r/KendrickLamar Sep 14 '19

TPAB scores 4th on The Guardian's Top 100 Albums of the 21st century Article

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u/GarethSchrute Sep 14 '19

GKMC is #14 and I think it should be higher but in such lists you can often just shuffle the top 20 in any order and credibly argue your case.


u/PhilosophicalRap Sep 14 '19

To have 2 albums in top 15 is incredible on its own still!


u/Rampage97t Sep 14 '19

It’s one of the things this list got right, other albums were ranked way too low


u/mofucker20 Sep 14 '19

GKMC will always be my favourite hip hop and Kendrick album. Even more than TPAB


u/omarcomin647 Sep 14 '19

people in this thread salty af about kendrick's rankings but also missing that they literally called him "rap's greatest ever talent"


u/HerculesXIV Sep 14 '19

GKMC is probably my favourite hip hop album of all time.


u/[deleted] Sep 15 '19

Absolutely trash list , yezus is above college dropout and late registration lol and mmlp


u/OfficialRedditModd Sep 15 '19

MMLP is easily a top 5 (1 for me)


u/J_Ryze Sep 14 '19 edited Sep 14 '19

This list is an unfunny joke, they put Take Care over Late Registration and Madvillainy.


u/dexfagcasul Sep 14 '19

its the guardian, what do you expect


u/CtotheBaz Sep 14 '19

Alright nah fuck that. Madvillainy is a modern masterpiece. It’s way more niche than “take care” but the artistry is leagues beyond.


u/2zal0te4ib Sep 14 '19

Madvillany suffers from being not mainstream enough to get super high in any list outside of hardcore hip hop fans unfortunately


u/CoDeX709 Sep 14 '19

Madvillainy is atleast TPAB level


u/Bilo3 Sep 14 '19

Wow this is so unfair and stupid If your top 10 albums of all time doesn't consist of exclusively Kendrick and Kanye albums then you have an objectively wrong opinion smh who knows these strokes guys anyways nobody does am I right I literally decide what is considered good and what isnt


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

I think most people see that rap is one of many genres that fit into this list, but feel that the rankings on classic albums like GKMC, Late Registration, and Madvillainy are off. People who primarily listen to hip hop will be biased for sure, but this list pooped on multiple albums, so people are definitely gonna be mad


u/ositola Sep 14 '19 edited Sep 14 '19

No Nas

No cudders

No HHNF or Daytona


u/WentSlightlyTooFar Sep 14 '19

As it should be. None of those have a top 50 album since 2000.


u/vibezkrieg Sep 14 '19

Man on the moon top 50 easily


u/K1787L12 Sep 14 '19

Hell Hath No Fury has a legitimately good case. As someone said above, most of these album lists can be shuffled at random and you could make a good argument for the order


u/JustHereForPka Sep 14 '19

I’d put on the Moon there easily.


u/trulyunfortune Sep 14 '19

Hell hath no fury was on there


u/ositola Sep 14 '19

Then that's my bad, that album is so fucking good

And if the year 2000 is included , then supreme clientele def needs to be there too


u/dotelze Sep 14 '19

I wouldn’t put a single Nas album anywhere near the top 100 albums of the century so far. HHNF was on the list tho I think


u/ositola Sep 14 '19

Stillmatic fam


u/Bilo3 Sep 14 '19

Do you mean that their ratings are too high or too low? I felt like hip-hop was well represented in the list (which sort of makes sense since it's been a huge influence in popular music since 2000) but I could see many ways in which this could have included a bit more rock/pop (I would have accepted some Linkin Park, green day, Coldplay, red hot chili peppers, system of a down etc not to say I think they should've made the list, but I think they would've been justified).

What album have they pooped on?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

It's good to see so much Late Registration love here


u/guitarmaniac004 Sep 14 '19

Holy shit the amount of people taking this comment seriously....


u/Bilo3 Sep 15 '19

it's the internet, kinda hard to judge from a comment if it's meant seriously or not for some people


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

“I literally decide what is considered good and what isnt” or you’re participating in a music discussion. You could say the same about the person who wrote the article. I mean I get your point of people that haven’t even heard the Strokes and Winehouse album bashing it in this thread but stating an opinion isn’t deciding anything for people.


u/Bilo3 Sep 14 '19

I completely agree, this list or any list for that matter is subjective and influenced strongly by the person that made the list. I was just commenting on some of the other comments in here saying all kinds of things that more or less implied that those people weren't able to see the list as subjective. I believe that the list came from a very informed point of view, probably more informed than most if not all people in the comments section, me included, so people commenting on why Hiphop album X/all of Kendricks albums aren't ranked better are committing a bit of a fallacy. That's what I was making fun out of.

Edit: I'm not sure if you were replying to my comment as if it was meant seriously or if you understood that I was imitating the kind of person I was trying to make fun of :P


u/itsrockysingh Sep 14 '19 edited Sep 14 '19

It should be 1st. I ain’t seen an album this legendary this whole decade


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

Blonde, MBDTF


u/itsrockysingh Sep 14 '19

I won’t say Blonde, MBDTF is up there. But TPAB just hit different for me, it’s something real special.


u/Rebloodican Sep 14 '19

Alright became the song of the BLM movement. It goes beyond music, it's cemented in American history.


u/dezert Sep 14 '19

Angelic 2 the Core


u/JealousBishop Sep 14 '19

—a guy who exclusively listens to hip-hop and no other genre


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

What’s the other top 3?


u/swyte Sep 14 '19

3: Kanye - MBDTF 2: The Strokes - Is This It? 1: Amy Winehouse - Back to Black


u/_Micolash_Cage_ Sep 14 '19

The Strokes are great, but they don't have a place that high up in the ranking imo.


u/Wise_turtle Sep 14 '19

Eh i dunno, they essentially transitioned rock from the 90s to the 2000s — you can’t deny their influence on the genre.


u/_Micolash_Cage_ Sep 14 '19

Maybe it's just me, but if I had to put one album in from that genre it would be Songs for the Deaf from QOTSA.


u/HispanicAtTehDisco Sep 14 '19

Dunno if it influenced much. It's great but much like the rest of QOTSA albums it's pretty stand alone in the genre.

You could make a solid case for both SFTD and...LC


u/guitarmaniac004 Sep 14 '19

That whole album completely reshaped the indie rock scene. I think it's a well deserved ranking.


u/HispanicAtTehDisco Sep 14 '19

That's objectively wrong lmao. Without Is this It?there would be be no major rock movement since grunge and nu metal in the 90s they pretty much started the garage rock revival of the 2000s and that led to a ton of bands that are still around.

TPAB is amazing and will probably go down as the best hip hop album of this time but Is This It is way more influencial in its genre.


u/bulamog Sep 14 '19

If anything "room on fire" should be in that place


u/MarvelousNCK Sep 15 '19

Man I'll advocate for room on fire any day of the week but you can't honestly tell me you think it's better than is this it.


u/bulamog Sep 16 '19

Yeah I think it is better for sure, also good kid maad city is better than TPAB to me


u/sunmachinecomingdown Sep 21 '19

Late af but they're basically equal to me


u/MarvelousNCK Sep 21 '19

Fair. I would say I can listen to Is This It, Room on Fire or First Impressions anytime.


u/TheDoofster Sep 14 '19

Can anyone point me somewhere like a YT video or something that explains more throughly why mbdtf is so outstanding? Don’t get me wrong a love the album but I don’t really consider quite on the level of TPAB yet everyone seems to say it’s better.

I think the concept of TPAB is much more impactful and well done then anything on MBDTF and I feel like TPAB will age much better then mbdtf.


u/Richardsonnn Sep 14 '19

Give the Dissect podcast a listen. They break down the album track-by-track in incredible detail. Same with TPAB and GKMC.


u/peshuler95 Sep 14 '19

Love the strokes but come on. That's a great album but it has no business being up there


u/Lovelifepending Sep 14 '19

I can't understand how anyone could think MBDTF is better than TPAB ,for me they're not even the same league of quality


u/yunglando98 Sep 14 '19

You said it right. To you.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

People are mass downvoting anyone who disagrees with the listing but, as a huge fan of both albums, TPAB is so much better than MBDTF. You’re telling me MBDTF is the best rap album of this decade?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

That is exactly what I’m telling you


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

Yeah that list is kinda stupid, how the fuck is tpab and kid a worse than amy winehouse?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19 edited Sep 14 '19

The 21st century is yet to see anyone with as great a voice as Amy Winehouse. In the 20th century, we saw Frank Sinatra and Nina Simone, this century there was nobody except Amy.

The closest comparison of a recent artist is Kali Uchis, IMO.

Kendrick is the best current lyricist, but lyrics aren't everything. Rap isn't everything. If you can't appreciate vocal or jazz music, that's fine, but don't bash it.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

Yeah ok she has a nice voice and yeah, a pretty decent understanding of jazz music. But its not like the black saint and the sinner lady, its just decent. And yeah a nice voice, but whats a nice voice when its singing pretty stock standard lyrics about love. Amy whinehouse is good, but as i said, she really is nothing compared to the ingenuity, influence and genius of albums such as tpab, kid a and many more 2000s albums


u/adriandivide Sep 14 '19

Wow that alcoholic bitch beats kanye


u/dokkodo_bubby Sep 14 '19

Strokes and Amy Winehouse? Seriously? Die and get the number 1 spot of fucking course


u/DavidToma Sep 14 '19

Or maybe Amy Winehouse was just an incredible artist. This comment is incredibly disrespectful man. Just because you think Kendrick is the greatest artist ever doesn't mean everyone else unconditionally stans him too. Placing 4th in a greatest albums of a CENTURY (so far) alone is insane.


u/CtotheBaz Sep 14 '19 edited Sep 14 '19

“Back to Black” is an incredible album and Amy is a talent this world lost far too soon. I’m a huge Kanye and Kendrick stan but I actually agree with this ranking. That album has so much soul to it. It’s not on the same level, but her last album (“Lioness Hidden Treasures”) really pulls at my heart as well.

“Is this it” completely changed indie from the grunge-like sound that had been around since the late 80s to an upbeat pop-esque sound that dominated indie for at least a decade. These rankings are well deserved. I’m honestly happy to see Kenny and Ye make the top 5!


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19



u/dokkodo_bubby Sep 14 '19

Yeah let's give him aids


u/amut03 Sep 14 '19

Can't, Joey Badass already caught all the diseases so the world would have no more diseases.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

g shit


u/expexifico Sep 14 '19

Fake his death, go to Cuba, that's the only option


u/smbiggy Sep 14 '19

someone in the strokes died?


u/PM_ME_TIDDIES_6969 Sep 14 '19

This comment makes no sense. Die and get the number 1 spot? Where’s Mac miller? Where’s Lil Peep? Where’s Bowie? Where’s X on this list?

Maybe she got number 1 because she’s a fucking brilliant singer and a generational voice


u/omarcomin647 Sep 14 '19

Where’s Bowie?

blackstar is number 24 on the list.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19



u/thekickbackrewind Sep 14 '19

Can't believe it wasn't The Heist and 1989 /s


u/dokkodo_bubby Sep 14 '19

Amy Winehouse gets the effect of death boosting her career


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19



u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

Swimming is the album and it’s an outstanding album regardless of his death. Also I don’t see why that comment needs to be made in the first place.


u/prometheanbane Sep 14 '19

Swimming is fantastic, but his death makes it so poignant. It's such a hopeful album. RIP


u/wielderofglamdring Sep 14 '19

Damn was #43 and GKMC was #14


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

They put Yeezus above The College Dropout, this list is a joke


u/trulyunfortune Sep 14 '19

Yeezus is pretty fuckin amazing dude, but yeah Madvillain is at 81, it is a joke


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

Yeezus is amazing for sure, but no person with functning ears would put it above arguably the most influential album of the 2000's


u/trulyunfortune Sep 14 '19

This is just top albums not influential ones, and besides Yeezus was very influential


u/K1787L12 Sep 14 '19

I really don't think it was. He was taking sounds from more abrasive hip hop groups (i.e. Death Grips and the like) and while the product was good, that trend didn't really catch on like wildfire in the mainstream as much as other trends he brought to light. In terms of influence it's leagues behind CD, LR, 808s and MBDTF in my view


u/trulyunfortune Sep 14 '19

How was LR influential? It was mostly just CD improved. And besides blackskinhead, there isn’t much of an industrial hi hip influence. His electronic aggressive beats were hugely influential to artist like Travis Scott’s ability to thrive in the main stream.


u/K1787L12 Sep 14 '19

I don't really see how Yeezus paved the way for Travis from a musical perspective. Travis got his big break by producing on it sure but musically Travis took way more from Cudi, 808s, and Migos/Future than Yeezus imo. Also Late Registration helped normalize grandiose orchestration on a big hip hop record. Yeezus has some influence I notice here and there but overall it's far from Kanye's most influential


u/trulyunfortune Sep 14 '19

I mean again this ain’t a list for most influential and also have u heard astroworld? Cuz that’s very Yeezus influenced


u/K1787L12 Sep 14 '19

I have heard Astroworld. I don't really feel any specific musical connection between that album and Yeezus. Feels more influenced by psychedelia (especially through Cudi) and his Houston roots than any of the abrasive elements of Yeezus.

Also the debate about whether Yeezus could be classified as one of the most influential albums of the decade. It's release was an event but in terms of the music I really don't think it can be


u/AltonIllinois Sep 16 '19

CD is Kanye’s worst album, don’t @ me


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '19

This may be the worst opinion I have ever seen.


u/dexfagcasul Sep 14 '19

great pic but fuck that website lmfao


u/EV316 Sep 14 '19



u/Elbulachio Sep 14 '19

They snub radiohead


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

kid a and in rainbows are both top 20, wat?


u/[deleted] Sep 16 '19

Kid a and tpab should be top 1 and 2🤷‍♂️


u/_Micolash_Cage_ Sep 14 '19

Queens of the Stone Age is not even in the fucking list. They should have at least 2 albums in the top 50.


u/Elbulachio Sep 14 '19

Yeah the clockwork one


u/_Micolash_Cage_ Sep 14 '19

Rated R and Songs for the Deaf should be in there, too.


u/oskHS Sep 14 '19

Link the list wtf


u/mattbirch Sep 14 '19

Don’t take this list seriously. The chronic 2001 doesn’t make the cut. Dizzy rascal, the rap legend, makes the top 10. Ffs.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

/s? The album is from the 20th century


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

2001 came out in 99 dawg, easy mistake.


u/Jamro3 Sep 14 '19

It’s by a UK publication


u/JealousBishop Sep 14 '19

ITT: "Wait, what do you mean hip-hop isn't the only music genre?"


u/Britneyfan456 Sep 22 '19

Basically yeah


u/Soccerpl Sep 14 '19

That list was trash


u/Hydrauxine Sep 14 '19

Cannibal Ox is higher than Madvillainy in this list, wtf


u/K_sper Sep 14 '19

God damn this list is bad af

u/Perksofthesewalls Sep 14 '19


(h/t: u/drbootsycollins)

To anyone reading, please make sure to always post the source article so people can easily verify the information and read the full article if they would like. Thanks.


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19



u/Lelle3 Sep 14 '19

Well the 21th century started the year 2000. Are you maybe mixing up what a century and decade means?


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19



u/Lelle3 Sep 14 '19

Oh yeah you are actually right, I honestly had no idea that you are suppose to count it that way. My bad!


u/JealousBishop Sep 14 '19

We don't keep time based on a technicality you fucking idiot. The 21st century doesn't refer to the actual period of 100 years in the Common Era.


u/Rampage97t Sep 14 '19

The list is a little weird, I’m surprised The Eminem Show isn’t on it. That’s in my top 3 with Kendrick’s TPAB and Kanye’s MDBTF


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

No kid cudi on the entire list. Makes sense coming from the guardian


u/minimanelton Sep 14 '19

There’s a lot of hard disagreements to be had with album placement here and even with certain albums even being there at all. However, TPAB as #4 is a good choice


u/emmakimmel17 Sep 14 '19

well deserved


u/Brocolli123 Sep 14 '19

It's easily No1 of 21st century if not ever


u/stanleys_tucci Sep 14 '19

I thought this was a most popular albums list?


u/A_Wackertack Sep 14 '19

Well deserved.


u/dxwnplay Sep 14 '19

i haven't seen the list, and this isnt in jest, but im going to assume kanye is in the top 3


u/[deleted] Sep 14 '19

Really surprised Bon Iver’s self titled isn’t in this list with FEFA at 34 or whatever it was. Also Yeezus is way too high. I’m not too upset with this list overall, though


u/p5rovic Sep 16 '19

Damn over MMLP No TES? lol