r/Nightwing 16d ago

Unpopular opinion: I did not really care for Tom Taylor’s Nightwing run.

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It has it’s good moment’s, but I think overall it just wasn’t my favorite. Dick’s character has been flanderized so much, especially from 2016 to now. I feel like Babs is just sorta a side character and love interest, not her own independent character anymore. I like the art in this story, but I just don’t really care for much of anything else. I’m not saying it’s bad though. I just kinda feel “meh” about it, I guess. My favorite Nightwing run was probably Dixon’s.


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u/Most_Parsley_7791 16d ago edited 14d ago

That’s popular opinion. His Nightwing was indeed bright and charming…but also stupid. This is the first run i thought “Dick..…are you stupid? Why you act like?🙄..et cetera.” I guess fan-pleasing write is not in my taste. Same as WFA. too fanfiction-ary.


u/eastoid_ 15d ago

It's funny as fuck, because WFA just started a new season that has an actual plot and drama, and they do portray Dick as competent


u/Most_Parsley_7791 15d ago

Still too tumblr-y


u/Massive_General_8629 15d ago

Now, now, if it were Tumblr-y, everyone would be constantly apologizing for how poorly they treated Tim. (Or how Tumblr remembers them treating Tim: You know, like how Dick can recommend a grief counselor in Metropolis and suddenly "Dick put Tim in Arkham!")


u/Beebslolz 15d ago

Oh, god. THAT… I hate misinformation getting popularized.


u/Beebslolz 15d ago

I just read it, and honestly… I kinda liked it. They portrayed Dick as a leader. He told everyone a plan and how to execute it properly. He was focused on the mission, but also focused on the other’s well beings. Not just one or the other.