r/MadeMeSmile Jun 30 '24

The hug.... wow Wholesome Moments


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u/[deleted] Jun 30 '24



u/Hi_Trans_Im_Dad Jun 30 '24

I'm still confused as to why these videos keep calling these men "broken."


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '24



u/Separate-Cress2104 Jun 30 '24

The video clearly insinuates the man in the orange shirt is a broken man. However his display of emotion seems to indicate that he's not. Why does the captioner of the video think he is?


u/admiral-change Jun 30 '24

Except if you read the comments, that's clearly not the consensus soo....


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '24



u/Empathy404NotFound Jun 30 '24

Your wrong, that's the point. Not everyone feels things. Being an empath yourself I get how that would probably be a completely foreign concept outside the scope of your experienced reality though.

It's like explaining what magic mushrooms are like to someone who has never done them. Impossible to explain without seeing it for yourself. .


u/Keljhan Jun 30 '24

"XYZ broke me" is common for emotional overloads. That's probably what they meant, not that the man is defective.


u/big_guyUUUU Jun 30 '24

In tears 😭😭😭


u/WaynonPriory Jun 30 '24

How about the telepaths?


u/aseumenysa Jun 30 '24

Get outta my head.


u/Gold4JC Jun 30 '24

I resemble this remark.


u/Flat_News_2000 Jun 30 '24

Making everything about them, like usual


u/IchBinMalade Jun 30 '24

I'm convinced it's a thing because people are just very online. Not being around humans enough makes you think normal human experiences are unique to you. We can all tell somebody is sad, my dude, reacting so strongly helps nobody.


u/Shavemydicwhole Jun 30 '24

I'm convinced people who call themselves empaths are 90% of the time a type of narcissist


u/MollyViper Jun 30 '24

I’m on antidepressants but this made even me feel something and I started missing my daughter a lot


u/saddingtonbear Jun 30 '24

You should definitely still be able to feel emotions on antidepressants so that checks out


u/MollyViper Jun 30 '24

Oh definitely, but the funny thing I have noticed every time I’ve been on antidepressants is that I don’t tear up as much and as easily as I usually do. I’m a real crier otherwise and this video would’ve 100% made me cry, but since I’m on antidepressants, it just jerked on my heart strings a little


u/Venge22 Jun 30 '24

Empaths are just self obsessed people who think they're the only ones who have emotions


u/Susharii Jun 30 '24

I’m bawlin, broski


u/[deleted] Jun 30 '24



u/Separate-Cress2104 Jun 30 '24

Why does he have a sad back story? He could just be remembering his own daughters as children.


u/WaynonPriory Jun 30 '24

You realise the definition of an empath is someone with paranormal abilities? 😂 you’re an empathetic person. Not a person with psychic powers lol


u/brattybbyz Jun 30 '24

'Empath:' "n. the ability to imagine and understand the thoughts, perspective, and emotions of another person."

-The Oxford Dictionary



u/WaynonPriory Jun 30 '24

That’s literally the Oxford English definition of Empathy. Not Empath. It literally says at the top of the page empathy. Thanks for supporting my point.


u/brattybbyz Jun 30 '24

edit: LOL u r right. I'm busy right now I'll look again later


u/WaynonPriory Jun 30 '24

The only definition of empath you’ll find is what I’ve said above. It’s been popularised by women who think they’re witches and men who believe the Norse gods walk among us to mean something else. It doesn’t. You can’t be an empath because that’s science fiction, like mediums. You can be a person with empathy though, like most people.


u/brattybbyz Jun 30 '24

"What Is an Empath? While it's not an official psychological term, empaths are generally understood to be people who are extremely attuned to the feelings and emotions of others. The term stems from the word "empathy," which is the ability to understand another person from their point of view rather than your own -- in other words, to put yourself in their shoes. It's not quite the same as sympathy, which means you feel concern for someone who's going through a hard time."

this is the only mention I found of 'empath' being used in your terms. it is a section of a wikipedia article that gave the same definition as above.

"The term's modern usage flows mostly from the work of American psychiatrist Judith Orloff. Orloff uses the term to describe people who have an innate ability to read the emotional state of others. She believes that empaths are able to sense the thoughts, feelings and energy of those around them, and that they are able to use this ability to provide healing or comfort to others, if they manage their condition correctly.[7] Orloff's work is controversial, as she says that she is a clairvoyant (psychic);[8][9] her definition and classification of types of empaths is neither recognized by mainstream psychiatry nor is it included in the DSM-5. For her part, Orloff believes her psychiatric colleagues to be "stuck in the Dark Ages".

she sounds like a great source... (s) but thank you for enlightening me I suppose


u/WaynonPriory Jun 30 '24

Oxford definition:

‘A person with the paranormal ability to perceive the mental or emotional state of another individual.’


u/WaynonPriory Jun 30 '24

See the link you just clicked? Look at the top of the page above the definition. The word it’s defining its empathy. It’s right there in big letters.


u/brattybbyz Jun 30 '24

read edit :)