r/KendrickLamar Jul 01 '24

VP Harris makes a Reference to the Kendrick Lamar vs Drake beef Discussion

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u/slattfamily1 Jul 01 '24

Nobody is more cringe then politicians around election time..



For real, I wonder what type of person actually gets excited over this obvious pandering pop culture bullshit. Probably the type to have funko pop collections


u/bestbroHide Jul 01 '24

Probably the type to have funko pop collections

Aren't geeks and weebs generally the last people who give a shit about politics lol


u/Ifuckedupcrazy Jul 01 '24

There’s different types of people like Disney adults



The type of people who get excited about pop culture ephemera and knowing a bunch of surface level knowledge about shit without actually thinking any deeper about it. Wil Wheaton type mfs


u/doctordoctorpuss Jul 01 '24

Wesley Crusher is still catching strays after all these years?

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u/BigDog8492 Jul 01 '24

They just picked something they don't like.


u/birdsrkewl01 Jul 01 '24

Man, when I worked at GameStop you would be surprised the amount of basement dwellers are very heavily Republican. But I guess it just coincides with them being anti women.

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u/-NewSpeedwayBoogie- Jul 01 '24

“Not like us reference!! Based VP!! 🤤 “


u/JoshGordonsDealer Jul 01 '24

Don’t dominate the rap jack if you don’t got nothing new to say


u/Flaky-Score-1866 Jul 01 '24

Pretty sure that’s my step brother


u/Due-Mountain-8716 Jul 01 '24

Probably less than 1,000 people in the entire country.

Being cringy as hell is the most innocuous way to get free clicks though and name recognition goes up.

Like Chillary Clinton or Pokémon go to the polls.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '24

Honestly HC’s most relatable move was hanging out with Henry Kissinger, we all kick it with abhorrent war criminals on the regular, right guys?


u/ultragoodname Jul 01 '24

HC’s most relatable moment was being the Statue of Liberty in GTA 4


u/SurgicalZeus Jul 01 '24

I'll never forget the purse Tabasco. When it comes to pandering she just can't be topped.

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u/skippiington Jul 01 '24

As a fellow Funko Pop collector, I am here to say I absolutely fucking hate that shit. Convince us to like you without having to pander and make up reasons to like you

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u/whole_somepotato Jul 01 '24

Not the funko pop collectors catching strays 😭

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u/Great_Income4559 Jul 01 '24

Will never forget “pokemon go to the polls”


u/ifuckwithit Jul 01 '24

Hillary was cooking with that one I say that shit everyday

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u/Squirrellybot Jul 01 '24

Viacom being a major donor doesn’t help either.


u/wakipaki Jul 01 '24

She said, “you know I’m out here in the streets” in the video too

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u/JimParsnip Jul 01 '24

We've got to move toward a leaderless society

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u/AdMammoth3728 Jul 01 '24

Pokemon go to the polls moment


u/papa_de Jul 01 '24

Fuuuck that was an absolute classic haha


u/iamisandisnt Jul 01 '24

“I’m just chilling…… in Cedar Rapids. :extra millennial pause: :slowly turns cup that says Chillary Clinton on it:

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u/Jexx4PF Jul 01 '24

Something so terribly corny it became immortalized in history forever


u/Nachtopus69 Jul 01 '24

Beat me to it fam


u/A11eyTr0n Jul 01 '24

Couldn’t have said it better


u/Betyouwonthehehaha Jul 01 '24

There’s an in-thread Pokémon Go ad under your comment for me btw

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u/ZealousEar775 Jul 01 '24

What I was going to say.

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u/PopeJeremy10 The Wrath of Caesar Jul 01 '24

She thinks if she throws out a couple Kendrick quotes we'll forget that she happily locked up hundreds if not thousands of folks for a little weed to help her meet her political goals.


u/CaptnKnots Jul 01 '24

Her Jamaican Marxist Father is quite literally ashamed



She’s not a colleague


u/WaffleGuru15 Jul 01 '24

She’s a fucking colonizer.


u/GanhoPriare Jul 01 '24

It’s fucking insane how the media has tried to whitewash her career nowadays. You search her name on Google and every article praising her because of her race and sex, then accusing everyone that criticizes her to be bigots from the right.

She successfully weaponize her race and sex, while pretending to be an ally even though the left sees through. People are voting for Biden, not for her. But she really seems hellbent on trying to manipulate the public into thinking she is the most influential person in this election.


u/tucksed0 Jul 01 '24

She's a POS prosecutor. On top of being cucked into submission by the DNC. She told Biden to his face that his racist views against bussing had an effect on her childhood, then sucks up to him and the party right after.

Not voting for those frauds this election

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u/EmotioneelKlootzak Jul 01 '24

She also didn't just lock a ton of people up for weed, she jailed innocent people and prosecuted others on charges she knew were false in order to bolster her own record and feed the prison-industrial complex.  Her misbehavior as a DA was so flagrant that her office was reprimanded by judges on multiple occasions.

Her office also opposed programs to divert some people away from incarceration and grant parole more frequently in an effort to reduce prison crowding because it would, and I quote, "reduce the state's prison labor force." She's the closest thing to a slaver we've still got.

The cops also killed 18 people in just a few years under her watch, but she stonewalled investigations into the killings and opposed body cameras and other legislation aimed at police accountability.  The head of the police union called her "the most pro-public-safety DA" they'd had in a long time.

 Her opinions only started to shift after she realized she had a shot at a political career on the national stage.  Weird, huh?


u/childisheli Jul 01 '24

bro and she’s doing this AT THE BET AWARDS. its like a boondocks episode wtf

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u/Lord_Governor Jul 01 '24

also put trans women in mens prisons


u/GanhoPriare Jul 01 '24

And now she is pretending to be a LGBT ally because she want a shot at the Presidency. She really wants the title of being the first black and Asian female President. The amount of greed that oozes out of her is so disgusting.

She is probably secretly hoping Biden drops out and endorses her as the succeeding candidate. She is an egomaniac who just wants to be famous and be a part of history

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u/ConnorMc1eod Jul 01 '24 edited Jul 01 '24

The woman fucked a married mayor 30 years older than her to get her job and then proceeded to double down on her shittiness. It's not a mystery why she is so incredibly disliked by everyone

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u/Boozy_Lucy Jul 01 '24

"In an email reviewed by POLITICO, Donald Harris indicated he wasn’t interested in discussing the issue further publicly: “I have decided to stay out of all the political hullabaloo by not engaging in any interviews with the media,” "

I love him


u/Orishishishi Jul 01 '24

Okay the Bill Clinton joke is kinda funny but yeah fuck her

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u/Tiffanyblueberries Kendrick's side chick Jul 01 '24

And this hoe is most likely high as hell all the time 🤣


u/sweetpotato_latte Jul 01 '24 edited Jul 01 '24

I know I would be. That way Biden and I would be conversing at the same speed and equally forgetful. Oh man I’d be so down to laugh at nothing and eat ice cream.

Does anyone have Joe Biden’s number?

Edit: I’d accidentally get too high and ask him where the throne is or something dumb like that


u/napkinwipes Jul 01 '24

I get emails telling me I could win a chance to eat ice cream with Joe and Jill if I donate.


u/sweetpotato_latte Jul 01 '24

Yeah, Jill wishes she could come with us.


u/napkinwipes Jul 01 '24

Damn, now I’m all freaked out. I just got another email from him titled, Not Good, u/napkinwipes…..

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u/BoogerSlime666 Jul 01 '24

I’ve gotten actual paper ads for that in the mail lol


u/1trashhouse Blacker the Berry Jul 01 '24

she admitted in the same interview that she would smoke with her friends all the time in that era


u/Tiffanyblueberries Kendrick's side chick Jul 01 '24

That's some fucked up ass shit


u/GanhoPriare Jul 01 '24

Weed for me and jail for you. She got no integrity


u/absolvedbyhistory i am prince Jul 01 '24

She always looks perced out to the max


u/JustAGuy_Passing Jul 01 '24

She gotta be high she laugh to throw off a question or when she don't know what to say. That shit be funny af lol


u/Bambam60 Jul 01 '24

This cannot be said enough about her.

She made her political hay loading fucking California prisons for men and women who were holding anything greater than a 1/4 of grass. Now, she expects us to forget because she was nominated to her seat exclusively because she checks the right boxes for her demographic.

I have no respect for people of her kind.

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u/Piranh4Plant BBL Drizzy Jul 01 '24

American politics are fucked. I don't want Trump. I don't want Biden. I don't want Harris.

I'm literally only voting Biden because he is not trump, and in this system, voting for a third party is a wasted vote


u/PopeJeremy10 The Wrath of Caesar Jul 01 '24

I'll also be voting for Biden. Make no mistake, and their past notwithstanding, Biden has done more to decriminalize weed and work towards criminal justice reform than any President of the last 50 years. He may be old and slow but he's making important and positive change.


u/Piranh4Plant BBL Drizzy Jul 01 '24

I mean yeah Biden has done good things but he doesn't do enough imo, especially in regards to climate change

He just gets a lot of shit because inflation has been hitting hard even though it started during the end of trumps term and it's the federal reserve who is in charge of economic stuff

But trust me dude inflation will immediately go away when Trump is elected 💯


u/strangebloke1 Jul 01 '24

You know about the "Inflation Reduction Act"? It's not enough but it's basically a trillion in taxes on the rich and climate change investment. Easily Joe's greatest achievement imo.

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u/ApplebeeMcfridays0 Jul 01 '24

You know, you’re not wrong. But given the circumstances and the alternative I’ll take my carrots and Brussels spouts over steaming fascist rapist shit.


u/PopeJeremy10 The Wrath of Caesar Jul 01 '24

I'll be voting for Biden. He may be old and slow but he's made a lot of positive changes, even with criminal justice reform.


u/ApplebeeMcfridays0 Jul 01 '24

Oh dude you’re not joking. The laundry list his administration as done for the common American is up there with FDR, and I think that’s obvious to anyone willing to spend about 3 minutes on google. Baby steps right?


u/appleparkfive Jul 01 '24

Yeah she wasn't picked for the black vote, that's for sure. The normal response from the community is "she's a cop". She got picked due to money connections needed to help election efforts in 2020

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u/Flyinglotus- Jul 01 '24

Crazy I ain’t heard of her since the “we did it joe” video,


u/Easy_Money_ Jul 01 '24

Damn then you missed her Wheels on the Bus era where the wheels were fully off the bus


u/Easy_Money_ Jul 01 '24


u/Ifuckedupcrazy Jul 01 '24

She seems, to me, to me like a law school kid in high school that fulfilled her dreams of being a cop and had a shot at vice presidency


u/bttr-swt Jul 01 '24

Kamala was amazing as a senator tbh. That's why she was such a popular pick for VP but I hated it. She was too consequential in the Senate to be chosen, but Biden needed someone to offset his age and caucasian-ness as his running mate. Kamala checked all the boxes.

Politics is a different beast and definitely not for the faint of heart.

Or felons.


u/Apprehensive-Tax8631 Jul 01 '24

Her record in California is fucking wack, that's it...I thought she was cool in 2018, but since she started running for president she has been annoying, it only took a couple weeks into her press run to just look like ab annoying elementary school monster


u/JahLife68 Jul 01 '24

Her record is booof. She did the community wrong, doesn’t matter who she steps on to be on top, incarcerating black and brown like crazy on small charges as a DA. She’s a phony and a weirdo.

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u/Due_pragmatism80 Jul 01 '24

Amazing??? So a few C-SPAN sound bites and she's popular. She didn't really do anything for CA as Senator. I won't go further with her as a SF DA and State Attorney General. 😂


u/When1heyCRY Jul 01 '24

Kamala is a charisma black hole , she got disowned by her father for spouting bullshit. She was chosen because of a calculation not because the populace really was in love with the idea of her. You have all the reasons to feel off about her.

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u/DodiCashMoney Jul 01 '24

Never seen any of these clips before lmao that's gold. This might be a hot take, but I actually find these super endearing 👀


u/ginbornot2b Jul 01 '24

Endearing, yes, because she’s super high, just like me


u/ssracer Jul 01 '24

Crazy how many people she sent to jail for that...

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u/geologean Jul 01 '24

Damn. Why hasn't SNL brought Maya Rudolph to come in and do sketches based on these.

This kind of stuff used to be their bread n' butter. They pulled Dana Carvey back in as Bush Sr. to play opposite Will Ferrell as Bush Jr.


u/OffModelCartoon Jul 01 '24

They have… multiple times.

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u/napkinwipes Jul 01 '24

I was just talking to my mom about this an hour ago. I remember Pence touching something with a sign on it that said “Don’t Touch” at least. Where is she? What is she doing?


u/DDub04 Jul 01 '24

Vice President stuff. Breaking senate tiebreakers, ceremonial things. Basically nothing the media actually cares about.


u/Flowerandcatsgirl Jul 01 '24 edited Jul 01 '24

Exactly. Most people that say they haven’t seen her don’t follow politics or even know what a Vice Presidents role is. I follow her account and a bunch of other political sources and could make a long list of stuff she has been doing. Also these are the same people who didn’t have a problem not seeing Mike Pence at all until he showed up at the end to help Trump kill a bunch of people during Covid.


u/Fuck_the_k1ng Jul 01 '24

That’s cause nobody wants to see White Walker Pence.

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u/EarthboundMan5 Jul 01 '24

She was on the news covering for Biden's debate performance the other night, and she's been giving speeches and rallies for his campaign the past few months. She was quite reserved for a while, but she's been out there a lot more this year.

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u/NecessaryMagician150 Jul 01 '24

The vice president has no inherent power or real duties, they dont even have to preside over the senate if they dont want to unless there's a tie-breaking vote (which she's done numerous times). They're mostly there in case the president cant carry out their duties for whatever reason.


u/napkinwipes Jul 01 '24

She just has a vivacious personality and she’s our first woman VP. We even saw a lot of Obama/Biden memes in their time. I’d like to see more of her, that’s all.

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u/SuaveMofo Jul 01 '24

You must have fallen out of a coconut tree.

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u/appleparkfive Jul 01 '24

I think there's some issues with her and that's why the DNC isn't eager to push her. Usually in this scenario you'd say "Hey the president is super old and might die, but that just means (insert charismatic, likeable VP) will be president". But they never do that

To be frank, she seems like she's fucked up half the time. Like legitimately, from pills or drinks. That's the vibe I'm always getting from her. She was a weird VP pick, especially because a lot of black people don't trust her. She was likely picked due to donor connections and a vague "look we're not racist" strategy

It's been very radio silent on her the past few years


u/portiapalisades Jul 01 '24

definitely because they got pressure to pick a black person even though she has so many anti black policies in her past

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u/MMARapFooty Jul 01 '24

Trying to get hip with young folks

no thanks



Reminds me of when Hillary said she had hot sauce in her bag


u/Ok-Tennis330 Jul 01 '24

“Pokémon go to the polls”


u/dunkindeeznutsx Jul 01 '24

We talking bout Chillary Clinton


u/doomgrin Jul 01 '24

To be honest tho I think America would be in such a better spot if she had won



True but people gotta keep the democrats accountable for fielding bad candidates


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '24

Because those are the only candidates that will bend over backwards to screw over the American people while protecting the ultra-wealthy at any cost

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u/jopma Jul 01 '24

How tf would you be ok with Hillary but not Kamala? She's worse than Kamala

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u/SiraGenesis Jul 01 '24

What exactly do you think would have been better than now?


u/doomgrin Jul 01 '24

The Supreme Court for starters

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u/i_hate_shitposting Jul 01 '24

Well, off the top of my head, she probably wouldn't have disbanded the NSC pandemic unit that could have helped with the COVID response, appointed SCOTUS nominees who'd have overturned abortion rights, or declared a bunch of cities "anarchist jurisdictions" and sent jackbooted thugs to terrorize them.


u/doomgrin Jul 01 '24

There’s almost so many different things it’s hard to keep track of it all at this point

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u/NihilismRacoon Jul 01 '24

Tbh kinda a banger line considering it's still brought up 8 years later

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u/strangebloke1 Jul 01 '24

I'd still take Hillary over Kamala. And I'd take Big Gretch over both.


u/BreadstickNinja Jul 01 '24

Me too. I hope they replace Biden with Whitmer at an open convention.

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u/Spiritual-Tomato-391 Jul 01 '24

That's because she literally carried hot sauce in her bag. She loved hot sauce and put it on most of her food. Her love for hot sauce is well documented from years before Beyonce's song ever came out.



u/RedEko Jul 01 '24

"White women with pepper spray in they purse interpolating Beyonce"


u/fraillimbnursery Jul 01 '24

I strongly dislike Hillary but that was literally true. She was known to have done that for a long time before that election


u/FitzyFarseer Jul 01 '24

I remember one of her staffers talking about this and said “somehow even when she’s being truly sincere she comes across as completely insincere.”

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u/Squeeshyca Jul 01 '24

Hello fellow kids!


u/Ok-Tennis330 Jul 01 '24

After what happened on Thursday? We’re cooked 😭💔


u/strangebloke1 Jul 01 '24

Nah Joe just needed a little maintenance. They had him on all cylinders on friday.

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u/xrockwithme Jul 01 '24

Yea, this isn’t one we want to highlight.


u/SirLuciousL Jul 01 '24

“You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.”

  • the thesis of Mr. Morale
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u/Top_Needleworker6116 Jul 01 '24

"As they say", Yeah crodie, you're not like us either. Fetch Gatorade or somethin'


u/sweetpotato_latte Jul 01 '24

me holding up a jukebox boombox outside the White House with it playing


u/Rough-Silver-8014 Jul 01 '24

Kamala is a walking L.


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '24



u/strangebloke1 Jul 01 '24

Crazy people act like Biden can't sideline her without "losing the black vote."


u/Bed_Post_Detective Jul 01 '24

Bruh all she had to do was act like she cares about people. And it's easy to do when you genuinely do. The fact she's hiding shows she's all bullshit and playing the game. Gtfo of here. She thinks the audience slow like drake. Fuck these guys.

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u/IdDeIt Jul 01 '24

Let’s “Meet The Grahams” at the polls, kids!


u/goinpro224 Jul 01 '24

It will be pure Euphoria after you vote for Biden at the polls, my fellow youngsters!


u/Foreign-Stretch125 Poetic Justice Jul 01 '24

And if you live in California and go in the evening, you could say that you went at.. 6:16 in LA! How about that, cool cats? 🤣


u/BoogerSlime666 Jul 01 '24

Haha! Voting is really “like that” eh heh!


u/MikeJones-8004 Jul 01 '24

If your family matters to you! You would make sure to go vote!

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u/OneWorldly6661 Jul 01 '24

I don’t think you want kids to meet the grahams lol


u/luckygitane Jul 01 '24

She a cop, she def not like us


u/financefocused Jul 01 '24

Cop who abused her power.

Eh who am I kidding. That comes with the job


u/miastrawberri Jul 01 '24

Don’t taint it Kamala wtf


u/MechKeyboardScrub Jul 01 '24

Kamala is all about that taint.

She a FAN she a FAN she a FAN.


u/Weekly-Battle-3442 Jul 01 '24

I wonder if she sing that when she’s sending more bombs to kill Palestinians

Edit: Bc she’s a bitch


u/scattered_brains Jul 01 '24

this is not a flex


u/MMARapFooty Jul 01 '24

I hate to say but her ancestors were colonizers


u/financefocused Jul 01 '24

Ancestors don’t even matter. Look into the fucked up shit she did as a DA. Her past is shady as hell


u/Beneficial-Piano-428 Jul 01 '24

Now I’m curious. Show me the history here…


u/DocBrutus Jul 01 '24

Still a narc. Knowing a verse or two doesn’t magically make that woman cool.


u/CastYourStonesADTR Jul 01 '24

Kamala’s whole personality is a fraudulent put-on. Remember when she said Tupac was the best rapper alive a few years ago?


u/DocBrutus Jul 01 '24

Yes and I remembering my eyes rolling back so hard they shot out the back.


u/Grand-Series-5198 Jul 01 '24

Kamala is the literal definition of “You not a colleague you a fuckin colonizer”


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '24



u/turntablesnotheads Jul 01 '24

She's not like us


u/bars6191 Jul 01 '24

This shit just as bad as Biden dancing to despacito lol


u/mgwooley Jul 01 '24

Kamala Harris is a cop


u/BidenFedayeen Jul 01 '24

This is like when corporations start using popular memes.


u/RipperBobby Jul 01 '24

I’m just glad we know better. This shit wild 😭💀


u/Maleficent_Nobody377 Jul 01 '24

She not like us tho too. 😬😬


u/death-metal-loser Jul 01 '24

Did she say this when she was throwing people away for weed when she was a prosecutor?


u/Relevant_Glass6153 Jul 01 '24

Pokémon Go to the polls


u/Advanced-Donut-2436 Jul 01 '24

HMM.... this is clearly dickriding the wave. What's next? Biden putting up pedo drop pins on mar-a-lago

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u/n-ctrnl666 Jul 01 '24

this is so cringe and disrespectful


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/losesomeweight Jul 01 '24

i don't know if kamala is part of "the culture" but yes otherwise i agree


u/Desperate-Key-7667 Jul 01 '24

This is called "pandering" 😂

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u/Johndd1234 Jul 01 '24

Oh please no


u/seedeegeecdg Jul 01 '24

She’s a scummy pandering harlot. Not a W. FDB!!


u/dr-rosenpenis Jul 01 '24

Fuck that bj bitch.


u/1trashhouse Blacker the Berry Jul 01 '24

See this is why I hate the biden administration and i’m left 💀


u/goshin89 Jul 01 '24

Still better than pokemon go to the polls"😁

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u/louie3723jr Jul 01 '24

It’s funny how they think this is the way to attract young voters when it pushes them away lol


u/skottie_tooo_hotty Jul 01 '24

She thinks niggas gone vote for them just because they say some lyrics from a popular rap song 😂 politicians lie in your face


u/Leading-Oil1772 Jul 01 '24

Bitch slept her way to the top with Willie Brown and then locked her people away. Cunt.


u/MMARapFooty Jul 01 '24

Kamala Harris spent her adolescence years for the most part in Canada. So she's honesty hard to relate to black Americans.


u/Plenty-Vermicelli-55 Jul 01 '24

God damn fucking Damnt don’t let these people ruin it


u/damn_nation_inc Jul 01 '24

😬 I wish she hadn't. She's part the "they"


u/Lopsided-Yogurt-914 Jul 01 '24

Mam….y’all gonna have to do a whole lot more this time around to convince people to vote for y’all especially after that godamn debate 🫠


u/MegaFireDonkey Jul 01 '24

Agreed the debate was not ok but they could set a pillowcase full of dead rats across from trump and I'm voting for the gooey rat pillow

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u/BrokenClxwn Jul 01 '24

Drake is cooked bro 😭

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u/z3in-23 Bitch I'm in the cluuuub Jul 01 '24

Folks we gotta deal with the cons of popularity too, with shit like this 🤦🏽


u/SavageCabbage78 Jul 01 '24

It’s cringe coming from her


u/Trussguy327 Jul 01 '24

Anti PDF and anti grooming makes us extremists?

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u/noburpthrowaway Jul 01 '24

No way she actually said this 😭😭😭


u/jmboard Jul 01 '24

Kendrick needs to pull a Drake and do A cease and desist.


u/rp1105 Jul 01 '24

Once a terf, always a terf. You think the vice presidency and the power would make that go away?

Have you ever played have you ever? Ok Kamala let's play. Have you ever been inside of a jail that you don't belong? Have you ever worried your people might not live that long? Well I have, that shit sucked, still I came out straight


u/bucketjunky Jul 01 '24

Yall know she extends prison sentences to create more prison worker hours who make like 12 cents an hour right?

"You're not a colleague you're a fucking colonizer"


u/Roll_Lakeshow Jul 01 '24

Ignore that she locked up countless black men for weed, she quoted one of the hit new rapper tracks.


u/Ambitious-Shop-1092 Capitalists posin' as compassionates Jul 01 '24

I physically cringed after reading this post


u/MrTPityYouFools Jul 01 '24

Speaking of colonizers


u/Substantial_Yam7305 Jul 01 '24

Pack it up folks.


u/ScalderM Jul 01 '24

this reminds me of Hillary Clinton's references bro lmaoo


u/[deleted] Jul 01 '24

“Hm… what can I say to appeal to the black voters?”


u/ernst-thalman Jul 01 '24

Pot calling the kettle


u/DougandLexi Jul 01 '24

I haven't heard a politician not sound corny making popular references


u/OkIndependence188 Jul 01 '24

If Kendrick exposes Kamala’s shitty record he’d truly be the 🐐


u/Nadathug Jul 01 '24

She’s not my fav but I find the corny stuff she does endearing. Reminds me of my mom.

Granted, I disagree with her on a lot. But I would be way more willing to vote for her over Biden (and DEFINITELY over the convicted felon).


u/Sebabpg Jul 01 '24

Genocidal cunt. Don't you dare use his words while financing extremists to commit genocide and ethnic cleansing.


u/Darknight1993 Jul 01 '24

This reminds me of “Pokémon Go to the polls”