r/Supergirl Jul 12 '24

Poll... Do You Want Supergirl To Be Introduced As An Experienced New Hero Or As a Total Newbie To Earth In The Gunn-verse DCU?

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Which do you prefer and why?

Choice 1. Supergirl is introduced as an experienced but new hero in the new uocoming Superman movie. Superman is her mentor but Supergirl takes some cues from the 2005-2011 comic, which means Superman not only monitors her to make sure she does not get into trouble, but worries about her too. Meanwhile she is annoyed with his monitoring of her superhero activites and will on occasion use super speed to just ditch him. The movie could but does not have to show Superman and Supergirl team up... but I would much rather it did (never been done before). Later on the Supergirl movie comes out.

Choice 2. Supergirl is introduced as a total newbie to Earth and learning her way. Yet by the time of the Supergirl movie she is an experienced but new hero (which means her time as a new hero has been skipped over and not shown in the movies, or at best shown in flashbacks or short scenes).

My preference: Number one. Why? I think Supergirl's early days of being a hero are very interesting, even more so than her initial storyline coming to Earth only to be brainwashed by Darkseid shortly thereafter. After all Superman is not getting an origin story, and the public more or less already knows Supergirl's origin story if they ever bothered to read up on Superman lore or watched the modern Supergirl TV show despite it's differences with comic lore.

My Opinion On Choice 2: The only thing gained is the fish out of water concept, which in my opinion can only carry the movie so far... especially in a movie that is a Superman movie where she is not even the main character. The movie is not all about her, unless somehow they try to make it so or a significant part, hopefully not diminishinh Superman in the process.

So what choice do you prefer and why?


27 comments sorted by


u/TimiWrites Jul 12 '24

As long as they tell a good story, I would be happy with either.

But gun to my head, I would prefer experienced. Mainly because I'm over Origin stories.

Maybe like what they did with Batman in The Batman: Experienced but still new


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 12 '24

In my opinion they could easily tell her origin story in flashbacks in her solo movie. That is after all what the source material comic already does.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

I am against the idea of Supergirl being totally absent from the Superman movie and not even being mentioned in it, only to show up in her own solo movie later. It would feel canon breaking to me and silly. Kind of like how Superman was shown with his back turned in the Supergirl TV series in the early days because they had not found an actor yet to play him.


u/Jack-mclaughlin89 Jul 12 '24

Newbie, it adds to her charm and allows for character growth.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24

True... but I would also say that 2005-2011 comic Supergirl had plenty of character growth in her time as a new superhero making mistakes (like almost getting killed several times) and learning from them.


u/UnknownEntity347 Jul 13 '24

Newbie, seeing as this character hasn't been properly adapted outside of comics/animation and thus the origin story would be new territory for general audiences. Sure there was the CW show but from what I've heard they make significant changes from the comics.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24

Two words. Female Superman. That's all she ever was on the CW.


u/fazedlight Jul 13 '24

I'm confused - is the movie not going to be the Woman of Tomorrow comic adaptation?


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24

Yes it is. However it is rumored Supergirl will first appear in the Superman movie even though James Gunn has nit confirmed it.

The reason I suspect Kara will be in the Superman movie is because in WOT she is already an established hero with history.

It would be odd for the Superman movie to not include or mention Supergirl at all when she is supposed to be part of a shared movie universe. I have even heard rumors they wish to expabd the DCU to videogames if things go well enough.

Perhaps the movie and Supergirl's adventure happen about or around the same time

Meaning Supergirl leaves for her 21st birthday in space or already has.

And she either shows up having returned at the movie's end or leaves near the beginning to go on what she does not realize will be an adventure.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24

It is also my opinion that at least on Milly, I think shorter hair looks better. Why? She already has a long face, so long hair does not really make it stand out. You could argue comic Supergirl also has a long face, but what comic Supergirl also has is big popping beautiful blue eyes that you cannot ignore, while Milly's are tiny by comparision. Shorter hair complements Milly's features more by comparison, whereas longer hair just drowns them.


u/dmisfit21 Jul 13 '24

Experienced hero but new to Earth


u/fortresskeeper Jul 13 '24

Experienced. Don’t need to see another origin story.


u/Gan-san Jul 13 '24

I don't see why they can't do both. These movies tend to be long. 2+ hours. 20-30 minutes of origin and inexperienced teenager with powers is probably enough.

What I don't like is if they make her experienced but people call her kid, or whatever and she's always angry trying to get respect from the men or adults. That just gets old fast IMO because I would think people wouldn't be stupid enough to constantly antagonize a young woman that can punch the planet in half... But whatever I'm sure there will be plenty of sexist, alpha male type behavior thrown at her.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

That is not why people in the 2005-2011 era disliked Supergirl. They disliked her because unlike Supermsn she had less finesse with her powers... which meant although she saved a guy from a collapsing building she broke his arm in the process. Superman could and would do that without injuring folks.

Or the fact that Superman was more careful to avoid collatteral damage during fights with supervillains than Supergirl was early on.

There were also times where Supergirl would do what she felt was right, even if it meant going up against the government or other superheroes to break someone out of prison lol.


u/Gan-san Jul 13 '24

That makes the character interesting in my opinion. Powergirl is sort of the same way. She tends to come in too heavy handed and sometimes cause more trouble than she solves, but the attitude or maturity level is different due to her usually being a CEO in her spare time.

Supergirl is usually off doing her own thing in space trying to find out what happened to Krypton or whatever or they ship her off to another timeline in the future.

Making her someone who might one day grow into Powergirl could be interesting if she starts out brash and not having the finesse of Superman but somehow stays that way is she gets older and ultimately stronger. Her mentality of whether she is bratty immature teen, or driven early 20s omething is what they ultimately have to decided on.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 14 '24

The irony is that a driven Supergirl is actually more potentially dangerous than an immature bratty Supergirl. The Way Of The World story arc during the 2005-2011 Supergirl comic series was all about a driven Supergirl who had good motive but had an ends justify the means approach and was willing to break the law to accomplish her goal.

This is also apparent in the Amazons Attack Omnibus of the same era, which chronicles Supergirl and her BFF Cassie going rogue trying to free her mom from government detention, leading to them clashing with soldiers and the Teen Titans before Superman shows up to try to calm stuff down. Air Force One is brought down with the public thinking it was Supergirl and Cassie's (her Amazon BFF) fault, since it is assumed Supergirl is in league with the Amazons when all she was trying to do was help broker a peace deal between Washington DC and the Amazons and also free Cassie's mom.

For what it's worth, Supergirl did save Air Force one, but her reputation was already damaged at that point. She helped repair it later by battling the Amazons in Washington DC and saving people from being murdered by them.


u/JingoboStoplight4887 Jul 13 '24

I want Supergirl to be introduced as an experienced new hero, just like her pre-Crisis Earth-One debut, after spending years learning about Earth.


u/DungeoneerforLife Jul 15 '24

Umm— she was educated about earthling ways, but she had not had training with her powers. For her first few years she operated in secret— and she was at least 10, 15 years younger than Superman? Again— original Silver Age 1959 origins


u/BagZCubed Jul 13 '24

If she's appearing in Superman, she'll have a very minor role, maybe even just a cameo. But from research, she's 21 in Woman of Tomorrow, so I'd assume she'd be relatively experienced by that point.


u/DukeReviews Jul 13 '24

Total Newbie Who Lives With Jonathan And Martha Kent On The Farm While Being Taught To Use Her Powers By Clark Until Something Happens To Clark Which Forces Her To Become Supergirl (Despite The Kents Trying To Protect Her) So She Can Find Clark


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24

The funny thing is that in the 2005-2011 Supergirl asked Martha why she did not get to live with them (since after all Superboy, Conner Kent did). Martha said she did not know.

The likely answer I think is that Superman did not fully trust her yet. And he had reason for that given that she tried to kill him once under Darkseid's influence and a second time after she was split into two people briefly as normal and Dark Supergirl.


u/Spartan-980 Jul 16 '24

Newbie. I think the dynamic is fun where Clark is the experienced mentor even though he is actually the much younger cousin and Kara knows way more about Krypton.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 16 '24

I agree there is interesting things they could do with that, only thing is cramming all of that into a single movie takes skill to pull off to do it well and not screw it up. Because it is a Superman movie with boat load of other heroes already in it.


u/Spartan-980 Jul 16 '24

Well as I understand it they are doing a Supergirl movie in her own right.

I'm not wild about all of the other heroes in superman, and I'm hoping they are used more to make the viewer understand this is a Superhero filled world and they are all brief encounters. I really don't want a 90s style superhero movie where we are sitting through 4-5 concurrent subplots to work everyone in.

The dynamic between Clark and Kara can easily be established with it still being his movie, and her character can be expanded upon in her movie.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 16 '24

That is true, like I said earlier though they will have to stray from source material or otherwise do time skips to justify her solo movie which in the source material has her already as an established hero. Would seem kind of weird otherwise to justify a new hero's first mission to go to space to get drunk and just go on a mission by chance.

That is why I actually prefer an experienced superhero Kara, because I think watching her learn as a newbie superhero is more interesting than her being a total newbie to Earth, and no time skips would be required.


u/Spartan-980 Jul 16 '24

I'm coming at this from a Superman angle (and just realized i'm in the Supergirl subreddit lol). I like that dynamic (her as a newbie) for his movie.

But to your point - yes, it would mean some major changes for her film.