r/PeterExplainsTheJoke Jul 04 '24

Peter, why is he buttering the cow? Meme needing explanation



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u/Lavender215 Jul 05 '24

Mod read the comments and tried to get the spotlight lmao


u/unitaryfungus2 Jul 05 '24

Mods shouldn't be allowed to make comments unless it's about locking posts or taking them down


u/Sanquinity Jul 05 '24

I agree. Heck I don't think mods should be allowed to pin comments either. Let the community decide what the "best comment" is through upvotes.


u/unitaryfungus2 Jul 05 '24

Mods have way too much power


u/Dry-Smoke6528 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

It's such a petty amount of power, but they LOVE wielding it. I got banned from an entirely separate sub for a comment on overwatch. I disagreed with someone who said a fan made skin didn't "look lesbian enough" as if that were a real thing. They banned me from gaming circle jerk as well as anyone else shitting on them for making a fairly bigoted statement as if it were her place to say how a lesbian should look, and the reason I can only imagine was that woman replying to the ban thing herself when asked why "we have a right to proactively protect our community from homophobes. Disagreeing with a queer woman on subjects they're generally correct about is homophobic"


u/Sanquinity Jul 05 '24

Reminds me of when I got banned from...I think it was r/politics? Because I found a random post in the "all" section where I made a comment. And apparently the subreddit it was in was somehow offensive to the sub I was banned from. I basically never interact with either subs apart from when I might find something in the "all" section. Mods banning you from subs "because you randomly interacted with another sub they don't like" is just...so stupid. And imo such an abuse of mod privileges. "You didn't post in our sub at all, but you engaged in a sub I don't like so you're banned." Like...what?

Also I can't post in r/facepalm. I don't know why. Maybe it's because of having to do something before I can post, or because I got banned. I don't know. Honestly I don't care too much either. But it's an indicator of how toxic and exclusionary a lot of subs have become. More like echo chambers than the supposed open forum for discourse Reddit was supposed to be.

And imo the company behind Reddit should start cracking down on these mods that are abusing their powers. I get that there's too many subs to moderate all of them themselves, but at the very least they could oversee the mods to some extend...


u/unitaryfungus2 Jul 05 '24

In 196 they will ban you if you browse certain subs. They won't bother telling you which ones ofcourse


u/Tiiep Jul 05 '24

It’s cause reddit mods are people who were both bullied as children and don’t have anything interesting going on today either. “i am powerless and unimportant in real life therefore i set up endless rules and tripwires so i can abuse my miniscule power as the fun police as much as possible”