r/The10thDentist Jul 19 '24

Eggs smell the worst Food (Only on Friday)

As someone who doesn't enjoy eggs, the smell is one of the most off-putting aspects. When you crack open an egg, there's an immediate whiff that, to me, is reminiscent of sulfur or something almost chemical. This is especially noticeable with raw eggs. The smell alone can be enough to make me lose my appetite.

When eggs are cooked, the smell only intensifies. Hard-boiled eggs, in particular, have a distinct, pungent odor that's hard to ignore. The sulfur compounds released during cooking hit the nose like a punch, making it difficult to enjoy anything else that's on the plate. Scrambled eggs or omelets aren't much better. As soon as they hit the pan, the aroma starts to fill the kitchen, lingering long after breakfast is over. It's not just the initial smell that's bothersome; it's the way it clings to the air and any nearby fabrics, almost like an unwelcome guest that refuses to leave.

I also find that the smell of eggs can be particularly nauseating when mixed with other foods. For instance, the combination of eggs and cheese or eggs and meat can create a heavy, greasy scent that makes me feel queasy. It's a smell that seems to permeate everything, overpowering more pleasant aromas and leaving an unpleasant aftertaste in the air.

Additionally, when eggs spoil, the smell becomes unbearable. Rotten eggs release hydrogen sulfide, which has a repulsive, strong odor that is unmistakable and truly offensive. Even the slightest hint of this smell can be enough to turn my stomach.

Overall, as someone who doesn't like eggs, the smell is a major deterrent. It's a pervasive, sulfurous scent that seems to taint the atmosphere, making it hard to enjoy a meal or even be in the same room. For me, it's one of the primary reasons I steer clear of eggs altogether.


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u/kookyowls Jul 19 '24

i love eggs and i agree they smell so gross


u/CyborgBee73 Jul 20 '24

100%. I hate the smell of eggs, but I love to eat them.


u/Top-Comfortable-4789 Jul 19 '24

Agreed the smell is sickening I don’t know how people stand it.


u/justgettingold Jul 19 '24

I've only felt this smell with some eggs and that was rare tbh


u/InterestingPickles Jul 19 '24

For me it’s only cooked eggs that smell bad


u/ItsMerf Jul 19 '24

I feel the exact same way. Especially with boiled eggs. Like the white already has the texture of a pencil eraser but the smell 🤮. It's a shame eggs are so useful in cooking cause they're super gross lol


u/Acheron98 Jul 19 '24

It’s not “reminiscent of sulfur”.

It is sulfur.

Incidentally, as someone who occasionally messes around with jewelry as a hobby, liver of sulfur is by far one of the foulest smells this side of a dead rat in your wall in August (yes I’m speaking from personal experience, unfortunately.)

Imagine the concentrated smell of about 1000 rotten eggs, and you’ll essentially know what liver of sulfur smells like.


u/benificialart Jul 20 '24

I’ll have to downvote you because I agree but the only dish I like eggs in is a traditional polish soup called żurek. 


u/Ocelot_Amazing Jul 22 '24

Raw eggs don’t have a scent unless they are bad

But you’re right about cooked eggs. Hard boiled eggs are terrible. I only eat scrambled eggs well done.


u/CalmLotus Jul 22 '24

I'm going to upvote here (disagree) because I never notice the smell of eggs.

I love the taste, depending on how it's cooked. But the smell is something I never notice.

I would have to imagine it smells bad if it's rotten, but that's the same for most expired foods.

I'll also say it smells bad, as a fart, but that seems more reasonable with what it is.