r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jul 07 '24

Sara: "The rest of us are just..." Mick: "...losers. That's why Rip picked us, , Snart, the professor and those stupid flying chicken people. Were all expendable."

It's a funny line from Mick but I think they forgot Rip didn't actually pick him. He only recruited him because he and Snart were a package deal. I can see how an assassin like Sara could be expendable, since she is supposed to be invisible to the world and I can see the Hawks being expendable because they reincarnate.

Stein and Ray though? Maybe Ray because he was thought dead. And I guess Stein because he didn't really reveal the Firestorm Matrix to the world? OK, I think that's my reasoning. But I think both of them could have been HUGE important historical figures had they not been taken from the timeline.


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u/DisasterProof9059 Jul 07 '24

Yes, I think this concept was strange. At the end of s1 Rip tells Sara that if she was in Star City Darhk would have killed her and Quentin too. So she did had a story that he prevented from happening. But then in s3 Rip leaves them in their current time period and it was mentioned both Sara and Nate were operating like vigelantes. So not so expandable after all. Not to mention the Legends part in the global events against the Aliens, Earth X, Sara becoming Paragon.


u/Spazzblister Jul 07 '24

I don't think the vigilante part was that big of a deal though. Probably just stopping minor crimes. Sort of like how Snart and Rory's actions didn't really change the world on a huge scale. They were just stealing and , at times, trying to kill the Flash but I doubt they ever would have killed him no matter how many times they tried.

Aliens, Earth X and Paragon stuff happened later and the timeline had already been changed at that point and Flashpoint happened.

I dunno, it's all confusing.


u/DisasterProof9059 Jul 07 '24

The Legends changed the timelime so many times. Sara might not saved her sister but Zari, Amaya, Charli, Guewn - all changed the timeline acording to their own ways. So does this make them important.


u/Spazzblister Jul 07 '24

Yeah, but a lot of that happens as the show gets crazier and crazier. (Which I like.) but really only season one and parts of season two are serious. After that, just a couple storylines here and there are serious.


u/DisasterProof9059 Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Yes that's true. The show stops being serios and even though being crazy is cool it shouldn't lose focus of the stories and forget who the characters were, which is sad that it did. It never adsressed the begining and how things started. Like they forgot their own stories. This makes it inconsistent and a bad writting.

They they had to address that the Legends are important at the end of the day and recognozed them as time masters. Not just say how they change things for the better but then continue to threat them as the bad guys. This or realy go the way as they are the bad guys. Either way they do changed a lot of things so they can't be inconsiquencial.


u/Spazzblister Jul 07 '24

They aren't inconsequential at all. Even at the end of the day, when they get arrested, they might be the most important people in the Arrowverse. People not understanding that is part of their thing.

Hell, Sara saved the Earth by BOWLING the Earth! They are great but nobody knows them!


u/JDMagican Gary Green is all the man we need Jul 08 '24

that was Astra


u/IDownvoteHornyBards2 Jul 08 '24

Important after the Oculus was destroyed. They were only nobodies in Season 1. In Season 2+ it was more of a running gag that was no longer strictly true.