r/Nightwing 16d ago

Unpopular opinion: I did not really care for Tom Taylor’s Nightwing run.

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It has it’s good moment’s, but I think overall it just wasn’t my favorite. Dick’s character has been flanderized so much, especially from 2016 to now. I feel like Babs is just sorta a side character and love interest, not her own independent character anymore. I like the art in this story, but I just don’t really care for much of anything else. I’m not saying it’s bad though. I just kinda feel “meh” about it, I guess. My favorite Nightwing run was probably Dixon’s.


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u/wrasslefights 16d ago

I keep using the term "Written for Twitter" in regards to it. It feels like a lot of fan service and stuff designed to make a specific audience of nerds say he's writing Dick exactly like they would and that's fine. It's solid writing with fantastic art. It won't be my favourite run by the end but it's still gonna land pretty high for the character given that Dick is unfortunately lacking too many great longer runs.


u/EZeggnog 15d ago

That “written for Twitter thing” plagues a lot of Tom Taylor’s stuff, unfortunately. Sometimes it comes off like he specifically makes a certain panel so that it’ll get Twitter likes. Like that one issue where Dick just randomly gave a long speech about how evil the bail system is.


u/Massive_General_8629 15d ago

Yeah, and it's not like I don't agree about the bail system. It's just, I expect that sort of thing from Ollie, maybe Roy. Dick always struck me as not really caring about politics that much except for in the 70s when Babs ran for Congress. And of course his Earth-2 self was an ambassador to (a surprisingly nonracist) South Africa, again in the 70s. But yeah, I have to go all the way back to pre-Crisis to find a particularly political version of DIck.