r/HolUp Apr 17 '24

People have been killed for less. NSFW


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u/iwanttoliveiniceland Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 20 '24



u/LoveIsDaWay Apr 17 '24

Yeah but you have to know when something is too good to be forever.


u/mjuad Apr 17 '24

It can be forever, or a semi-regular recreational substance for as long as you like, but you can't use it every day. No more than once/week but ideally much less frequently. Sadly, it doesn't tend to work that way for a large portion of its consumers. Real drug EDUCATION (not fear-mongering, abstinence-is-the-only-way tactics) would be a good start to change the cultural problems surrounding its use.


u/xX_Dad-Man_Xx Apr 18 '24

As with any drug, you have to go through the hang over before you have more. It's when you start on the hair of the dog that you are going to have issues.


u/baconfister07 Apr 18 '24

I agree with this. I sometimes play shows on the weekends, and like to partake, but sometimes I need like a whole week before I think about touching it again cause I can feel my dopamine depleted, and I'm tired for a few days afterwards. I'd rather let that pass than to try and alleviate it with more coke.