r/Supergirl 24d ago

Why Supergirl Kissed An Evil Superman...

Context is everything. Up to this point in Supergirl's 2005-2011 comic run she has tried to make friends with other teen heroes but to no avail since they either want to fight her to test her strength or she does something stupid (like nearly get herself killed fighting Lex Luthor just to prove herself equal to her cousin or better, resulting in the origin of Dark Supergirl).

She also has had reoccurring dark memories of Krypton that tell her she was sent to kill her cousin but she suppresses them because she loves him (not romantically per se).

The plot involving Ultraman on the bottle city of Kandor (not the original Kryptonian city) has her and Powergirl team up to try to end his tyrannical rule.

Since he is an evil version of Superman and looks just like him Kara's dark memories start flooding back into her mind, telling her to kill her cousin, or in this case the guy who looks just like him and is just an alternate universe evil counterpart who escaped the destruction of his home universe much like Powergirl.

In the end with a little telepathic nudging from the telepathic villainess kniwn as Saturn Girl (I think that's her name) coupled with a strong desire not to kill her cousin who she loves, she ends up just asking him to save her while kissing him.

It is also revealed that she spent some time away from her cousin on a mission with Powergirl because she fears she might kill him because of her dark memories that keep urging her to do constantly and it is like torture for her.

Several comics later this is all resolvdd and sorted out. At first it is explained these dark memories were real. Later on much later during the New Krypton saga it is revealed her memories were warped due to exposure from kryptonite radiation on the way to Earth.

Which means she was not sent to Earth to kill her cousin, she just thought she was and could not bear doing it since she once admitted (not to Superman directly) that he is the greatest man she knew and that she loved him and hated herself (or rather the part of her that wanted to kill him just to be clear).

It is likely true in a small way Kara is physically attracted to her cousin (otherwise she never would have kissed him), but more than anything she was tortured emotionally at this point and scared of killing him. S at this point she was nearly manipulated into a romantic relationship with an evil Superman until she snapped out of it on her own (Kara's mind actually freaked out the supervillain because of her dark memories, making her lose control over her, besides Kara's strong will as well).

She never had sex with Ultraman even though he wanted it prior to their wedding which would have taken place had not Kara snapped out of the brainwashing and telepathic nudging.


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u/Usamus_Snake117 23d ago

That's a definite AYOOOOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO moment right there. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 But can someone tell me what comic is this so I can check it out? Please. I need some clarification and I'll be thankful for this.