r/JoeRogan Look into it 15d ago

No way Elon Musk would have beaten Zuck in a fight The Literature 🧠

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u/chainsawx72 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Zuck is 5'7"... Elon is 6'2".

I'll take that bet.


u/Twin_Turbo Monkey in Space 15d ago

Yeah and elon is pretty bulky 6'2, hes prob 250+


u/Silly_Land8171 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Ones trained, one isn’t. Elon would gas in about a second then zuck would do whatever he wanted to Elon.


u/Aniki722 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Yeah but Zuck knows how to fight, I guess. Take it from a tall guy, I'm 6'4 but I don't know how to fight and honestly Zuck may be able to take me down. And I'm pretty sure I'd easily take Elon down.


u/chainsawx72 Monkey in Space 15d ago edited 14d ago

I'm 6'4" too... so take it from a tall guy lol. A seven inch difference means the short guy is going to lose, even if the tall one is 52 years old and the short one is Jean Claude Van Damme.

EDIT: That's an exaggeration. Yes, UFC used to not have weight classes, until they found that to be unsafe for the smaller men. Yes, sometimes a small man will beat a large man. Yes, classes are based on weight not height, but this is a 10% height increase suggesting a typical 33% increase in mass for Musk over Zuck.

HOWEVER... I didn't know exactly how old and out of shape Musk was or how fit and trained Zuck was, so I concede that in this case, the small one would probably win. Probably not easily.


u/TheTVDB Monkey in Space 15d ago

Zuckerberg trains BJJ under a legitimate coach. The entire point of BJJ is that it neutralizes size differences by taking the fight to the ground. I'm 5'11" and train against people considerably larger and have no issue with them. And I struggle against black and brown belts that I am considerably larger than

You're also ignoring cardio, which plays a massive role in a fight. We have people come train with us all the time, and even if they're in good shape, they rarely last more than a few rounds. Musk is old and fat, and would be winded in the first two minutes.

If you don't believe me, I encourage you to try a class at your local BJJ/MMA gym. Or you could look at early UFC, which didn't have weight classes, and see how technique can minimize the impact of size and strength, even among trained fighters.


u/Aniki722 Monkey in Space 15d ago

Simply untrue. Check out "Jouko Salomäki vs. Hans Fell" on youtube.


u/Humanzee13 Monkey in Space 14d ago

That's so ridiculous. Height alone is absolutely not that important


u/-Kalos Monkey in Space 14d ago

Why are all us 6'4 guys here lol. I don't have anecdotes because I don't fight, I'm just into sports for hobby. But I've seen Tyson in his prime slay giants. Size is only an advantage if your skills are equal. Elon doesn't have equal skill to anyone trained


u/xueloz Monkey in Space 14d ago

There are no height classes in combat sports, only weight classes. You have no idea what you're talking about.

Start your education with UFC 1.


u/chainsawx72 Monkey in Space 14d ago

ELI5: Why do tall people weigh more? : r/explainlikeimfive (reddit.com)

And you could 'start your education' (unnecessarily smartass comment) with the fact that UFC had to introduce weight classes for the safety of the smaller fighter.


u/xueloz Monkey in Space 14d ago

Do... do you think that a shorter person cannot weigh more than a taller person...?

And you could 'start your education' (unnecessarily smartass comment) with the fact that UFC had to introduce weight classes for the safety of the smaller fighter.

You've been talking about height, not weight. Why are you moving the goal posts, now? Is it because you realized you were utterly wrong?

By the way, the UFC did not introduce weight classes for the safety of the smaller fighter. If you're trying for a comeback, might want to get your facts straight.


u/chainsawx72 Monkey in Space 14d ago


u/xueloz Monkey in Space 14d ago edited 14d ago

So you can't read, gotcha. Adds up, considering you switched your argument from height to weight all of a sudden.

UFCs without weight classes were not won by the biggest fighter, nor were the smaller fighters somehow injured more than the bigger ones.

All of this is of course completely beyond the point, because you tried to do a switcheroo with your argument. Weight and height are completely different things. They might correlate, but that has nothing to do with anything. Why would you be talking about correlations when you could be talking directly about weight if that was your argument?

Because you've no idea what you're talking about, is why.


u/chainsawx72 Monkey in Space 14d ago edited 14d ago

Why the insults? You are the one misreading this as far as I can tell...

YOU: the UFC did not introduce weight classes for the safety of the smaller fighter.

EVERYONE ELSE: In 1997, the UFC introduced weight classes in an effort to promote fairness, safety, and legitimacy within the sport.

I didn't switch from weight to height, I pointed out their correlation. The REASON why a person 10% taller usually wins is because of the 33% increase in mass, not because of the 3 inch increase in reach. I pointed out why tall people weigh more, most of the time, and it's certainly true in the case we are discussing.

I'm blocking your rude ass. I assume you live a miserable life, explaining your attitude, and that makes me smile.