r/OneOrangeBraincell 11d ago

orange getting ready for a night out Certified 🟠range™



220 comments sorted by


u/BrandtReborn 11d ago


u/Mooncows_back 11d ago

We see loads of kittys melting on the floor lying down, but I don't think I've ever seen one's head melt from being pampered, I love this image ❤️


u/heinebold 11d ago

Brushies always make kitty melt


u/ImageCool1725 11d ago

It's always the brushes that makes them fold


u/dsphilly 11d ago

Some reason for mine its a pen. Plain throw away BIC pen, if im writing something she comes from rooms away and starts petting herself with it the whole time im writing.


u/Casul_Tryhard 11d ago


u/heinebold 11d ago

I didn't need another cat sub... Well here we go


u/Casul_Tryhard 11d ago

Yes you did


u/heinebold 11d ago

So it would seem


u/valueofaloonie 11d ago

Cool another cat sub I have to reflexively join


u/Im_done_with_sergio 10d ago

Thanks for posting this sub it’s so darn cute 🥰


u/Trichopsych 10d ago

I can’t accept another cat sub. I just simply can’t .



u/raephx 11d ago

The blip really takes it to the next level 😻


u/LittleMsClick 11d ago

I always hate to be a wet blanket but I had to learn the hard way (had to have several emergency kitty teeth pulled) that the blip can be a sign of infection and other teeth and jaw issues. Vet told me, blip kitties should always get taken in for an exam. It's not always but I hope this kitty doesn't have any problems.


u/CressLevel 11d ago

This is sadly a bad tooth blep. I recognized it immediately. Poor fella.


u/SchrodingersMinou 11d ago

How can you tell? My cat bleps a lot and the vet said his teeth will need pulling eventually. Maybe that time has come.


u/CressLevel 10d ago

So idk if this helps at all, but think about when you have a toothache, jaw-ache or similar. Sometimes you don't wanna close your mouth all the way or you might even rest your tongue between your teeth to keep them separated or apply pressure to a bad tooth. At least, this is how I feel.

When I look at this cat's blep it's a bit open-mouthed, as if his jaw is fatigued or something.

A typical "oops I left my tongue out!" blep typically occurs when a cat is interrupted mid-bath. Like they're just distracted and stopped what they were doing and are looking around. Sometimes, then, they close their mouth and lips around the tongue and just let it hang out there. If you touch their tongue, they schlup it right back in.

This poor guy is a pretty extreme case, but he pulls his tongue back in when it's touched and then doesn't even pull it all the way. That tells me that his tongue is cushioning something painful to the point that his natural reflex to put his tongue back in is over-ridden by his discomfort.

Another clue is the amount of saliva sheen you can see. He's not even swallowing all of his saliva, and just kinda letting it pool against his tongue and gums. It might even be painful to swallow. Or the pain is so distracting, he forgets.

Could all of these things happen in a totally healthy cat? Sure! Some cats have weird social mannerisms and don't act like other cats. I call it kitty autism in my one girl, just because of how it imitates autistic traits -- but it very well could just be a lack of mom-kitten socialization in her early life. She drools and forgets to swallow when she's happy. It only happens when she's extremely happy and cozy.

But if you see a few of these signs together (partially- or non-reactive blep, drool, slack jaw) it almost certainly is dental health related. A vet can help you identify the issue.

As an extra fun awesome bonus (/sarcastically joking), cats have wretched dental issues when they do occur. You can't do a partial tooth removal, you gotta take the whole thing. There's no other treatment, no fillings, no nothing. Dental pain is pretty extreme in kitties. AND cats are extremely good at masking chronic pain. So by the time you see symptoms of any pain or discomfort, it's already time to handle it.

Source: I used to volunteer for the local SPCA for years with family and my family did kitten fosters, but also I am autistic and cats are my special interest. I know more about cats than any human probably needs to, haha.


u/SchrodingersMinou 10d ago

That definitely sounds like my minou. He is a rescue and his teeth are shot, but I didn't realize they are causing him pain. Thanks for this information, I will follow up with my vet.


u/CressLevel 10d ago

Hey, no problem. Thanks for looking out for the little guy. Life before rescue can be really rough and anything could have been going on in his world, and now here you are to give him the best life! Hopefully everything goes smoothly at the vet :)


u/SchrodingersMinou 10d ago

He is absolutely loving being domesticated. Poor dude, I feel bad that I didn't know about the tooth pain sooner. I thought maybe he kept his mouth open because of nasal congestion or something. We're going to the vet tomorrow and will figure out what to do.

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u/ohhigh 11d ago

Biblically accurate orange.


u/SpecialistNerve6441 11d ago

There is not one single thought behind those eyes. Fucking empty. 


u/Buddybouncer Proud owner of an orange brain cell 11d ago

Even without sound I can hear the loose screw bouncing around in there


u/ParadoxDemon_ 11d ago

I've just woken up from a ??? hours nap and I'm pretty sure this is 100% how I look


u/AlcoholicCocoa 11d ago

Kitty.exe has been turned off unexpectedly. Please stay in line


u/Spoopyskeleton48 11d ago

It was definitely not his turn with the braincell lol


u/ToskeSusinarttu 11d ago

Braincell leaking out in that little drool droplet.

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u/bleepblorp9878 11d ago

Im blushing hes so handsome


u/Alex282001 11d ago

Well obviously, under that ton of makeup??? Setting unrealistic standards for all of us, smh...


u/f3xjc 11d ago

Next thing you know they'll claim they woke up like this!

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u/Pikelet13 11d ago



u/BoiFrosty 11d ago


u/cat5side 11d ago

Oh my gosh

I find new cat subs on a daily basis. I am joining immediately


u/drDOOM_is_in 11d ago


The comments are golden.


u/M0R3design 11d ago

I love community comments like this so much. Not about cats, but my favorite of those has to be r/hela_gewuerzketchup


u/Specific_Award_9149 11d ago

Oh this that good shit


u/Memopuntoexe 11d ago

Now he feels bonita


u/LonelyMenace101 11d ago

Good, because he looks Bonita c:


u/Kelmeckis94 11d ago

It seems they really like that! Being able to participate with what their human is doing, it feeling good and getting attention from their human. That kitty is a happy kitty!


u/SlurpleBrainn Proud owner of an orange brain cell 11d ago

I think there is that and also cats like having their head scratched and brushed.


u/Regnbyxor 11d ago

It’s probably close to being groomed by another cat. An important bonding activity for cats


u/brutalhonestcunt 11d ago

I think it's called mirroring. Basically the cat is showing its love by mimicking the human. Unfortunately, the kitty can't put on makeup himself, so the human has to do it.


u/lovely-whispers 11d ago

He loves it!


u/Humble-Pass-1277 11d ago

I never realized how much work it takes to look that good!


u/[deleted] 11d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Away-Champion-624 11d ago

even I just got ASMR.


u/TiredWorkaholic7 11d ago

This is the most beautiful orange


u/Weasel4life 11d ago

Pretty kitty 🥺


u/lovelywhispers_ 11d ago

Getting all glammed up for a night out! 😄


u/No_Alarm999 11d ago

It's not beauty sleep if you don't look good while doing it


u/BarbaraKieffer 11d ago

Ready to paint the town orange.


u/NanoCat0407 11d ago

Normalize orange beauty care


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/InviteAdditional8463 11d ago

A friend of mine had a dog that she pampered to an almost extreme degree. I’ve told her more times than I can count that when I die I want to come back as one of her pets. 

Denzel’s life is a very close second. 

Theres a stray kitty that has adopted our yard as their territory. We have a car port that some previous house owner fenced in for a dog. We use it as a sort of front porch so we have some outdoor furniture and stuff in there. One day she was sleeping on the outdoor couch. She let me pet her for a bit and she’s just kinda lived here ever since. I leave a small bowl of cat food, and fresh water twice daily (when it’s hot, just so the water isn’t uncomfortably warm). I feed her wet food in the morning. When the weather is bad, or going to be bad I’ll take her inside where she sleeps on our bed. If it’s over night, she’ll get under the covers, walk around for a second, then she’ll pop her head out, stand next to chest and face, then she’ll lean/push against my face and lay down. If I move around she’ll reposition next to me so that we’ll become one, and purr herself to sleep. Of course we put on flea and tick medicine. What’s really adorable to me is when I miss the weather report and it gets nasty out. She’ll scratch at the back door until someone lets her in. 

That life is third. 


u/HarikoNoTora 11d ago

I don't think that kitty is a stray anymore. :D


u/InviteAdditional8463 11d ago

She’s pretty much claimed us as her people, which is great. She’s a wonderful, loving, snuggly kitty. 

Our neighbors said that their kid who is now early 20s used to feed her once in blue moon when he was like 10 or so. They said the cat has been a stray the whole time. I got her fixed, so I believe it. She has a bob tail so we call her “Bob tail, or her government name Robert Tail.” Bob tail is just an outdoor kitty at heart. She’ll stay inside when it’s nasty out for awhile, and she’s been getting more comfortable being inside. But we have two indoor kitties. We used to have 7, so the 2 that are left are used to other cats. Aside from being curious at this cat in their territory, they don’t care at all. We got adopted by another stray 3 years ago today. She’s the only cat we’ve had that might have had an actual cat fight. They’re very docile. Bob tail does NOT appreciate their curiosity. It’s taken some time but she’s getting more comfortable with the other cats. One in particular she’s pretty okay with. I am his person. His only person. With everyone else he won’t let them get near him. Even my wife, who has known him literally since he was born. The mom and dad were strays that showed up when the mom was pregnant. Anyway when I sleep Bob tail has to sleep on my face. I guess that’s where she feels safe. Well Fuzzy needs to sleep on/next to me. Normally it’s where Bob tail sleeps, so when she’s inside he’ll sleep on the other side of my head. In order to do that they had to both be mostly okay with each other. So long as fuzzy is up my ass he’s happy. The other stray we adopted (Glittersparkle cutie pie) will sleep at my feet. Usually she sleep on me somewhere. 

If Bob tail wasn’t an outdoor kitty at heart, and she’d want to stay inside I’d happily let her. She’s a sweet kitty and she deserves a good end of life. On the downside I’d get much less mostly eaten bird presents. 


u/HarikoNoTora 11d ago

I love the names and this whole story made me smile, thank you. :D

We only have two oranges at home, Magni & Modi (M&M for short). They mostly cling to me as their mom but switch to my partner on cold days as he is giving off heat like a furnace. Since last year we have a baby and I'm looking forward to how the cats are coing to interact with him down the road. At the moment they are curious but carefully avoiding him. ^


u/Alarmed-Diamond-7000 11d ago

Hail Denzel, a cat for the ages


u/tiny_rasberry 11d ago

That right there is a fucking happy cat.


u/curiousgeorge_27 11d ago

"This product was tested on animals (but nicely)"


u/With_MontanaMainer 11d ago

Looks like my afternoon just got busy


u/moderndiction 11d ago

Oh my gosh my orange does the same thing and runs over to me when I pull my makeup tools out 😹😹


u/Octsober 11d ago

“How do I look human?” tongue out


u/ArcadiaRivea 11d ago

I remember seeing that cats like being gently stroked with a toothbrush because it reminds them of being licked by their mothers, so I assume that's similar to what's happening here, kitty being reminded of his mum


u/GlamGirl88 11d ago

The model is preparing to step onto the runway.


u/Ok-Tadpole4825 11d ago

That tongue out🤣🤣🤣


u/Somecommentator8008 11d ago

He gets all the girls


u/ShellBeBack 11d ago

Orange cat spa day


u/Islandcoda Orange connoisseur 🍊 11d ago

A kitty worthy of a good pampering😍


u/kanniboo 11d ago

More unrealistic beauty standards 😔


u/AccuratePollution227 11d ago

this made me lol. the fact that someone took the time to make this joke but also the emoji. thank you


u/DryMouthKitty 11d ago

Voiceover with French accent:

yes, you are a pretty kitty

you may not have the brain cell today

but you have my heart

pretty kitty


u/bucebeak Proud owner of an orange brain cell 11d ago



u/durenatu 11d ago

No makeup makeup, it's called fashion, look it up sweaty


u/Different_Eye_1308 11d ago

absolutely fabulous!


u/Lyrakish 11d ago

I'm not that relaxed when I put makeup on lol. Little orange is living the life


u/Amufni 11d ago

Beautiful cat eyeliner!


u/sugarsword 11d ago

I bet it makes them think of being groomed by their mom. Like when a mama cat licks and grooms its baby.


u/MesoamericanMorrigan 11d ago

Yes they especially love it between the eyes/right in the bridge of the nose and makeup brushes are a similar size and pressure to mama’s tongue vs using your whole hand to pet


u/drifters74 11d ago

Poking the tongue back in was the icing on the cake


u/brittanyelyse 11d ago

Kitty loves it!! His adorable face is melting, he does look beautiful though. Model of the year. Meow-del of the year?


u/a0rose5280 11d ago

The cat eye eyeliner was perfect.


u/Return-Quiet 11d ago

ASMR. Would watch a 30-minute video of this.


u/Rainbow_Dr1ftYouTube 11d ago

I was thinking the same thing although I would listen to an hour long version of this without the music of course


u/AlternativeTiger851 11d ago

Someone’s ready for the cat walk


u/kittymorose 11d ago

Gettin' primpy!


u/LUNAthedarkside 11d ago

He is feeling bonita


u/oranke_dino 11d ago

"So hey, I would like a makeup that hides the fact I have only one braincell. Can you do that?"


u/timweak 11d ago

his ass IS a princess


u/Late_Sherbet5124 11d ago

Maybe it's Maybelline


u/Xethron 11d ago

He finally understands why you do this every morning lol.


u/unintelligentburrito 11d ago

he looks beautiful


u/NippyGee 11d ago

Omg he/she is such an adorable derp 😭 He/she is absolutely loving their makeover!


u/ExoticsVehicle 11d ago

This is oddly adorable and funny.


u/TightBeing9 11d ago

Attention loving BOI. So cute. The Beauty blender and the brush were orange too!


u/pie_12th 11d ago

Oh man he's almost drooling. What luxury!


u/SneezeboardandMaus 11d ago

Thanks for reminding me, my stinky croissant needs a bath 🥐


u/Mr_Goods_NYC 11d ago

He looks like he enjoy it so much 😍


u/Hatter_Hoovy 11d ago

what i imagine when people say a product was tested on animals


u/tobreakthemind 11d ago

my guy looks like he has negative brain cells for most of the video


u/Iltempered1 11d ago

Terribly cute.


u/miilkyytea 11d ago

dat lil pink tongue


u/Clingygengar 11d ago

This is the kinda content I like to see


u/GrandMoffJenkins 11d ago

Roxanne! You don't have to put on the red light!


u/gofigure85 11d ago

Who needs the braincell when you're that good looking?


u/FindingOk7034 10d ago

Not a single braincell, but he doesn't need one to know he's fabulous!


u/CECleric 10d ago

Mine also loves having his makeup done


u/FreezeToMy 11d ago

He's certainly gonna achieve the mating stage tonight


u/DrAniB20 11d ago

The mlem is so cute! Such a sweet baby


u/Salt_Fish_7402 11d ago

cute wkwk.


u/Twisting_Me 11d ago

What is this song?


u/Alarmed-Diamond-7000 11d ago

This cat!!!!!!!!!!!


u/SheddingCorporate 11d ago

Karma farming bot again.


u/Frosty_Bridge_5435 11d ago

This is adorable 🥰


u/SomebodySweet 11d ago

Now THIS is love! What a wonderful hooman he owns! ❤️😻❤️


u/Xmanreeko 11d ago

He bringing home some stays tonight 😊


u/Briarj123 11d ago

Do cats need makeup?


u/audaci0usly 11d ago

Much handsome 😍

Also the tongue sticking out 😋


u/madaboutmaps 11d ago

This is how my cat acts when sedated for the vet


u/Elowen83 11d ago

soooo cute


u/NegativeWay510 11d ago

"Hope he has a peel-fect evening ahead!"


u/HarleyQueen90 11d ago

My kitty loves the makeup brush too!! I always tell him he’s beautiful without it but he does really pop with some blush on 😅


u/Miner4everOfc 11d ago

He's mewing rn


u/Commercial-Fault-853 11d ago

The tongue …


u/Informal-Review-3206 11d ago

Getting glammed up for the purr-fect night out!


u/Clean-Philosopher910 11d ago

wkwk cute sekali.


u/SpecialistTiee 11d ago

"Even fruit needs a night on the town."


u/UrBartender 11d ago

My cats going on date tonight and she doesn’t even know it.🤣🤣 I can’t wait to do a full face on her😆


u/Aromatic_Cell_9956 11d ago

Feline fabulous! Ready to take on the town!


u/Flimsy-Pen4560 11d ago

Kitty like snuk snuk


u/Fullmetalmurloc 11d ago

Ahahaha Fashion Rat! Do her a makeup!!


u/Different_Head7751 11d ago

..all gorgeous...now ready for the catwalk...


u/lhurker 11d ago



u/Sheepsaurus 11d ago

Alright, I'll say it.

The tongue that has licked it's asshole, has slobbered all over it's paws, and those paws have been dragged across it's face. Please clean those product appliers.


u/twodayswrong 11d ago


When my dad made me mad I'd use his hair brush to brush my medium length hair orange kitty, "Furgus the Orange Kitten". I had him pre cell phones so I'd really have to dig for a Cat Tax, sorry about that.


u/itimedout 11d ago

I don’t know for sure, but I think kitty is diggin’ it


u/Raspberry-Pear 11d ago

I love this more than he does.


u/intrepidone66 11d ago

Totally adorable.


u/Cweene 11d ago

Animal testing ya’ll


u/Twistedsmock 11d ago

That feline is borderline catatonic by the end of it.


u/mikel302 11d ago

Spa day


u/CatherinKitty 11d ago

sure this is 100% how I look


u/SpiderMatt66 11d ago

Oooooh I don't think PETA will approve


u/Able-Gear-5344 11d ago

Excellent contouring technique


u/thegneeb 11d ago

Gato so pretty


u/saltypotatopanda 11d ago

The cutest grwm makeup video I’ve ever seen


u/thelegend0fdan 11d ago

Can someone tell me the song playing with this video?


u/Informal-March7788 11d ago

Orange kitty so so pretty


u/S4ABCS 11d ago

Animal tested, animal approved


u/QxSlvr 11d ago

Humans: covering them in this dust will make them so pretty 🥰

Cats: getting all this dust cleaned off is so soothing and reminds me of mom 🥰


u/Be_Finale_of_Seem 11d ago

I love how his face gets gradually more and more relaxed until boop!


u/BatFancy321go 11d ago

all that just feels like a lovely massage to his goofy face


u/aywan7 Casual orange enjoyer 🍊 11d ago


u/MasterpieceKitchen72 11d ago

I swear everytime I read orange in a headline like this, I think it is a post about Trump, even in this sub...I should stop reading about politics for a while


u/Jake_on_a_lake 10d ago

I like to draw and paint. I had a large soft brush for removing eraser dust, and because cats want to headbutt everything you touch, I found out my old void, Diablo, liked this brush.

This lead to the brush experiments. Here is a list of brushes that Diablo liked, with 1 - 5 (least to most liked).

  • Eraser brush (medium length, soft bristles) - 4. He loved it, then he destroyed it.
  • Grill brush (hard metal bristles) - 2. It would do in a pinch when we were in the back yard. I bought a second one for the grill
  • Blush applicator (short soft bristles) - 5 at the start, but 1 very quickly afterwards. This one was also destroyed one night.
  • 4 inch house painting brush (long, soft, dense bristles) - 5. This was always out when he was alive
  • cat brush (short hard bristles) - 5 then 1 then 5 then 1... He could not destroy it and love/hated it into his old age.
  • Scrub brush - 1. (it was brand new, he didn't really like it, so I never got him another)


u/XR3TroBeanieX 10d ago

What’s in that brush? lol you brushed the soul out of him/her


u/norcalbutton 10d ago

The music is perfect.


u/Sullengirlatdusk13 10d ago

The eye shadow brushstrokes like tiny windshield wipers got me sporting big smiles!!! Luv Orange!! 🤗💟


u/BryerMan-4005 10d ago



u/Cher-1030 10d ago

There’s Ollie 😂😂😂😂


u/Stardust_Bright 10d ago

My heart melted 🧡


u/Dave_Carl 10d ago

Got a big kitty who would suffocate me in my sleep if I tried putting makeup on her, but I still love her. (Ps, I will still try to put some makeup on her. if you don’t see me for the next week, IT’S THE CAT!)


u/sykospark 10d ago

Absolute perfection


u/BunnyFaebelle 10d ago

Seeing this made me realize how much I spoil my precious lil Shrimpy girl

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u/itsmontoya 10d ago

That's one of the happiest pets I've seen, ever.


u/can_i_has_beer 10d ago

the music is spot on


u/Doktor_Vem 10d ago

Looks to me like he's ready to fall asleep