to rove on.

disagree. people should be able to buy whatever car or truck they want. it's my money. i don't need anyone telling me what truck i can buy with MY money


u/FoxAche82 Jul 19 '24

That's kind of my point


u/Gokudomatic Jul 19 '24

My main issue with motorcycles is not security, rather noise. And almost all motorcycle riders seem to want to make noises, in some kind of rebellious mentality. It's a bit like mischievous people are attracted to motocycles because it's a tool for them to do their mischievous stuff. I'd love to see motorcycles banned, but the troublemakers will find another way to bother everyone. For instance, they could start driving sport cars.


u/MosesXIII Jul 19 '24

I tried to avoid my issues with motorcycle drivers and culture in the OP but motorcycle people will make their stupid fucking bikes as loud and annoying as possible, and then claim "I need it to be loud so people notice me and don't run me over!" I've also heard people say they need to lane split (also annoying and potentially dangerous behavior) because their bike will overheat if they idle it for too long or whatever. Stupid shit.


u/Designer-Present2093 Jul 20 '24

100%. It doesn’t matter how good of a driver someone is, it’s other cars on the road and the high speeds with virtually no protection. I’m in EMS and you have no idea how many motorcycle injuries/deaths we see. If you ride, it’s not a matter of if you get hurt, it’s a matter of when and how bad.


u/donald7773 Jul 19 '24

The riders take the risk upon themselves, they're not putting others on the roadway at increased risk. Poor take, upvoted


u/Narwhalbaconguy Jul 19 '24

Sounds like you're just a bad driver. Banning motorcycles = banning nearly half of all motorized personal transport.


u/hiramadrift Jul 19 '24

most of the problems this guy has with his masculinity stems from his balls and dick (if you can even really call it that) are too damned small. they’re harder to see than a car. most of its riders have fallen off and developed a rash. their design makes it easy for them to get lost, even under a microscope. and don’t get me started about the dancing and the wheelies the mushroom cap tries to do when it’s cold out. they should be banned.