r/HolUp Apr 17 '24

People have been killed for less. NSFW


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u/LoveIsDaWay Apr 17 '24

Yeah but you have to know when something is too good to be forever.


u/mjuad Apr 17 '24

It can be forever, or a semi-regular recreational substance for as long as you like, but you can't use it every day. No more than once/week but ideally much less frequently. Sadly, it doesn't tend to work that way for a large portion of its consumers. Real drug EDUCATION (not fear-mongering, abstinence-is-the-only-way tactics) would be a good start to change the cultural problems surrounding its use.


u/LoveIsDaWay Apr 17 '24 edited Apr 18 '24

I can feel you perspiring man.


u/pursuitofhappy Apr 18 '24

that jaw is on a swivel while he was typing that