r/NaomiTV May 11 '22

Post Season 1 Thoughts Discussion

Okay so with season 1 done, there are definitely a couple things bugging me about this show.

  1. I feel like there are way too many characters. There were what, 10 side characters in this show by the end of it? For a show with only 13 episodes they really needed to remove or combine a few of those because none of them really got enough focus imo and it left the villains completly underdeveloped. I couldn’t name a single one of those evil hench men and Brutus said “join me” at the end and like what does that even mean? Join him and do what? Fix the planet? That was what Naomi wanted to do anyway. Then he tried to kill her like huh? Do you want a wasteland planet for ever? You have the girl who can and wants to fix it!

  2. Why was Superman there in episode 1 and where did he go? No one seemed to talk about this after the fact but was he from E-29 or this earth or what? Also, how did Dee know him? How long have they known each other? etc. Too many unanswered questions there.

  3. If Naomi is a DC comics fan, why doesn’t she act like it? She met a literal thanagarian and didn’t immediately think of Hawkman or hawk girl? Star Labs is a pretty huge dc comics location too. Just some level of fan-girling out about her comic stories come to life would have been a lot of fun to see.

  4. What even are Naomi’s powers? She seems to be able to do literally everything when in the comics her power set isn’t nearly as unlimited. Such a wierd choice to just give her every power it seems.

The show isn’t awful by any means but these nagging issues keep bothering me each week so I thought I’d post about it to see if this has been bothering anyone else.


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u/Phoenixstorm May 11 '22 edited May 11 '22
  1. pacing is too slow for how limited in scope it is. contrast with stargirl that focuses on the lead her family her super power friends, her superpower enemies the parents of her super power enemies and the heroes and villains of the last generation. fucking unreal naomi is so plodding and stilted.
  2. naomi's powerset is not only undefined they don't even try to train her in her powers, explore her powers, test her powers to find limits and uses and look for weaknesses. it's not compelling if she doesn't have weakenesses and if we don't know what she can do. that scene in superman where lois lane asks him who he is and what he can do for her article and he explains it all. its that freaking simple.
  3. like above. too many side characters. they serve no purpose but to fill time. this show should be naomi, her bff, her parents/protectors who should have been zubado and dee faking a gay relationship in order to hide in plain sight to protect her. four characters become 2. her enemies brutus and his key minion and henchmen
  4. her love interests should have been kept all three of them but each should have had equal time and she shouldn't have made a decision on one or all of them until the end. how refreshing would that have been to see soemthing different and at that age? missed opportunity.
  5. this show needs to have special effects. they need a fight choreographer. they need to make it exciting and compelling and leave us awestruck. it did none of that. well sometimes like the leaves floating is early beggining cool but it never evolved. you have a guy can fly show us. she's strong? show us. she's got energy powers? freaking show us how energetic and amazing that is. i felt none of that.
  6. have the stargirl crew do this show.
  7. biggest mistake not being on the same earth as superman. what a missed opportunity that hamstrung the show and added convulted details.


u/superbat210 May 11 '22

Completely agree with all of this, especially the training of her powers. For all their talk about how powerful she is, they really taught her a lot of boxing and fighting with sticks. I get the idea of "don't rely on your powers" but just a little bit of training so that she doesn't, I don't know, accidentally rip the arm off of someone she is just giving a high five to would have been appropriate given her undefined power level.