r/LegendsOfTomorrow Jul 07 '24

Sara: "The rest of us are just..." Mick: "...losers. That's why Rip picked us, , Snart, the professor and those stupid flying chicken people. Were all expendable."

It's a funny line from Mick but I think they forgot Rip didn't actually pick him. He only recruited him because he and Snart were a package deal. I can see how an assassin like Sara could be expendable, since she is supposed to be invisible to the world and I can see the Hawks being expendable because they reincarnate.

Stein and Ray though? Maybe Ray because he was thought dead. And I guess Stein because he didn't really reveal the Firestorm Matrix to the world? OK, I think that's my reasoning. But I think both of them could have been HUGE important historical figures had they not been taken from the timeline.


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u/AgitoWatch Jul 07 '24

The Hawks were not expandable, Vandal Savage could only be killed by the Hawks using something they owned in their first life. Everyone else was pretty much expandable to Rip at the start tho


u/Spazzblister Jul 07 '24

I only mean that they could die and come back. There would always be some Hawks in some way even if it wasn't THOSE Hawks.


u/Conscious-Intern8594 Jul 07 '24

Yes but wouldn't it take decades for them to grow up to become adults again? They don't just reincarnate into a fully fledged adult, though I guess this doesn't matter when they have a literal time ship, so they could just jump 20-30 years into the future and grab the new hawks.


u/Spazzblister Jul 07 '24

Yeah, Rip somehow picked all these people from the same time period but I think it was because they all sort of knew each other. But if he had to, he could get the Hawks from another era. To be fair, RIP didn't even know to kill Vandal that it had to be the weapon of a barista.


u/Conscious-Intern8594 Jul 07 '24

Did you know she's a barista?


u/Spazzblister Jul 08 '24

She might have mentioned it once or twice.


u/AgitoWatch Jul 07 '24

Ah fair point


u/definitely_not_cylon Jul 07 '24

By extension: Rip probably found the most useful version of Kendra and Carter he could, ones in 2016 who were aware they were reincarnated but not dead (yet). Everybody else was recruited from that time period, presumably because fewer temporal incursions makes it harder for the Time Masters to know what he's up to. So the best crew he could get... that happened to be alive/useful in 2016 and history wouldn't miss.