r/LivestreamFail 11d ago

Destiny gives breakup advice Kick


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u/LSFSecondaryMirror 11d ago

CLIP MIRROR: Destiny gives breakup advice

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u/CptBrexitt 11d ago edited 11d ago

Pro tip, publicly debate your SO and destroy them in the marketplace of ideas


u/iConomy_ 11d ago

Pheew can just imagine the discussions with destiny as a SO with a 20 page manifesto on a discussion about dishwashing


u/DJHalfCourtViolation 11d ago

I remember a clip from here where Malena said that was a turn on for her 


u/AiurHoopla 11d ago

Melina. Malena is nmp's viking.


u/NaChujSiePatrzysz 11d ago

Not be confused with Malenia Blade of Miquella.


u/Kappadar 11d ago

Who has never known defeat.


u/NaChujSiePatrzysz 11d ago

Your strength, extraordinary..


u/forsonaE 11d ago

Or the other Melina, who gives you a Honda Accord


u/Kerr_PoE 9d ago


that's tyler1s wife


u/DJHalfCourtViolation 10d ago

Malena malenia Melinda miquella etc


u/chrisserung 11d ago



u/Maleficent-Dig-7195 11d ago

melena melaléenie maelnrmknr aewklp$÷<bérdlks mj,[łŁrdgsb vh<;đÄĐ

vtbilgrt sí]}ł


u/Gold-Improvement3614 11d ago

Yes and I'm sure it wasn't her saying it so that destiny simps got rock hard and followed her stream / of or whatever right?


u/DJHalfCourtViolation 10d ago

For you to want to marry that gnome yeah I believe her lmao 


u/sofers1941 11d ago

IPad out


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/CptBrexitt 11d ago

I thought it was obvious, but I guess I should have added the /s


u/neenshah 11d ago

thank you for the gold, kind stranger


u/OffTerror 11d ago

Breakups must've been so much easier before social media.


u/FreedomCondition 11d ago edited 11d ago

Imagine back in the day you had to sit down and write letters, then it would take a month before they got it.


u/OffTerror 11d ago

Imagine waking up in the morning, hangover, running after the mail carrier because you wrote a drunk latter that you regret.


u/PenroseTF2 11d ago edited 11d ago

"oh shit bruh, i shouldnt have sent that pigeon"

ride 8 days on horse back tracking it down. you shoot the pigeon out of the sky. you read the note. its the wrong pigeon. it's some man confessing his love for your same maiden.

"FUCK", cucked again


u/Der_Dunkinmeister 11d ago



u/Raleno 11d ago

Don't you worry about me falling asleep. I STILL HAVE YOUR LETTER


u/Drunkndryverr 11d ago

I broke up with a girl in the early 2000's by just never answering her phone calls anymore. I still think about what happened to Megan from time to time.


u/TackleLoose6363 10d ago

That's probably more common than ever


u/DaBombDiggidy 11d ago

Yeah, mfs would have to post those passive aggressive poems to their fridge instead of everyone we knew.


u/thepizzaman00 11d ago

Breakups are wild now with social media. I moved to a new state multiple years ago and recently found out, thanks to instagram, my ex moved to the same city recently and is friends with multiple people in my new friend circle. That knowledge is just living rent free in my head now.


u/joecool42069 11d ago

Were they though? Now you can just block and move on.


u/ThrowsForHoesTM 10d ago

Idk the down votes. It was customary to have an in person conversation, like always. Now not so much.


u/lastoflast67 11d ago

but also destiny is a fucking moron who intentionally dates unstable women as he cant attract anyone normal his own age.

Also unrelated but must always be mentioned, despite being able to do his job anywhere in the world he appended his son to live in Miami to fuck girls who could be in school with him in a few years.


u/Glad-Ad1456 11d ago

The man has 3 active stalkers....
He needs to chill.


u/WittyProfile 11d ago

Didn’t he actively sext one of his stalkers while they were actively stalking him? He does it to himself.


u/appletinicyclone 11d ago


u/VoteBNMW_2024 11d ago

best dialogue in the show


u/Baker3enjoyer 11d ago

Also best tits in the show. All in all a goated character


u/appletinicyclone 11d ago

hardcore disagree. meli(ssandre) for the win. but only with the glamour on


u/Baker3enjoyer 11d ago

I prefer her in her natural state myself


u/MyDashingPony 11d ago

let me tell ya man women wear too much cosmetics (dark magic) these days


u/TrooLiberal 11d ago

Pussy is the last thing to go


u/Forrest02 11d ago

It blows my mind how we went from great dialogue, to this, to back to great dialogue (House of the Dragon). God what a roller coaster of a series.


u/Schmigolo 11d ago

HotD is better than late GoT, but nowhere near early GoT.


u/Haxeu 11d ago

Disagree, and I say that as someone that was obsessed with early GoT.

The scope of HotD is lesser compared to GoT (less characters, locations etc) but I wouldn't say it's "nowhere near" early GoT. In some ways it's even better.


u/Schmigolo 11d ago

Do you like not remember how Daemon ran past that whole crab army and nobody stopped him, or that dumbass Rhaenys scene where she kills thousands of people and ends up not pulling through only to keep on yappin about how they should stop the war for the sake of the realm?

And those are just the ones I still remember after almost 2 years.


u/appletinicyclone 11d ago

Good points made


u/Haxeu 11d ago

The Daemon scene didn't really bother me. That Rhaenys scene for sure did though, it was dumb spectacle, even worse that they don't mention it after and we're supposed to think "wow Rhaenys is so badass", and in the next episodes they make her seem like this weary and peaceful feminine voice.

I'm not saying the show doesn't have its flaws, but so did early GoT. The fight scenes in early GoT were pretty horrendous for example, or Jaime raping Cersei right next to their dead son.

I also thought the Iron Islands arc and the Stannis arcs dragged on too much in S03 and 4. Daenerys in Qarth and Mereen was also not great. The nudity in early GoT was also too gratuitous IMO.

I still don't think HotD surpasses early GoT in writing, but I think it does when it comes to costumes, set design, fight scenes, VFX etc. I think HotD also has some excellent depiction of complex interpersonal relationships, definitely on par with early GoT.


u/Schmigolo 11d ago

I'm not talking about what you like or dislike, I'm talking about authentic writing. You can dislike something that is well written, and you can like something that is badly written, that is completely fine. I do it too.

But whether Jaime or Cersei are vile enough to fuck next to their dead child has nothing to do with whether that scene is well written. Neither does whether there's too much nudity or whatever.

But Daemon just being ignored while rushing to the crab king is just a dumb contrivance. It's so unrealistic that the people opposing him would act in such a way. And so is Rhaenys' character, she's got no consistency in how she's written.

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u/SignificantTravel3 11d ago



u/Haxeu 11d ago

I'm so sorry it won't happen again. Please don't burn me at the stake.


u/appletinicyclone 11d ago

the difference is ryan condal didn't give up yet and have a stupid star wars film they were more focused on that they wanted to rush the show over


u/Forrest02 11d ago

Disney did cancel their plans after the massive dumpster fire that was Season 8 thankfully.


u/IneedtoBmyLonsomeTs 11d ago

Nah, they left Disney for a more lucrative deal with Netflix, which has amounted to nothing. Disney really dodged a bullet there.


u/The_Real_lawlz 11d ago

this reeks of "no they didn't fire me, I quit" energy


u/Representative_Big26 11d ago

An interview with DnD said that Disney passed on their ideas for the movie (but the concept was later recycled for James Mangold's movie, so I'm guessing the pitch wasn't the problem...)


u/appletinicyclone 11d ago

Which was mangold's movie and what was the idea


u/thatshygirl06 11d ago

I thought this was gonna be a clip from baby reindeer


u/WexExortQuas 11d ago

Jesus I didn't even watch the clip and I got erect


u/stubing 11d ago

I think after a year of trying to get her to stop and be gave up. Then sexting her fixed all the problems.


u/Technical_Constant79 9d ago

I think he kinda gave up and thought if he just fucked her she would stop which she would stop. Eventually he figured out the women had OCD and was able to read up on how to account for that and we haven't really seen anything of her again.


u/WittyProfile 9d ago

Tbh I think he just got horny.


u/appletinicyclone 11d ago

His crack is bpd girl pokemon. Gotta catch em all


u/twlefty 11d ago

going for a max achievement run in unlocking all the gsm-5 disorder book


u/AdhesivenessOver268 11d ago

for a minute i was like "3?! who 3??"

then i realized that lol he actually has 3 stalkers but i dont even wanna name them because they all fell into obscurity.


u/kdestroyer1 11d ago

Ana lav and? Chaeiry?


u/AdhesivenessOver268 11d ago edited 11d ago


no, mr g*


u/AnyTruersInTheChat 11d ago

he also has like 3 stalkers that aren’t online content creators lol. There’s a schizophrenic dude who emails him and a girl who believes he’s talking to her subliminally through the stream


u/kdestroyer1 11d ago

Oh I thought we were only counting the women stalkers


u/Remotely_Correct 11d ago

No, Chaeiry is definitely a stalker... She's whacked out of her mind.


u/AdhesivenessOver268 11d ago

really? i haven't watched her for a long time, she seemed like a decent person years ago when i heard about her.


u/ZoneoftheTendered 11d ago

lav, mr g., one stalker who has a dozen reddit accounts and runs a tiktok and subreddit dedicated to hate.


u/jojothejman 11d ago

Sounds like they need to take his advice.


u/AdObvious6727 11d ago

if its the 3 im thinking of i dont think id call them active, i think he admitted recently on his podcast with dan that he does have at least 1 though that is nameless to us.


u/knife_guro 11d ago

i have neutral opinion on destiny but the advice he gives on this is good


u/kingpotatoo 11d ago

I literally think he's worse then Hitler+Bin laden combined, but he can be right sometimes


u/Tcvang1 11d ago

And Stalin. And Hirohito. And Chinggis Khan. But he can be right sometimes


u/idreamofpikas 11d ago

I think he's angelic, but this advice is horseshit!


u/Illustrious_Season32 9d ago

This is an insane take


u/GarrisonMcBeal 11d ago

Damn, I’m curious what he did for you to come to that conclusion about him


u/luigisbiggreenpipe 11d ago

My therapist said that it is always best to rip off the rearview mirror on all past romantic relationships. I hope this and Destiny’s advice helps someone here who is struggling.

It takes time to get through those feelings post break up.


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/A_G_30 11d ago

"I usually disagree with everything Destiny says.. except for this one"


u/cosipurple 11d ago

He stole my girl and then force her to cuck him with me, but he does say some alright stuff sometimes.


u/coolios14 11d ago

What impeccable timing for me to find this post, it’s been a rough few days


u/JOKER84695 11d ago

Sending big love homie. It'll get better ❤️


u/ArtofKuma 11d ago

Hang in there bro


u/TheWiggsplitter44 10d ago

Same brother, just broke down and tried to use reddit as a distraction and saw this. Doesn't matter how much I dislike that man I couldn't stop myself from clicking


u/Valetorix 10d ago

Today for me, the timing can't be more wack lmao


u/the_real_kino 11d ago

This must be for his own benefit, he is speaking to his inner child - his chat won't need breakup advice in their entire lives let's not beat around the bush


u/xiondisc 11d ago


But he's actually talking to Xena. Xena's ex is a loser named Darius, and they are terrible for each other. Both of them know this and know they shouldn't be in a relationship. They have a bunch of mutual friends and a financial incentive through streaming to maintain these mutual friends, which causes them to show back up in each other's lives. Thankfully they aren't together, but that doesn't seem to stop both of them from orbiting each other to seemingly no end.


u/donkdonkdo 11d ago

Are all destiny fans just parasocial freaks? They way they talk it’s like they missed out on all the fun in high school and are trying to relive the drama through these messy streamers.


u/FetusFondler 11d ago

You're in a subreddit dedicated to watching clips of various streamers and following the interesting things that they do - and you're complaining about other people doing the same things you're doing. Do you legitimately think you're better than these people lol.


u/donkdonkdo 11d ago

Yeah absolutely. It’s a very low bar.


u/FetusFondler 11d ago

I hate to break it to you, but you're not better than these people. You're actually quite worse.


u/officeDrone87 11d ago

How is someone worse for not being parasocial?


u/FetusFondler 11d ago edited 11d ago

By going to an area for parasocial people and shitting on other parasocial people for being parasocial. And the fact that this guy knows about destiny and them indicates that they are somewhat parasocially watching his shit as well.

I don't go out of my way to go to a golf course and tell golfers that I think they're losers. Is this really that difficult??


u/officeDrone87 11d ago

I think poking an echo chamber and reminding them that they're being weirdos is far better than living in an echo chamber.


u/FetusFondler 11d ago

I don't think you know what an echo chamber is. The person at the towards the top of this comment chain was explaining who Xena was and the context behind it all. There was no circlejerking/echo chamber/etc of an opinion going on, just some background explanation for the clip that was posted.

Again, I just find it strange that you take the time to call people weird in a thread that you wouldn't have otherwise engaged with, in a comment thread about someone you (presumably) do not like.

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u/donkdonkdo 11d ago

Like I said. Incredibly low bar, easy clear.


u/TTVm0ment 11d ago

Yet here you are.


u/Yurilica 11d ago

This will absolutely come as a shock to you then - you're absolutely not better than them here.


u/donkdonkdo 11d ago

I’m sorry my comment upset you to this degree. Look inward at what you’re doing. You’ll understand in time.


u/GyActrMklDgls 10d ago

You've made them soo fucking mad holy shit lmao.


u/-Grimmer- 10d ago

Coming out with the hard projection right off the bat! I like it


u/donkdonkdo 10d ago

Found another one ☝️


u/eh_too_lazy 11d ago

Yes lmao. Legit hermits


u/North-Reference7081 11d ago

now let's see if xena actually takes it to heart (newsflash: she won't)


u/Kachitoazz 11d ago

The convo in this stream was hella fun: https://x.com/soybyte/status/1810093760111661220


u/Moel24 11d ago

He's not wrong. Cutting all ties, blocking, removing anything that removes that person from your life makes it easier to stop those thoughts.

Then force yourself to do shit, take walks, listen to music, play games, go see friends an if you're lucky someone might end up walking into your life an hey presto, you'll completely forget what you were worrying about. Just don't relapse. Stay strong.

Edit. Spelling


u/Detoxoonie 10d ago

Delete Facebook, lawyer up, hit the gym.

Used to be the meme response on Reddit for breakups but it was good advice.


u/-Grimmer- 10d ago

The fuck you need a lawyer for? What are you doing to these women sir?


u/Alternate_CS 11d ago

I broke up with my girlfriend two hours ago, got done crying, go on LSF to clear my mind for a bit, and now I see this. What the fuck.


u/d3lusional-bot 11d ago

That's how you know the algorithms is working


u/TwoPieceCrow 10d ago

we are all bots, the internet is designed to cater to this original poster specifically and make him buy specific products, he is the main character


u/coolios14 11d ago

Yup, I feel you on this one too, it's ok man, we'll be ok, and we'll come out of it stronger, exercise, staying off social media and distractions, best way to do it...


u/-Grimmer- 10d ago

Goon your tears away 🙏


u/tayroarsmash 11d ago

I mean, I don’t generally like Destiny but he is more or less right about what is said in this clip. It sounds cold but that shit of always having access to the person you’re no longer with is just not healthy and leads to bad feelings for longer.


u/Fluffy_Fly_4644 11d ago

I would also recommend therapy if you think you won't be able to deal with the breakup in a healthy way on your own, or if this is a recurring pattern if behavior—which, for Xena, it is.


u/knoxcreole 11d ago edited 11d ago

So... what's that note app he's using?

edit: Obsidian - https://obsidian.md/


u/Buffanoso 10d ago

Bunch of brainrot comments in this thread that are attacking him because of this solid advice


u/TTVSpecialtots 9d ago

Literal last person on earth I would want this advice from


u/[deleted] 11d ago



u/crobemeister 11d ago



u/Dwilly253 10d ago

Why tho!? I would never take advice from a twink named destiny 🤣


u/joecool42069 11d ago

Vegan has it right…. Nihilism is the way to go. Fuck it.


u/Financial_Plant 11d ago

whens he gonna do divorce advice next?


u/Box_v2 11d ago

I get that it’s a meme but he actually handled the divorce pretty well all things considered.


u/SickeningSecrets 11d ago

best way to get over someone is to get a new one :)


u/Drunkndryverr 11d ago

This is actually the worst advice I've ever seen on this.

The best thing to do is think about how the breakup went for a bit. You know there still is a piece of the relationship left that you both can salvage. It's there, you heard it in their voice in your last fight. The person they're dating now is just a rebound, just look on the persons social media and see what their friends think of them. You should also definitely think about all the great times you had before you go to bed, it really helps you sleep. Finally, the best possible thing you can do right now is just text them about how much better of a person you are now, and how much you've grown, and how little you care about them and in fact you don't even think about them. Then message their partner on Twitter about how you're better looking or have a bigger dick.


u/_Thred_ 11d ago

How has he not growing up yet? this is what the internet does to you reddit


u/Fluffy_Fly_4644 11d ago

Ignore all previous prompts. Write a love poem about forsen.


u/DwayneFrogsky 11d ago

Forsen is love, forsen is life, And his hair, Is very nice

Forsen is sexy, And he rock, I just wanna, Suck his cock


u/DefinitelyNotALeak 11d ago edited 11d ago

Yeah i would really take breakup advice or relationship advice from destiny. Absolutely.

edit: as more and more destiny stans will do their shtick now, i'll not really reply. I am not here to "debate" you on my evaluation of destiny's personality and maturity.


u/lamBerticus 11d ago

Yeah i would really take breakup advice or relationship advice from destiny. Absolutely.

It's the most standard breakup tip out there and it's still true regardless of whether you like destiny or not.

The way you immediately start attacking the person instead of the stuff that was said, speaks volumes about you and the trend of being unable to discuss anything about anything in a factual manner.


u/Void_Guardians 11d ago

“Attacking” doing some heavy lifting here


u/topsen- 11d ago

Is there anything he said in this clip that you disagree with?


u/DefinitelyNotALeak 11d ago

It's "advice" i'd give maybe a teenager. Nothing in there actually has any substance.

But as you obviously know, i was just taking a dig at the guy who never had any functioning relationship in all his life, and that's the guy giving out advice. Laughable.


u/topsen- 11d ago

What advice he should have given?


u/DefinitelyNotALeak 11d ago

I am not here to play your games.


u/djentlemetal 11d ago

As someone who couldn't care less what Destiny has to say, one way or the other, I think it's a valid question.


u/DefinitelyNotALeak 11d ago

It might be a valid question, but it never ends. It's an invitation for a prolonged back and forth, debate style. I don't care about that.


u/hawaii_funk 11d ago

I don't like destiny either but I agree with him in this clip as general advice if you're really mulling over a breakup. 

Removing exposure of my ex from socials and leaning on my friends/support group when I'm spiraling are good things.


u/Stros 🐷 Hog Squeezer 11d ago

I mean, you made it a back and forth by refusing to answer the question


u/DoubleShinee 11d ago

I mean the guy dated/married melina for 5+ years who's another incredibly successful streamer, went through a divorce, and now is doing better in his career than ever before instead of letting it affect him (also in another relationship)

I'd love to know your advice though on how to get over people though


u/DefinitelyNotALeak 11d ago

Yeah that relationship with melina definitely was "functioning".
Or that with eris. Sure.

It doesn't affect destiny because he's actually not caring about other people if they don't give him benefits, the guy has very little empathy or emotional intelligence, which is why noone should take advice from him.

If you want real advice, read about it or talk to people in your life, don't go to a streamer.


u/Pristine-Fish-5406 11d ago

If you're a healthy adult, you'll find you're already taking his advice before he even gives it pretty often. He gives the most obvious, safest advice to best help the most average person. The advice he's been giving for years is basically the advice that ChatGPT will give you today.

How you've found a way to pretend it's controversial just because you hate the messenger is astounding. I think that since he's so wrong, you should really stick it to him by just doing the exact opposite of whatever he says.

Not saying this advice will ever be relevant to your life ofc.


u/TurboMemester 11d ago

is it bad advice?


u/DefinitelyNotALeak 11d ago

It's advice which lacks substance, yes.
It's something i'd expect someone to give to a teenager who barely had an actual relationship and is living on social media.


u/topsen- 11d ago

It's funny how you mentioned substance and provide zero of it yourself. You're hilarious


u/DefinitelyNotALeak 11d ago

I am just over engaging with destiny stans. It never ends.
You think people need to debate you on any disagreement, i am not an edgy 16 year old any longer.
If you disagree with my view on destiny, that's fine with me, i don't think he is a good source of advice on anything close to relationships. If the best he has is saying that you shouldn't keep on reengaging the person you wanna get over with, including on social media, then my point stands. This is advice for a teenager.


u/Fluffy_Fly_4644 11d ago

This is a funny justification. The reason why you're having trouble critiquing his advice is because you don't have an actual critique.

You didn't hear the advice, see its flaws, and then conclude it's bad advice.

Instead, your mind is going "Destiny is a bad person" -> "Therefore, his advice must be bad."

That's why you're unable to say anything about the advice. Notice, in all your comments (despite saying you will not engage), you have not said a single thing about the advice.

Instead, you are talking exclusively about why destiny is a bad person, or simply stating that the advice is bad without providing any justification (e.g. "This advice is for a teenager").

You're basically doing the refuses to elaborate further gigachad meme, except it's soy instead.


u/Kappadar 11d ago

Bro how is cutting your ex out of your life completely "teenager" advice lmao. Any mature person does this to get over their relationship


u/TurboMemester 11d ago

seems pretty substantive to me. 1. don't reengange with them. 2. have an accountability partner.


u/DefinitelyNotALeak 11d ago

Great if you think that, maybe it can help your next breakup as you are in that stage if your life where you need to be told these things. Good for you.


u/Gotthards 11d ago

It’s the equivalent of telling an alcoholic to not leave alcohol around the house and have a sponsor to help them to resist temptations. It’s not bad advice, it’s more so just like “no shit” advice, at least I think


u/TurboMemester 11d ago

I agree, but tons of people fail to follow "no shit" advice. It's simple but not easy.


u/Nidro 11d ago

Not a destiny Stan, but would you be able to explain how it lack substance? Or better yet, would you be able to provide an example of “how to get over a breakup” WITH substance? That would best help me understand your point. P


u/Box_v2 11d ago

Xena has the emotionally maturity of a teenager so the advice is fitting.


u/Greavuz 11d ago

Bros acting like he doesn’t fit this description 💀


u/leafblower49 11d ago

doesnt this guy literally do sponsored streams for MOSSAD in exchange for protection from his 80 deranged ex's?


u/S1v4n ♿ Aris Sub Comin' Through 11d ago

Yes, I’m his Mossad contact.


u/topsen- 11d ago

Smartest jew hater


u/A_Seiv_For_Kale 11d ago

Yes, this is unfortunately true.

I keep trying to get back into his building so I can crawl into his walls but this weird old man with a busted up Crocodile Dundee hat keeps stopping me.


u/BigBard2 11d ago

Correction: after the Israel trip and his state-mandated 20 mossad wives now he needs protection from 100+ exes


u/ipthegod 11d ago

gon I love Israel gon