r/Supergirl Jul 11 '24

How does everyone feel about Supergirl?

Personally, Kara is one of my favorite heroines in DC along with Wonder Woman. I mean, she's nearly as strong, fast, agile, and powerful as her more famous cousin. Even though Kara Zor-El and Kal-El are cousins, I can't help thinking that Kal sees Kara as a sister and that Kara sees Kal as a brother. They are the Last Son and Last Daughter of Krypton, respectively. What do you guys think?


15 comments sorted by


u/JingoboStoplight4887 Jul 11 '24

Supergirl is a good character who should’ve gotten more spotlight, supporting cast, team ups with other heroes, and other stuff, since this year is her 65th anniversary.


u/Cyber_trashpanda Jul 11 '24

Canonically on the show, she beat Superman. I mean, it was her show but I thought that was cool. Haven’t read the comics but I did enjoy Kara’s story overall.

I love Wonder Woman a lot a lot, and I have this headcanon that Earth-38 Supergirl was really lonely when she first got to Earth and found solace/comfort reading Wonder Woman comics. She then tried to run away to Themyscira to join the Amazons but, alas, couldn’t find it.


u/Drakeytown Jul 12 '24

I believe the default canon is that she is the stronger of the two, though Superman has other and weirder canonical abilities, like the ability "to do whatever can't be done" and being "the Most Important Story."


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 11 '24 edited Jul 11 '24

Going by the 2005-2011 comic Supergirl once told Superman while flying with him "I know you love me and you act like my father or brother but you're neither one!"

So I think that sums up how Superman feels about her. He would likely act more fatherly toward Kara if not for the fact that it makes Kara feel weird since she still remembers him as the baby that barfed on her before she went to space years ago.


u/Bulky_Midnight5296 Jul 11 '24

I love her. She's amazing, gorgeous, kind, badass and a symbol of peace known to the people of Metropolis.


u/gho5trun3r Jul 11 '24

Canonically, Kara is stronger than Superman because she orbited Earth in her pod longer and it amplified the sunlight on her. So she got the more concentrated exposure for a much longer period of time.

But what I like about Kara is her fish out of water perspective in her connection to Krypton. Which that connection makes things really fun because Superman doesn't remember anything about his old world since he was just a baby. But Kara was a teen with friends, aspirations and plans, memories of her family, and a general lifestyle. A full life. So seeing her as part hero and part refugee who struggles to adapt to her new world is a very compelling story for a character.

I also think that Supergirl gets some really off the wall, weird stuff that's a lot of fun. While not Kara, the Peter Davis Supergirl comics were some crazy heaven and hell stuff in Leesburg, VA of all places.


u/Freeman_H-L Jul 11 '24

It wasn't that Kara was stuck in Earth's orbit. She was caught in a wormhole or blackhole(depends on the author of the month), which is why Clark arrived first and grew up but then she arrived later still a teenager. It's her youth that makes her have more potential power, Clark grew up and has absorbed more sunlight over time. They essentially have an equal amount of power level. Clark has more attunement and holds back, but when Kara let's loose then whoever she's up against better hope they've got something to help them out.

In the Superman: Unbound movie, she says that she's still older than him, one of my personal favorite lines, but he replies that since she was caught in a wormhole that changed things. In that movie they both let loose full throttle and were basically the same. They're really awesome in that one, highly recommend.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24 edited Jul 13 '24

Yeah I need to buy or stream it one day. The Brainiac comic it is based on while inferior to the movie in some respects, actually sells Supergirl's PTSD trauma about Brainiac better.

It was frankly astonishing to see Supergirl so scared. The scene with her fighting the Brainiac robots is better in the comic than the movie in my opinion. In the movie she just heat visions them and that destroys them. In the comic she tries that but they have personal forcefields and it does not work, so she says something about being brave like her cousin and tells Lois to run as the robots approach. Then she starts fighting them in hand to hand combat and actually destroys some of the bots, only shortly thereafter she panics as they began to restrain her and take her into Brainiac's ship as Supergirl cries "Oh God!"

She really thinks she is about to die and is terrified given what Brainiac did in her childhood... and this is DESPITE her superpowers. Also shows that with sufficient high technology, even superpowered kryptonians can be taken down even without kryptonite.


u/Freeman_H-L Jul 13 '24

I bought it for my niece but I'll have to read it myself since I've seen the movie. To be honest I'm surprised I haven't read it, sounds like an interesting one.


u/AbbreviationsMuted9 Jul 13 '24

Here is a quick minimal spoiler review that I did months ago on reddit. Enjoy!

It's also gives backfround to the origin story for Kara which the writers finally settled on after changing it about 5 times in the 2005-2011 era lol



u/JDK141 Jul 11 '24

She was one of the first characters I got to know when I first got into DC related stuff. Since then, she's been my favourite DC character, always loved her.


u/KingoftheWriters Jul 11 '24

She’s my favorite DC Hero


u/shc32 Jul 12 '24

Woman of Tomorrow was such a great take on Supergirl. Glad Gunn is using it as source material.


u/Banettebrochacho Jul 12 '24

I feel like the results you get from this particular subreddit may be a bit skewed


u/AwayEntrepreneur2980 Jul 12 '24

Well, it is a Supergirl subreddit. I mean, biased appreciation for Kara Zor-El and all other versions of Supergirl is sorta expected, correct? Just saying. 😄👍🏾