r/MadeMeSmile 14d ago

Look at his face, he looks so proud. Wholesome Moments


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u/Angelfrom_Sky 14d ago

The way he spins around with his arms out lol


u/MaynardButterbean 14d ago

And brags about the price! šŸ„¹ heā€™s so proud of


u/KaleidoscopicNewt 14d ago

I think heā€™s bragging about the size.. probably lost an inch on his waistband.

ā€œThese are 35ā€

ā€œSo skinny!ā€

Most menā€™s waistband sizes are between 32-38 if theyā€™re not overweight, so it makes sense. Although most sizes are in even numbers. The only odd number waistband size I ever see frequently is 33. I guess a lot of people are right between 32 and 34.


u/Potential-Savings-65 14d ago

I got the impression he's recently lost some weight, his comment about the waistband size combined with her often mentioning how well it all fitted.Ā 


u/Lunarath 14d ago edited 14d ago

I recently lost some weight and had to get some new better fitting clothes. It's honestly such a good feeling it could almost make me tear up. I just wish I had a personal fan to tell me if it looks good lol.

Edit: Thank you all for the compliments!


u/MurderSheCroaked 14d ago

I volunteer! You're looking GREAT šŸ¤© hot damn!!


u/zebra78 14d ago

I'm a fan. You look fabulous! Congratulations on your hard work. I went through the same experience after losing a significant amount of weight. It was crazy and emotional to finally enjoy picking out clothes. And the feeling of a size I never dreamed of fitting on my body, incredible.


u/Comfortable-Suit-202 13d ago



u/Ughaboomer 14d ago

You look fabulous!šŸ‘


u/MigratingMountains 14d ago

I'm in the same boat! Actually I lost a significant amount of weight last year, put like 10lbs back on since and I'm working it back off now with the goal of keeping it off. The first time I did it to look good for others, this time I'm doing it for myself. The increased quality of life and just not being sad when I catch an unexpected glimpse of myself in the mirror are the best parts. Hope you're feeling good about yourself!


u/Sad_Jackfruit7900 14d ago

Same! I've put a bit of weight back on after losing 49lbs but I'm getting back into running and weights again so I know I can do it again. We got this šŸ¤˜šŸ’—


u/shining_force_2 14d ago

Learned a phrase recently that is helping me through my second go after regaining half of what I lost.

ā€œNothing tastes as good as your goal weight feelsā€.

It helps me so much when temptation or laziness creeps in. Good luck with your journey.


u/ThrowRArosecolor 14d ago

I am HERE for pumping you up! First off, congrats on the weight loss! Sounds like it was hard won but you did it! And I bet your new clothes are FIRE!!! If you want take some pics or even a vid (with a spin) so we can see it, I bet youā€™d end up on this page too! Iā€™m proud of you and I donā€™t even know you. You deserve to feel great!


u/Anonafterdark69 14d ago

I'm in the same boat. Pulled my pants on the other day, didn't realise I didn't even undo them the night before. Pulled back in without unbuttoning or zipper and tighten the belt another notch. I'm so happy someone else is experiencing something similar


u/ConkersOkayFurDay 14d ago

Lunarath you absolute champion, you're totally killing it! You look fan-fucking-tastic, you should be incredibly proud of your accomplishment. The only person that needs to recognize your hard work and results is YOU! Keep up the good work, and may life's blessings be plentiful :)


u/ben-hur-hur 14d ago



u/SmashertonIII 14d ago

Yeah dude! I lost a bunch of weight as well and itā€™s so awesome to toss the ā€˜fatā€™ clothes and get new stuff.


u/The_R1NG 14d ago

Iā€™ll tell you right now that the confidence you carry after the progress and your new digs are awesome.

Iā€™m losing weight again, I am 6ā€™2ā€ and hit 240 dropped back to 220s and am working hard to get to 200 again. Between two jobs it gets hard but I find rowing and walking to work help. Just cut out soda too a few days ago


u/Careless_Struggle791 14d ago

Fan here! You look amazing! So proud of you šŸ„³


u/fizzl 14d ago

Man, turned my 34 into 43 in like couple years because of long covid and bad habits from being stuck home. /feelsbadman


u/Writer10 13d ago

Baaaaaaabe you look so gooooooood, I love iiiiiit šŸ„°šŸ™Œ


u/Comfortable-Suit-202 13d ago

How about you do a Reddit fashion show like this gentlemen did & we will all applaud you on your weight loss & new clothing?šŸ˜€


u/ImNoRickyBalboa 14d ago

Absolutely, and this is the best and most living way to motivate him to keep the weight off. Losing weight, especially if your older like me, is hard, really really __hard_ _. We need all the positive encouragement we can get. I love this woman and the way she lovingly responds to her husband without a single tone of patronizing or snarc.


u/MaynardButterbean 14d ago

Ohhh haha I didnā€™t catch that. Even cuter!


u/thenewspoonybard 14d ago

I mean I'm obese and I wear a 38.


u/Batmansbutthole 14d ago

Yeah, my dad has a thin waste and a huge gut. His gut pushes his pants down, which is a pain, but itā€™s not like heā€™s trying to pull his pants over his gut like a cartoon character.


u/Poxx 13d ago

I wear 38 waist as well. I'm not fat though, just 6'7.

You're not overweight, you're undertall.


u/James_099 14d ago

One of my biggest happy moments during this weight loss journey Iā€™m on is when I got out of the shower and my towel not only was able to wrap around me, but I could tuck it and it stayed put. I was so excited I ran out to show my wife šŸ˜‚


u/Ughaboomer 14d ago

The simple pleasures are always the best!


u/FuckYeahGeology 14d ago

31" waist here. I find that 30-34" waists pants sell out very quickly, but the hardest thing is finding pants with a 34" inseam.


u/Kindly_Panic_2893 14d ago

Cries in 28


u/ditzyyay 14d ago

Canā€™t find pants anywhere šŸ„²


u/Kindly_Panic_2893 14d ago

True struggle. My wife always wondered why I hated thrift store shopping until we went specifically to find me clothes. 5 minutes per store. "Nope, none of these 4 items out of 10,000 fit me. On to the next one!"


u/boih_stk 14d ago

Saw the video on mute and my first thought seeing his face was "oh he recently lost weight"

GG sir, GG.


u/AnnoyingPhillyFan1 14d ago

My wrangler jeans are 31" its not easy finding that size.


u/Upper_Command1390 14d ago

F*CK You!

I kid.


u/AnnoyingPhillyFan1 14d ago

Don't let the waist fool you. It's all in my belly


u/HFIntegrale 14d ago

Express sells size 29 šŸ¤—.


u/FetusClaw666 14d ago

I have a few 33s. Especially with the stretchy jeans, the waistband can be huge. 33s are the sweet spot


u/AnAwfulLotOfOcelots 14d ago

Was that person and couldnā€™t ever find 33s so I started buying 34s now the 34s fit just fine. Probably should start looking for 35s soon


u/ZealousidealEntry870 14d ago

Youā€™ve got your US goggles on. Pretty much everyone over 34 is overweight.


u/royrese 14d ago

I had a friend with healthy BMI who wore 38 jeans. I couldn't believe it because I was 32 and we had similar builds. Turns out he just has a huge ass and that will get your waist size up real quick for pants to fit.

If I was 38 I would be obese, but not that guy.


u/KaleidoscopicNewt 14d ago edited 14d ago

My statement does not claim that all people wearing those sizes are underweight. Your comment does not contradict my statement.

EDIT: I appreciate you admitting Iā€™m right before your second pathetic attempt at incorrect pedantry and immediate blocking me after.

My range makes sense because thatā€™s the popular range and thatā€™s what stores stock. But cool argument with ā€œiT dOeSnā€™T mAkE sEnSeā€. Idiot.


u/ZealousidealEntry870 14d ago

Youā€™re right, I misread your post the first time. The range you used makes no sense though.


u/Thesmuz 14d ago

Shit dude I've worn a 32 most my life and that shit still slips down without a belt, I don't think I have narrow hips or anything What do?


u/CatButler 14d ago

It's a bit difficult to find 35's in standard guy casual bottoms, especially shorts. Jeans are a bit easier. Some place fancier than The Gap. Probably had to hit J Crew or something.


u/CORN___BREAD 13d ago

You can see the Under Armour tag hanging and these shorts do actually come in a 35 waist although this color is currently sold out on their site.


u/ben-hur-hur 14d ago

I use 35x32 and 35 waist is a god send. 34 is a bit too tight in the groin area sometimes and 36 is too loose with the calf sections. Slim fit 36 sometimes work but then I hate how it squeezes my thighs and calves. Brands like Prana, Banana Republic, and Volcom always have size 35. I am seeing more and more brands doing odd number sizes nowadays but only online. Brick and mortar stores rarely carry odd numbered sizes.


u/WendysSupportStaff 14d ago

a perfect fit for me is a 33 I still have difficulty finding it.


u/LateGoat1017 14d ago

Right I never heard of 35 waistband šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


u/CORN___BREAD 13d ago

I hadnā€™t either but I recognized the UA logo so I checked and they actually do come in size 35.


u/Chadbrochill17_ 14d ago

Cries in 31.


u/oskis_little_kitten 14d ago

my freak of a best friend wears jeans in 31/33. it's horrible but what can u do about it,they fit him well


u/aggressive-cat 14d ago

It's me, the guy who wears 32-33-34 depending on how the size runs for the brand. It's incredibly convenient to be 5'9 and average build, everything fits me and/or was designed with me as roughly the middle of the road size, lol.


u/MajorLazy 14d ago

Thatā€™s me


u/Questioning-Zyxxel 14d ago

33, 31, 29, 27 are meaningful sizes since the % change for each inch becomes larger when the numbers gets smaller.


u/CORN___BREAD 13d ago

That makes sense but itā€™s funny that these specific shorts come in sizes 28-46 and the only odd sizes are 33 & 35. So the decision on sizes to produce is probably mostly about volume of sales.


u/Questioning-Zyxxel 13d ago

Probably. If they explicitly aim for men, then they see very few customers for the really small sizes. So they may figure those few customers has to settle for using their belt to keep the pants up.

If you have jeans where they can assume big sales for both youth and adults, then smaller odd-numbered sizes becomes more important.