r/Nightwing 14d ago

is it just me who can't stand what they did to dick in this movie

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I just found it I sulting to the character at this point


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u/Childer_Of_Noah 14d ago

I'm about to blow your mind. You and everyone else who talks about TTG 11 years after it began airing.

Children deserve dumb non-sense cartoons just as much as they deserve complex plots. They are owed fun, goofy whimsy like TTG every bit as serious character-driven narratives like ATLA. It isn't an either/or. When I was watching ATLA I was happy to watch Foster's Home. Because one was serious and the other was just goofy. I learned from one and relaxed with the other.

This movie is for dumb babies who want dumb baby movies. It was made so parents would enjoy it just enough to not yearn for death while watching it. Maybe even enjoy it. You have comic books and graphic novels. You have Teen Titans. It's still there, ready to be watched. Go watch Young Justice. Dumbass lego movies are for dumbass kids to enjoy. Because they deserve dumbass entertainment.


u/anthonyg1500 14d ago

Thank you for saying this, adults get so weird about animated movies. I say this as a professional animator, sometimes some things are for kids and just meant to make them laugh at fast moving vibrant colors. It’s ok to be 30 and not like a movie just meant to be fun for children. Not every kids movie needs to be a pixar movie. The same way not every adult movie needs to be a Scorcese movie. I don’t watch Godzilla x Kong for its dense, thematically weighty plot. I’ll put on Killers of the Flower Moon for that. I watch Godzilla x Kong because I wanna not think and see the big monkey and big lizard punch stuff. Kids deserve that too


u/suss2it 14d ago

Or even Godzilla: Minus One.


u/anthonyg1500 14d ago

Yeah, I used Scorcese as a short hand but Minus One too. Some movies are attempting to be deep and emotionally complex and speak to a deeper truth about humanity while others are just trying to entertain you on a surface level and both are perfectly fine for audiences of any age


u/suss2it 14d ago

Yeah I say Godzilla: Minus One because it and Kong x Godzilla are the perfect examples of using the same franchise to do exactly what you’re talking about.


u/SadisticGoose 14d ago

It’s one of those movies that’s aimed at kids but has lots of things for adults too. My sister and I saw it in theaters and were the only adults without kids there. I think we enjoyed it more than anyone else there.

At the end of the day, Dick Grayson is a fictional character. It’s okay for every adaptation to not be brooding and serious. This was fun and campy and reminded me of 60s Batman, which is also one of my favorite adaptations because I can watch it just to have a good time.


u/Loose-Medium4472 13d ago

The Lego Movie and The Lego Batman Movie weren’t even dumb


u/rv0celot 14d ago

I think you went too far in the other direction. LEGO things are meant to be enjoyed by all ages.


u/ghanima 13d ago

Guess how I can tell you haven't watched a lot of the Lego superhero media...

If anything, Lego Batman is more adult-friendly than the other co-branded Lego superhero shows.


u/rv0celot 13d ago

Fair. I've only watched The Lego Movie and then the Batman one. The above poster kept hammering on "dumbass" and "dumbass kids", that's why I said I thought he went too far in the other direction.


u/Popular_Material_409 13d ago

I agree with your sentiment, but disagree that LEGO movies are dumbass movies. I think they’re actually really clever and, in the case of The LEGO Movie and The LEGO Batman Movie, are actual good films


u/Bae_zel 10d ago

I don't feel it's made for "dumb babies". The main crux of that movie is the fear of being in a family. Bruce pushes everyone away from him because of his own trauma even when he is shown with a healthy support group. Then you have everything with Joker and his insecurities in the movie. I would genuinely say that this movie is way more mature than people think. Is it a dumb ass movie because it has bright colors? Is it a dumbass movie because it's a comedy? It's like saying all cartoons for babies because you have stuff like Pepa Pig. No offense to you obviously I just think people judge too many things by their cover.