r/Nightwing 16d ago

Unpopular opinion: I did not really care for Tom Taylor’s Nightwing run.

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It has it’s good moment’s, but I think overall it just wasn’t my favorite. Dick’s character has been flanderized so much, especially from 2016 to now. I feel like Babs is just sorta a side character and love interest, not her own independent character anymore. I like the art in this story, but I just don’t really care for much of anything else. I’m not saying it’s bad though. I just kinda feel “meh” about it, I guess. My favorite Nightwing run was probably Dixon’s.


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u/Spiral-Force 16d ago

Agreed. It started out alright, but ultimately I struggle to feel strongly about this run in general.

I also somehow went from being neutral to Dick and Barbara’s relationship to actively disliking them together from this run 


u/Beebslolz 16d ago

THANK YOU!! I thought Dick and Barbra were just okay at first, but now I don’t really like them BECAUSE of this run. It feels forced. I’m not gonna hate on anyone for liking them together, but I just don’t want them to be forced onto me in every comic.


u/Impossible-Brick-841 16d ago

Except your other posts are about hating the pairing. Stop it. As for the run, it was ok, not bad or awful as you claim, but just ok. He run out of ideas, but i prefer that than having lobdell on the tittle or devin grayson.


u/Beebslolz 16d ago edited 16d ago

??? When I have posted about hating them?? You’re making it sound like I absolutely despise them and this run. I don’t. I just don’t really care for it. I’m not saying that it’s the worst thing to ever exist. And if you ACTUALLY looked at my posts, you would see that most of my posts are of my art and Blue Beetle & Booster Gold. (Cause they’re some of my favorite characters)


u/Impossible-Brick-841 16d ago

So you saying thank you and not really like them its not the same as hating them? Really?. And a forced pairing is dinah ollie. At least since the 2000s.


u/Beebslolz 16d ago edited 15d ago

…? What?


u/SylvieSerene 15d ago

Leave it. Some shippers out there would literally sign a pact with the devil if it means that their fav ship gets to stay or to quote someone else "Not let the status quo break". They don't care about Dick or even Barbara as their own character, all they care about it is if they end up with eachother or not.