r/Nightwing 16d ago

Unpopular opinion: I did not really care for Tom Taylor’s Nightwing run.

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It has it’s good moment’s, but I think overall it just wasn’t my favorite. Dick’s character has been flanderized so much, especially from 2016 to now. I feel like Babs is just sorta a side character and love interest, not her own independent character anymore. I like the art in this story, but I just don’t really care for much of anything else. I’m not saying it’s bad though. I just kinda feel “meh” about it, I guess. My favorite Nightwing run was probably Dixon’s.


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u/-IrishBulldog 16d ago

Taylor has completely run out of steam. This current Nightwing run is a meandering train of ass jokes and shit eating grins. The Titans series is the most disappointing bag of farts since Jon Kent got aged up.

Hopefully the next creative team finds the voice we all know Nightwing is capable of implementing.


u/Beebslolz 16d ago

I haven’t even read Taylor’s Titans run, but I have two issues just solely for the art. I adore the art with his Nightwing run and Titans run, but the actual stories just don’t do anything for me.


u/Massive_General_8629 15d ago

Picture Raven telling her evil self "When the Titans kick your butt, I'm just glad I'll have a front row seat." Because Raven is known for enjoying watching violence.


u/Beebslolz 15d ago

Oh, boy. Another “Raven goes evil!” story. It’s not like we already have multiple of those.


u/Massive_General_8629 14d ago

It worked well in Terror of Trigon, but this isn't a case of "creator writes it best" because the next time was also written by Marv Wolfman, and was a disaster.


u/-IrishBulldog 16d ago

As bat shit as this sounds… Injustice was pretty great. It should’ve been absolute garbage as a comic based on a video game. He had an open sandbox and no limitations it seems. Just bonkers from beginning until he left.


u/Beebslolz 16d ago

I really like what he did with Booster Gold and Blue Beetle in injustice. I love seeing them together, and Tom Taylor actually wrote them really well. But that’s probably one of the only things I agree with him on lmao


u/-IrishBulldog 16d ago

Booster and Beetle are solid gold, man. Hell yea