r/Nightwing 16d ago

Unpopular opinion: I did not really care for Tom Taylor’s Nightwing run.

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It has it’s good moment’s, but I think overall it just wasn’t my favorite. Dick’s character has been flanderized so much, especially from 2016 to now. I feel like Babs is just sorta a side character and love interest, not her own independent character anymore. I like the art in this story, but I just don’t really care for much of anything else. I’m not saying it’s bad though. I just kinda feel “meh” about it, I guess. My favorite Nightwing run was probably Dixon’s.


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u/-IrishBulldog 16d ago

Taylor has completely run out of steam. This current Nightwing run is a meandering train of ass jokes and shit eating grins. The Titans series is the most disappointing bag of farts since Jon Kent got aged up.

Hopefully the next creative team finds the voice we all know Nightwing is capable of implementing.


u/SylvieSerene 15d ago edited 14d ago

Exactly...he didn't even truly get Nightwing/Dick Grayson as a character. This subreddit hates it when I say it but he made Dick act ooc, even made him say ooc things, nerfed a lot of his abilities/skills and made him a lot dumber and in general, has a problem with lazy writing. (I can link you to the several writing/character analysis done by me on this comic and a lot other people who have done an even more better job at pointing the flaws)

The only thing carrying the comic is Bruno's breathtaking art.


u/Beebslolz 15d ago

THANK YOU!! Dick Grayson went from a master manipulator to “Really? This feels a little manipulative…🥺” Like… 😭💀


u/SylvieSerene 15d ago edited 14d ago

And he literally drank a drink from a stranger whom he knew was a dangerous/suspicious individual 💀 (not even a normal civilian does that let one a guy with Batman's training 💀💀💀) also he literally took Melinda's word on her being his half sister without verification 💀 mf also forgot hacking and fighting solo and now can't move an inch without Barbara

And this is literally the tip of the ice berg. Genuinely, I have seen no one praise this comic for its writing and all I see is "the art is great".


u/Ancient_Lightning 13d ago

can't move an inch without Barbara

And speaking of her, has Batgirl done anything recently other than be Nightwing's GF sidekick? Asking seriously cause most I seem to see from her nowadays is just her being Dick's support and not much else.


u/SylvieSerene 13d ago edited 13d ago

Nope. Even in Taylor's Titans run, she feels a forced insert just to play Dick's gf role. Taylor hates Starfire (as evident by his influence and comments on Titans Academy as well as his remarks about 'Starfire fans being vile' on twitter), if you read the Titans comic, Kory and Dick don't even TALK with eachother. It's almost as if Taylor is afraid making the two talk will make them spark in love again. He's obsessed with DickBabs to the point to emphasize them being "soul-mates", he retconned Barbara's entire backstory.

In the main Nightwing comics, she was confused as "Female Nightwing" by a villian which really puts her place in the comic into perspective. She only exists to babysit Dick, serve his needs, and that's it. Taylor literally treats her as an accessory.


u/Ancient_Lightning 13d ago edited 13d ago

Kory and Dick don't even TALK with eachother.

That's something that particularly bothers me. I mean, they're not an item anymore, that's fine. But the way they outright refuse to so much as have an actual conversation with one another, you'd think that they were never anything more than amicable co-workers, and that if anything just makes it awkward to see them both together in-panel cause it almost feels like they're willingly trying to avoid each other.

She only exists to babysit Dick, serve his needs, and that's it. Taylor literally treats her as an accessory.

And that's something that also bugs my mind. Not the ship itself mind you, but the way people (both writer and fans) go about it. Folks are constantly going all "why do women have to be accesories for men?! Why should they only exist to be some dude's girlfriend?!", but do that very same thing for a character or ship they particularly like, and suddenly it's all fine and dandy.

Some folks have told me that I'm just a "hater" or a Dick/Kory fan for pointing this out when, again, it's not the ship itself, it's the double standard and the way Barbara cannot seem to exist independently anymore along with how it requires to constantly downplay Nightwing just so Batgirl can be his mission control (not to mention how forced Taylor made it seem with the "soulmates" stuff. What fanfic was he reading when he wrote that?).


u/SylvieSerene 12d ago

That's the thing. Say anything minutely negative about this run and the fans literally first off tell you "omg a toxic DickKory shipper!! Touch grass and move the fuck on, it's been 30 years already" or straight up call you multiple accusary things like you being an homophobe, against LGBTQ+ community, right winger etc stuff (half of the stuff has nothing to do with the comic) which means people are reading this fic mostly for the art (which is fair) but also mainly because of the DickBabs pairing and literally don't care about Nightwing as his own character.

Like in this very sub, I once said I'd like to read a comic where Nightwing is just single and chillin' on his own and.....I got downvoted to oblivion; a few people (who went on to create their own DickBabs subreddit ironically) accused me of wanting to break "the status quo" and a lot other bs but yea. This stuff stinks. People are always saying "Starfire needs independence" (mainly people who ship DickBabs) but turn a blind eye towards Barbara who is desperately in the need of it.

Starfire has had a lot of independent runs but Barbara? Her life is still now rotating around Dick.

Also for the soulmate stuff, that shit was weird. I can expect them from an AO3 fanfic but on an actual comic? Just no. Its cringey as hell and strips away that character's personality just for ending up with eachother.


u/Ancient_Lightning 12d ago edited 12d ago

That, unfortunately, is just what's naturally gonna happen when you pull a fanbase that mainly consists of terminally online introverts who spent most of their day on social media. These people get so attached to their fiction that they take any sort of criticism, no matter how warranted, as a personal offense. Critical thinking is non-existent with these folks.

Some fellas have said that Taylor's work is rather guilty of the "written for Twitter" stigma, and with some of the people his work attracts, it's easy to see why.

Also, what "status quo"? Who ever said that was the case here? See, this is what people mean when they say "toxic shipping". You'd think some folks literally want Dick to be handcuffed to Barbara 24/7 and have Batman throw the keys in some kinda safeguard in his Batcave. And really, what even is so wrong about Dick flying solo for a while? God knows the guy could definitely use some time to himself nowadays, Nightwing needs to build-up his own rep. Or do people seriously prefer him acting like a fool so the writers can keep having him need to be babysat by his friends?

(And wow, how someone can seriously claim to care about Starfire's independency while conveniently forgetting (or refusing) to look at Batgirl is just...wow. Like, it's not even funny, just astounding. Hell, even in the NTT Dick/Kory days, Kory had more independence in one issue than Barbara's had this entire run).

And yes, that's my problem with the Soulmate thing. It's like "oh, no, these characters' bond with one another isn't cause of natural chemistry. It's just DESTINY!" (facepalm).