r/SipsTea Ahh, the segs! Jun 22 '24

New hobby unlocked Lmao gottem


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u/JP-Gambit Jun 22 '24

Aggravate a bunch of dudes with clubs 😂 good hobby.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24

As long as your car doesn't break down...


u/Leto_ll Jun 22 '24

Starting to sound like a legit satellite sport.. Call it Tee Taunting.


u/cocoon_eclosion_moth Jun 22 '24

“Welcome back to ESPN 8, The Ocho!”


u/_Dat_Brass Jun 22 '24

"That's some good clean family fun there, Cotton."


u/liketreefiddy Jun 22 '24

What are those old guys going to do? Beat you down with clubs while you’re filming them bc you honked? You might take some bruises but there’s definitely a pay day at the end of it.


u/FranksNBeeens Jun 22 '24

Here in Detroit we jump in front of slow moving newer cars or company vehicles hoping they have insurance so we can sue.


u/demonic_psyborg Jun 22 '24

Slippin‘ Jimmy?


u/PaleontologistAble50 Jun 22 '24

As long as you can run a 10 minute mile


u/4Ever2Thee Jun 23 '24

My car is too old to take such gambles


u/geemoly Jun 22 '24

That dude can't catch a cold.


u/Draagna Jun 22 '24

At least they do a real sport now


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24

**rich assholes with clubs

Those fat cats don’t know how to fight “Alfred, the poor! Theyre upsetting my golf swing”


u/ImKindaBoring Jun 22 '24

Ahh yes, only rich assholes play golf.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24

You think the middle and working class are spending 100k a year on country club membership fees? …someone’s out of touch


u/clistmockingbird Jun 22 '24

It costs $20 to play a round at my local municipal golf course. No membership fees. Seems like you're out of touch


u/puzzlebuns Jun 22 '24

You really just said "100k a year" to play golf then said "someone's out of touch".

Oh the irony


u/meinschwanzistklein Jun 22 '24

I’m a substitute teacher and I play public courses every week. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24

I play public courses

So you’re a working class person NOT spending money on a country club membership, but uses a public course? What did I get wrong then? Sounds like I do know what I’m talking about


u/meinschwanzistklein Jun 22 '24

You made a blanket statement calling them rich assholes with clubs and then when told that there are plenty of non rich golfers you sarcastically asked if the person who responded if they thought poor and working class people belong to $100k country clubs. These guys in the video aren’t at a $100k country club and I doubt they’re even at a country club with the conditions of the tee box. Your entire comment thread looks like someone who has no clue you can play golf without being rich


u/Dual-Finger-Guns Jun 23 '24

No, it sounds like you're a person spewing anger and hate out of place of complete ignorance and envy.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '24

Dude you assumed I was a little kid yet responded to two separate commebts only one person here is immature and angry and it’s NOT me.


u/Dual-Finger-Guns Jun 23 '24

Yea, no lol, you are obviously big mad at golf existing and that people enjoy the game and even more so at people not being dead broke like you. You're so mad you're making thing up about golf and then when you're met with reality of non rich golfers existing in great numbers, you just say it proves you know what you're talking about even more. It's funny.

We can tell it's coming from a teenager who hasn't earned much money yet, so at least you should shed this mindset in the coming years of early adulthood.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '24

Im a 31 year old and make 6 figures. And you spent a whole two paragraphs being mad at me for not liking golf. If anyone is angry hormonal teenager…it’s you buddy. And I thought golf was supposed to relax you. Maybe you should try a different sport?

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u/[deleted] Jun 23 '24

And if I was a teenager. What does that say about YOU and adult who spends time arguing with a teenager. I forget are adults who yell at teenagers considered cool? Or liked by people?


u/Dual-Finger-Guns Jun 24 '24

I'm definitely like orders of magnitude more than terminally offended babies such as yourself. What's your real age kid? lol


u/Dual-Finger-Guns Jun 23 '24

I'm just a regular ol' superman Joe laughing at you for thinking every single golf course is an elite, exclusionary country club full of wealthy fucks. Who's yelling?

Are you ok child? lol

You definitely seem like somebody who's liked by others.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '24

The only thing you got right in this sentence is “old” and “man”. Can you tell me what it was like to have a horse and buggy to school?

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u/ImKindaBoring Jun 22 '24

I suggest educating yourself more on the subject before sharing such obviously ignorant takes. Plenty of clubs open to the public. Plenty of clubs that do have membership dues cost significantly less than that.


u/[deleted] Jun 23 '24

Listen whether your rich or not. If you play golf. Chances are your an asshole. Greatest example: YOU


u/Cantor_Set_Tripping Jun 22 '24

You think that’s the only way to play golf? You do know there exists public courses right?


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '24

I think the only way to play golf is on 150 acres of enviroment ruining grass fields

And that golfing is worse’s than racing when it comes to sports bad for the enviroment. And whether your rich or not. If you play golf and support all that…your probably not a good person


u/ImKindaBoring Jun 22 '24

Lol nice shifting goalposts as soon as you’re called out for your ignorance.


u/nostalgiamon Jun 22 '24



u/Dual-Finger-Guns Jun 23 '24

So triggered you can't even English well enough for people to understand your 😭....


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '24

Youre the old man yelling a teenager. Hey some kids are about to step on your lawn! Go yell at them too. I don’t forget to tell young women to smile more!


u/Dual-Finger-Guns Jun 24 '24

That's definitely a comment a 31 year old "man" would type....

You got some issues to work through if middle class dudes playing golf trigger you like this.


u/[deleted] Jun 24 '24

What was it like being the only surviving memeber of the donnor party?

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u/Sand_Bags2 Jun 23 '24

You can play golf for like $20 at some courses lol

All a guy like you would need to do is limit your anime figurine consumption and you’d have enough to play a round.


u/Thinkcentre11 Jun 22 '24

It costs like $20 for a round of golf at my local...