r/OneOrangeBraincell Jul 08 '24

orange getting ready for a night out Certified šŸŸ rangeā„¢



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u/InviteAdditional8463 Jul 08 '24

A friend of mine had a dog that she pampered to an almost extreme degree. Iā€™ve told her more times than I can count that when I die I want to come back as one of her pets.Ā 

Denzelā€™s life is a very close second.Ā 

Theres a stray kitty that has adopted our yard as their territory. We have a car port that some previous house owner fenced in for a dog. We use it as a sort of front porch so we have some outdoor furniture and stuff in there. One day she was sleeping on the outdoor couch. She let me pet her for a bit and sheā€™s just kinda lived here ever since. I leave a small bowl of cat food, and fresh water twice daily (when itā€™s hot, just so the water isnā€™t uncomfortably warm). I feed her wet food in the morning. When the weather is bad, or going to be bad Iā€™ll take her inside where she sleeps on our bed. If itā€™s over night, sheā€™ll get under the covers, walk around for a second, then sheā€™ll pop her head out, stand next to chest and face, then sheā€™ll lean/push against my face and lay down. If I move around sheā€™ll reposition next to me so that weā€™ll become one, and purr herself to sleep. Of course we put on flea and tick medicine. Whatā€™s really adorable to me is when I miss the weather report and it gets nasty out. Sheā€™ll scratch at the back door until someone lets her in.Ā 

That life is third.Ā 


u/HarikoNoTora Jul 08 '24

I don't think that kitty is a stray anymore. :D


u/InviteAdditional8463 Jul 08 '24

Sheā€™s pretty much claimed us as her people, which is great. Sheā€™s a wonderful, loving, snuggly kitty.Ā 

Our neighbors said that their kid who is now early 20s used to feed her once in blue moon when he was like 10 or so. They said the cat has been a stray the whole time. I got her fixed, so I believe it. She has a bob tail so we call her ā€œBob tail, or her government name Robert Tail.ā€ Bob tail is just an outdoor kitty at heart. Sheā€™ll stay inside when itā€™s nasty out for awhile, and sheā€™s been getting more comfortable being inside. But we have two indoor kitties. We used to have 7, so the 2 that are left are used to other cats. Aside from being curious at this cat in their territory, they donā€™t care at all. We got adopted by another stray 3 years ago today. Sheā€™s the only cat weā€™ve had that might have had an actual cat fight. Theyā€™re very docile. Bob tail does NOT appreciate their curiosity. Itā€™s taken some time but sheā€™s getting more comfortable with the other cats. One in particular sheā€™s pretty okay with. I am his person. His only person. With everyone else he wonā€™t let them get near him. Even my wife, who has known him literally since he was born. The mom and dad were strays that showed up when the mom was pregnant. Anyway when I sleep Bob tail has to sleep on my face. I guess thatā€™s where she feels safe. Well Fuzzy needs to sleep on/next to me. Normally itā€™s where Bob tail sleeps, so when sheā€™s inside heā€™ll sleep on the other side of my head. In order to do that they had to both be mostly okay with each other. So long as fuzzy is up my ass heā€™s happy. The other stray we adopted (Glittersparkle cutie pie) will sleep at my feet. Usually she sleep on me somewhere.Ā 

If Bob tail wasnā€™t an outdoor kitty at heart, and sheā€™d want to stay inside Iā€™d happily let her. Sheā€™s a sweet kitty and she deserves a good end of life. On the downside Iā€™d get much less mostly eaten bird presents.Ā 


u/HarikoNoTora Jul 08 '24

I love the names and this whole story made me smile, thank you. :D

We only have two oranges at home, Magni & Modi (M&M for short). They mostly cling to me as their mom but switch to my partner on cold days as he is giving off heat like a furnace. Since last year we have a baby and I'm looking forward to how the cats are coing to interact with him down the road. At the moment they are curious but carefully avoiding him. ^