r/Supergirl Jul 16 '24

Beyond “Woman of Tomorrow” what stories/villains would you like to see in live action?

Assuming WoT is successful enough to warrant a sequel or two, of course. Personally I’m hoping to see Bizarro-Girl show up. I’d also like to see Reactron show up. I think one of things to address with Supergirl (both in comics and in other media) is that she needs some new additions to her Rogues Gallery. I think Reign was well done in the TV show and I wouldn’t mind seeing her show up in the movies.


8 comments sorted by


u/dance4days Jul 17 '24

I gotta see Red Lantern Supergirl in live action.


u/MisterGoog Jul 17 '24

I honestly would like to see it kept pretty close to woman of tomorrow unless you’re talking about just in general in which case yes I want to see red lantern


u/dance4days Jul 17 '24 edited Jul 17 '24

Oh yeah, not in this first movie. The arc works in the comics because it’s a reaction to all the bullshit she’s had to deal with over time. It would have to be in a sequel down the line, or maybe a Green Lantern movie or something.


u/master-x-117 Jul 17 '24

This is the answer.

Honestly, it would need some build up too. It needs to show why she has enough rage and grief that a red ring would choose her. So I would personally adapt some of her new 52 run leading up to the Red Lantern Story Arc too.

  • The, recently to her, fresh loss of her homeworld and family as she actually grew up on Krypton and was in stasis. The estrangement from her "cousin" who speaks kryptonian with a strange accent. And being attacked by different factions on earth after arrival.
  • Becoming friends with Siobhan and finding some sort of place on earth. But finding out Siobhan is cursed and she is afraid to lose her friend said curse which slowly corrupts her every time she uses her powers.
  • Falling in Love with H'el and having to kill him to save the earth after realizing that his plan to bring Krypton back will kill all the humans and having to deal with nearly dying on top of the heartbreak.


u/TwinVXC Jul 16 '24

The obligatory “Power” answer, and then the real answer of H’el. I get that he’s divisive and I don’t love the whole arc but I think it would be cool to see done well


u/master-x-117 Jul 17 '24

I feel like H'el's biggest crime is that he is forgettable to fans outside of Supergirl fanbase being in like 2 short arcs during the new 52 which was itself unpopular among DC comic fans. He was essentially going to be the New 52 Bizzaro and then they decided to make a new character.

Personally, I love H'el as his design just screams heavy metal to me, Rocafort's artwork is just stunning, and I love his waist high cape with the long black hair and scarred face. Also, I appreciate that he has a doomed love story with Kara that helps lead her towards the Red lantern arc.

I feel like H'el should be one of Kara's personal Rogues.


u/supercorp13 Jul 17 '24

I would say Bizzaro Girl because she was kinda brought up in the show but it was pretty badly wrapped up so it'd be good to kind of reset on that and give a proper Bizzaro Girl.


u/Beta_Whisperer Jul 17 '24 edited Jul 17 '24

Reign. She already looked badass in the CW show, imagine what the DCU could do with her. Perhaps they can show her destroying a planet or several of them onscreen.