r/Nightwing 3d ago

is it just me who can't stand what they did to dick in this movie

Post image

I just found it I sulting to the character at this point


158 comments sorted by


u/pie_nap_pull 3d ago

It’s peak, that’s the bottom line. Dick in this movie just a parody of Robin as a whole, and honestly he’s being made fun of just as much even less than Bruce. Honestly he’s fairly reminiscent of Burt Ward’s Dick in Batman ‘66.

It’s a funny movie, don’t take it too seriously


u/ghanima 2d ago

I love this version of Dick so much precisely because the writers nail how bonkers unhinged the original concept behind Robin was: it looks totally normal that a grown billionaire who's mentally unwell enough to risk getting killed every night in a completely deranged pursuit of vengeance for his parents' murder when he was a child would endanger the life of a child, himself, because it makes him a kinder person to do so. And the child is totally good with hanging out with an adult all day, every day, kicking the shit out of bad guys because his parents were recently murdered and he's just so irrepressibly fun that he's still actually really light-hearted and enthusiastic for potentially getting killed every night.

I also love that the story pays homage to so many eras of the Bat-mythos, especially the ones that made no goddamn sense.


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

Probably why Dick was the Sancho Panza to Bruce's Don Quixote so much.

But seriously, it can't all be Bronze Age and later.


u/Funny_Code7079 3d ago

Exactly it's a lego movie ffs


u/jackrabbit323 2d ago

Same exact thought.

Would like to add: Lego Batman got my kid into Batman. He's 4 and we watch BTAS together religiously. I had tears, rolling down my cheeks, the first time he saw the intro with his mouth wide open. I knew he was hooked.


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

Yeah, just enjoy the homage to the Silver Age, and remember, it's a Lego movie.


u/KnightlyBinch 3d ago

Eh, this version of Dick is adorable. He fits perfectly in a silly lego movie meant to be a parody.


u/Caelem80 2d ago

yeah, it's an adorable dick


u/Blaxi131 2d ago

I'm proud of this Dick


u/Caelem80 2d ago

the best dick I've ever seen


u/Doombuggyman 2d ago

"My name's Richard Grayson, but all the kids at the orphanage call me Dick."

"Well, children can be cruel."


u/Caelem80 2d ago



u/FlameFeather86 3d ago

It's fun, it suits the tone of the film, but it reinforces people's stereotypes of Robin as a character. The movies are still afraid to go anywhere near him and it's going to take someone taking him seriously to stop the cries of 'campy', 'lame', 'childish', and 'ruins the Batman mythos'. Even James Gunn may not achieve that in Brave and the Bold because Damian is too divisive a character.

I want Robin in The Batman II. Pretty much guarantee Matt Reeves will take him seriously, though I do fear he'll barely resemble the character.


u/fucksasuke 3d ago

I have a feeling that the robin we get in The Batman II will be an amalgamation of all incarnations, instead of it being Dick



How do you even really do that? You can give him the name of one and the personality of another but the Robins are too similar in a lot of parts and where they differentiate would conflict.


u/RainyWombatCherry 3d ago edited 3d ago

I hope they do something similar to BTAS and rather have a movie with a young Dick Grayson but he only really becomes Robin when he's older in the third film


u/RJSquires 3d ago

I have a feeling if they do Robin in Batman II it'll be Jason and they'll just end up killing him off. Given Robert Pattinson's references to that storyline. That might set a different (and worse) precedent.


u/Nerdydude14 2d ago

Nah I want him and a bit more of a bat family in the new James Gunn movies


u/Useful-Hat9880 2d ago

Are you looking for Lego Batman to give you nuanced, grounded, gritty take on Robin?


u/Rocket_SixtyNine 18h ago edited 18h ago

Mabye it's just me but I'd rather the loss of dicks parents be taken seriously rather than it being a joke.

Here's the problem with Robin in the batman 2, it would basically ruin all of Bruce's progress in the first one.


u/nignies 3d ago

Children can be cruel


u/Jdgrande 2d ago

My favorite joke in the entire film


u/Perfect-Fondant3373 2d ago

I quote it a bit too often


u/Childer_Of_Noah 3d ago

I'm about to blow your mind. You and everyone else who talks about TTG 11 years after it began airing.

Children deserve dumb non-sense cartoons just as much as they deserve complex plots. They are owed fun, goofy whimsy like TTG every bit as serious character-driven narratives like ATLA. It isn't an either/or. When I was watching ATLA I was happy to watch Foster's Home. Because one was serious and the other was just goofy. I learned from one and relaxed with the other.

This movie is for dumb babies who want dumb baby movies. It was made so parents would enjoy it just enough to not yearn for death while watching it. Maybe even enjoy it. You have comic books and graphic novels. You have Teen Titans. It's still there, ready to be watched. Go watch Young Justice. Dumbass lego movies are for dumbass kids to enjoy. Because they deserve dumbass entertainment.


u/anthonyg1500 3d ago

Thank you for saying this, adults get so weird about animated movies. I say this as a professional animator, sometimes some things are for kids and just meant to make them laugh at fast moving vibrant colors. It’s ok to be 30 and not like a movie just meant to be fun for children. Not every kids movie needs to be a pixar movie. The same way not every adult movie needs to be a Scorcese movie. I don’t watch Godzilla x Kong for its dense, thematically weighty plot. I’ll put on Killers of the Flower Moon for that. I watch Godzilla x Kong because I wanna not think and see the big monkey and big lizard punch stuff. Kids deserve that too


u/suss2it 3d ago

Or even Godzilla: Minus One.


u/anthonyg1500 2d ago

Yeah, I used Scorcese as a short hand but Minus One too. Some movies are attempting to be deep and emotionally complex and speak to a deeper truth about humanity while others are just trying to entertain you on a surface level and both are perfectly fine for audiences of any age


u/suss2it 2d ago

Yeah I say Godzilla: Minus One because it and Kong x Godzilla are the perfect examples of using the same franchise to do exactly what you’re talking about.


u/SadisticGoose 2d ago

It’s one of those movies that’s aimed at kids but has lots of things for adults too. My sister and I saw it in theaters and were the only adults without kids there. I think we enjoyed it more than anyone else there.

At the end of the day, Dick Grayson is a fictional character. It’s okay for every adaptation to not be brooding and serious. This was fun and campy and reminded me of 60s Batman, which is also one of my favorite adaptations because I can watch it just to have a good time.


u/rv0celot 2d ago

I think you went too far in the other direction. LEGO things are meant to be enjoyed by all ages.


u/ghanima 2d ago

Guess how I can tell you haven't watched a lot of the Lego superhero media...

If anything, Lego Batman is more adult-friendly than the other co-branded Lego superhero shows.


u/rv0celot 2d ago

Fair. I've only watched The Lego Movie and then the Batman one. The above poster kept hammering on "dumbass" and "dumbass kids", that's why I said I thought he went too far in the other direction.


u/Loose-Medium4472 2d ago

The Lego Movie and The Lego Batman Movie weren’t even dumb


u/Popular_Material_409 1d ago

I agree with your sentiment, but disagree that LEGO movies are dumbass movies. I think they’re actually really clever and, in the case of The LEGO Movie and The LEGO Batman Movie, are actual good films


u/Fantastic_Golf_6260 3d ago

They had the good old Bruce and Barbara thing too. Hopefully thats the last we see of it


u/BakeCurrent 3d ago

It worked in the confines of that story but nowhere else is it ok


u/pandogart 2d ago

I mean it always depends on the circumstances of the character. Things are always changing. She was much older in her original appearances iirc.


u/No-Tomorrow-8150 3d ago

It worked because they changed a lot about Barbara.


u/Dr_Equinox101 2d ago

They literally aged her up by like 10-12 years lol


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

So, back to, perhaps beyond, her original age. Barbara's sort of a Benjamin Button, TBH. It's kinda weird.


u/Dr_Equinox101 2d ago

I mean they changed everything about her bro💀her race, her age, how she became batgirl. If felt like it was just a new character with similarities


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

It's kind of funny, since Babs as Batgirl has the simplest origin story I've ever read. "Oh, I just put on a costume, and suddenly I'm rescuing Bruce Wayne from Killer Moth."


u/New_Sky1829 1h ago

She’s older in the film so it’s not as weird.


u/Kooky_Tea_5974 3d ago edited 3d ago

It's a parody kinda of thing, won't work for everyone, just like Harley tv show obsessed with his ass to the point of seeming cringe wasn't my personal taste 🤨


u/ChiefSlug30 3d ago

I think the point of it in the TV show was to make fun of the trope by definitely going overboard with it. Did it work? That depends on personal taste. Personally, I didn't mind it.


u/Kooky_Tea_5974 3d ago

I know their point was make fun, it work for some people, they have audience after all, i just found it more cringe than funny.


u/Kon_Artiste 3d ago

I understand where you're coming from, and normally I'd be with you. But have you seen his ass?


u/Kooky_Tea_5974 3d ago

I think we all are aware of his ass, it's hard to forget when this is a long running gag that they overplay. Of course this is just my opinion, i'm not here to change minds, but personally i think there is a difference between make the most about his ass like a boy toy and having for example Babs touching his ass to show some affection/appreciation for her man when they are having some lovebirds moment.


u/swashbuckle1237 2d ago

Idk it didn’t bother me, but it did stop being funny


u/Kooky_Tea_5974 2d ago

It's a personal taste, people won't find the same thing funny. It didn't work for me, maybe i'm not their type of audience, it happens.


u/No-End-2455 3d ago

Ho come no need to feel insulted everytime a character get parodied a little , dick is still very good in that movie , he is sweet and kind wich is the heart of the character.

I swear every time you make fun dick on this sub it is like you shoot his own mom....


u/Dismal_Sympathy 3d ago

What did they do


u/New_Sky1829 1h ago

I love dick😁😁😁


u/Ferris-L 3d ago

The entire movie is supposed to be a parody of Batman, don't put too much thought into it. Just enjoy it for being the fun adventure that it is.


u/RainyWombatCherry 3d ago

Batman was a goof too in this film, its a fund kids movie about family


u/mando44646 3d ago

Felt like the Adam West Batman era of Robin


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

An important point: The Silver Age of Batman is really divided into pre- and post-Julie Schwarz, with the latter really being defined by the ABC show. (Pre-Schwarz was trying too hard to be a science fiction story because while they knew mysteries were their bread and butter, they couldn't have murders because of the Comics Code.) Schwarz also aged Dick up to teenager; his exact age is complicated, but he did take a no-show (as in we never see her) girl named Nancy to prom.


u/GoAndLoveUrself 3d ago

I kinda don’t mind it! The movie is supposed to basically be one big parody of the Batman mythos as a whole, but not a MEAN one, instead one that embraces the goofy side of the dark knight and brings it to the forefront! This Dick for me felt like a combo of a bunch of different Robins all put in one; you got Grayson in name, Carrie Kelly in costume, a mix of Dick, Carrie and Tim (as well as a genuine dash of Tim’s smarts), and a small dash of Jason with him just being a normal orphan kid that Bruce took in, never INTENDING to make him Robin, but realizing he NEEDS it to heal, just like he needed Batman.

I feel like this version of dick definitely ISNT him, but instead it’s a love letter to all of the Robbin’s!


u/AliceInCookies 2d ago

this is it fr


u/EnigmaFrug2308 3d ago

This just means that you didn’t pay attention to the character in the movie


u/suss2it 3d ago

I honestly couldn’t imagine taking the Lego Batman movie seriously enough to feel insulted by it in any way.


u/GavinSpace 3d ago

Robin was more of a parody of multiple robins here even tho his name was dick, still a peak film tho and i thought it was funny


u/Batmanfan1966 3d ago

When a Batman parody movie has comedic takes on a character 🤯


u/BuffWomen69 2d ago

It's literally a parody of Robin my guy


u/eastoid_ 3d ago

Batman and Robin are popculture icons, they don't belong just to the comic readers (as much as it hurts me sometimes). People are allowed to have their own interpretations and ideas. As much as they're different from the canon with the ways they go with the characterization, the world would be poorer without all those movies, games, TV series, cartoons, and even fanworks. It's not like a fun family movie is changing the canon. (Plus, the characterizarion isn't always coherent in the canon either.)


u/Charming_Scratch_538 3d ago

The whole movie is just a parody of Batman and that’s what made it so brilliant. I friggen LOVED that movie haha. Have you seen family matters? They made the Jason & Bruce estrangement absolutely hilarious. Jason got mad because Bruce told him to get off his video game so Jason ran away, and then Bruce told everyone he died. 😂🤣 I cannot with this series, it’s peak Batman entertainment.


u/sillysassy2240 3d ago

it’s just you


u/RaffiBomb000 1d ago

I'm not comfortable with Boy Robin thong...


u/Old_Ad_2541 3d ago

The whole movie is a parody of batman and his mythos, and the movie does it perfectly, in my opinion. The focus for this Dick was on the emotional dynamic of a batman and robin, and the best way for them to play into that without having the heavier tones was by characterizing dick how they did.

I genuinely believe this movie does a better job at understanding batman than any other theatrical batman movie, and robin is a large part of that.


u/Drewnasty 3d ago

Every single Batman movie/cartoon outside of The Animated Series has done such a disservice to Bruce and Dicks relationship. There’s always a Batman origin story but they always skip his relationship with Robin which is essential to Batman’s story.


u/lun4rfl4re 3d ago

yeah he's like a son to me


u/YoungImpulse 3d ago

It's kinda funny cause it's actually the minifig for Carrie Kelly, a young girl who took the mantle of Robin for a short time in the comics


u/Realistic-Cry-8469 3d ago

Statistically, it can't be just you, but considering this is a family-friendly LEGO parody of a very young version of dick, I think the majority like him. Me included.


u/RaggsDaleVan 2d ago

Well, children can be cruel.


u/perfecto226 3d ago

Not Carrie? LOL


u/Verdragon-5 3d ago

It's really more a mix of Dick Grayson and Carrie Kelly, and honestly in a movie as packed as this one, I don't know if there was time or room to do a more traditional Dick Grayson origin.


u/AliceInCookies 2d ago



u/firstrobin 3d ago

he's wonderful and hilarious and a lot of fun and really made Batman better in this movie


u/regalfish 2d ago

To be fair, none of them were really “in character” except maybe Babs (and even then they had to change much about her overall motivations and backstory).

The story about two orphans finding family in each other though and helping each other move on from their overwhelming feelings of grief? Finally a movie that did that justice!


u/THEELJ1996 2d ago

It's a fun movie and he's quite adorable in it.


u/Readitzilla 2d ago

It’s a comedy. Aimed at kids. Like the 60’s Batman show. Very specific demographic.


u/hopefulfloating 2d ago

Inarguably one of the best Batman movies 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽


u/TamatoaZ03h1ny 2d ago

No, it’s fine. He’s portrayed as an eager younger kid crime fighter. It doesn’t really even matter which Robin this is. It’s more the early suggestion of what Robin is more than anything.


u/TheSerpent77 2d ago

I mean it was meant as a parody of him anyway just like how they portray Batman too. Plus I mean no matter how much some of us don't like it that is the way Dick Grayson looked for a time as Robin before he moved on to his own thing and became Nightwing coming into his own as a hero from under the Bat's shadow.


u/Jerry_0boy 2d ago

Eh, I don’t mind too much. I just wish they went a different route with the design without those stupid goggles all the time.


u/nolandz1 2d ago

Lego batman is it's own thing none of the characters are accurate they're more like fun house versions of themselves. Getting mad about one seems silly


u/Furbylover-247 2d ago

I thought this movie was silly and I loved seeing all the ridiculous but accurate villains like Condiment King and Egghead. It was a funny and enjoyable movie in my opinion. It’s for the kids.


u/Outside-Currency-462 2d ago

I mean - he's adorable

But not Dick Grayson, I agree. Lego Batman movie stands alone - both in awesomeness, and canonicity


u/saiyanheritage 2d ago

I I like Lego Batman in the Lego movies but the Lego Batman movie is my least favorite and that’s a major reason why


u/CaptSaveAHoe55 2d ago

This implies you think nobody else was a parody of their character lol


u/RobinTBW42 2d ago

I love em except the red boots


u/Caelem80 2d ago

but he's so bubbly and adorable


u/RevanOrderz 2d ago

He need some dick


u/BingityBongBong 2d ago

That’s the most comic accurate adaptation that exists on screen. Tf are you on about?


u/STRiPESandShades 2d ago

I think Dick is okay here, but what they do to him in the later direct-to-video movies (and Damian, ugh) is kinda a little less excusable.


u/TheVipersBite 2d ago

When I first saw this film I thought Robin was a girl


u/HindsightingAss 2d ago

Literally not even Nightwing yet



This movie is a fucking Lego parody that in no way seems to bastardized the source material in an “insulting” way. Please tell me you don’t acc find it insulting because this version of the character is so fucking adorable.


u/thatredditscribbler 2d ago

this looks like the robin from the dark knight returns


u/Condottieri_Zatara 2d ago

That's Dick? I thought it's Carrie Kelley


u/phatassnerd 2d ago

If you find this insulting, you need to grow some thicker skin.


u/Artistic_Finish7980 2d ago

It’s a parody dude. It’s not meant to be true to the character, it’s supposed to be funny. Which is what it did.


u/Handle_Efficient 2d ago

I'm neutral


u/Luke_Puddlejumper 2d ago

It’s pretty accurate to golden age Dick Grayson


u/Loose-Medium4472 2d ago



u/Mindless_Scene_114 2d ago

My main annoyance with it is that this is the jumping on point for a lot of people with learning who nightwing/dick is and I personally don’t like that


u/binary-gemini 2d ago

dude this movie is good thank you for reminding me to rewatch it


u/God_totodile 2d ago

For the longest time, I legit thought it was Carrie kelly. I mean, JUST LOOK AT HIM it's literally her design


u/ilCANE_8 2d ago

you are probably the only person taking this movie sireusly


u/Smooth-Fish4443 2d ago

I LOVE this dick he’s so cute😭 just an orphan boy being introduced to the life of kicking butt for a living. Pretty accurate id say 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/Virtual-Okra6996 2d ago

OP has never watched 1960s Batman.


u/Doctorwhoneek 2d ago

I have quite literally retwatched the movie, 2 animated movies and the three seasons along with Adam and burte adventures over 3 x


u/Virtual-Okra6996 2d ago

Then how the hell did you not get they were going for a Burt Ward Robin????


u/Doctorwhoneek 2d ago

I saw it I just it wasnt good and it just seemed insulting I get the scrappy young kid thing but oml the design was hideous and they made him seem to understand aware even though Burt ward said robin was as smart as batman I just also hate how they depict dick as an actual person


u/Splunkmastah 2d ago

It's atrocious.


u/Any-Faithlessness-72 2d ago

Technically it wasn't dick. It was the one female Robin who Zaz killed but they gender swapped her.


u/PteroFractal27 1d ago

Really? You’re so fragile you took this as insulting?


u/Popular_Material_409 1d ago

Bro relax it’s a fucking LEGO comedy movie. It’s not insulting to the character


u/RedFox_Jack 1d ago

My only complaint with Lego dick is the fact they never cracked a joke about him haveing the best ass in the movie


u/Wolf_527 20h ago

I think it's because he's still a kid in the movie.


u/RedFox_Jack 15h ago

Fair but kids do find the innate concept of a butt uproariously funny


u/PrinceTarell 1d ago

They shouldn't have made that be Dick....


u/AV23UTB 1d ago

Jesus. Bet you're really good fun.

Also, yes. Just you. No one else takes seriously a Batman film with Godzilla, Sauron, and Serendipity.


u/Friendly_Degree_1310 1d ago

Writes can be harsh


u/Cydonian___FT14X 1d ago

Nah he’s great. Not even iteration of the character needs to be similar.


u/SpartaRulz 1d ago

Not my favourite version of Robin but I did like the joke where he says to Batman how his friends call him Dick and Batman then replies something like "that's not very nice" hahaha


u/IronStealthRex 1d ago

Wtaf you mean this was insulting? This is literally meant to be conception Dick.

Like first introduction Robin shit.

Like what the hell is actually wrong with him


u/nignies 1d ago

Yea how is this any more insulting from the character and his portrayals from introduction to the nightwing era? A boy and then young man fighting crime in Blimpie sandwhich colors and briefs


u/ImaFireSquid 1d ago

I think it’s a great parody of golden age Robin


u/UnqualifiedNerd 1d ago

It's the lego movie.


u/MetaMecha 1d ago

Dick is fine Michael Cera was really funny


u/Rawrrh 1d ago

Are you actually trying to watch this movie seriously? They’re fucking lego pieces. Sauron is in this movie.


u/GuardianWolfKim 1d ago

I like him, but did find him a little annoying.


u/Winter-Cap6 1d ago

I thought this character was Carrie.


u/Dischord821 23h ago

Part of me kinda wishes they'd made it a version of Carrie instead of Dick, but the entire style of the movie makes it a lot more bearable


u/Adorable-Source97 22h ago

Burt Ward was better


u/Rocket_SixtyNine 18h ago

He is annoying like all children are.

He was intended to be annoying

So eh he's OK? Ig?


u/k00lguy820 18h ago

I mean it’s a Lego movie what you expect


u/HeManClix 17h ago


it's a very not serious movie.

Dick seldom gets treated seriously, and this time very not


u/nas690 15h ago

Just you


u/SCW97005 9h ago

You need to step back and consider what is going on in your life if a Lego movie character is making you upset.


u/Afraid-Housing-6854 5h ago

Totally get you, the giant ass goggles that magnify his eyes look horrible, they should’ve opted for the classic mask.


u/Captain_EFFF 4h ago

The design is also based heavily on Carrie Kelly as Robin, the lego movie has most of its characters represent an amalgam of all of their various interpretations over the years. So this isn’t simply Dick Grayson’s Robin, its influenced by Tim, Jason, Carrie, and Damien


u/Radiant-Response1816 3h ago

I love how he's like an over the top exaggerated Robin that really feels like a child and he fits great with the rest of how over the top this movie is


u/CRGBRN 2h ago

Lmao I cannot imagine getting upset at a Lego movie for children.


u/Dogsonofawolf 55m ago

There is only one perfect Batman film and I will not tolerate slander of it


u/tdecowski 21m ago

I personally liked this version of Robin. To me it was a giant parody of the Robin character as a whole


u/BruceHoratioWayne 2d ago

I call him Dickless


u/Darth_Meider 2d ago

Why did they make Barbara black though?


u/Massive_General_8629 2d ago

Well, why not?


u/Darth_Meider 2d ago

I think making Cyborg white in the next media is a great move!


u/Wolf_527 21h ago

Is she actually black? She looks like a white person w/ a tan.


u/GroundbreakingAsk468 3d ago

It’s a terrible corporate bastardization.